Saturday, December 6, 2014

Cortana, Microsoft virtual assistant, arrives in Spain –

Eight months even after your announcement, Microsoft virtual assistant is now available in our country. Users of the preview of Windows Phone in Spain, France, Germany and Italy have access to a alpha version of Cortana , as reported by the Redmond company on your blog.

Cortana has arrived in alpha version for all practical purposes means that because that is new in these countries, some features are not available beta. However, Microsoft promises that “over time, we are planning to distribute Cortana as beta France, Italy, Germany and Spain , as in the United States, China and the UK”.

In parallel to the deployment of digital assistant Microsoft in these four new countries will release an update for Windows Phone Developer Preview Program that will incorporate four additional languages ​​. Cortana will be available through the preview to enlist the help of the community and conversation using the wizard coin, so that models can improve speech recognition and language for each of the new languages incorporated.

The alpha version that comes to Spain today lacks some of the features found in the beta currently available in the US, UK and China. For example, data traffic is limited to large cities and flight data are not yet available.

Instead, Microsoft has added some specific functions to Spain, France, Germany and Italy, as data from football leagues from these four countries. In Microsoft know what interests them Europeans, no doubt.

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