Florida, EUA.- The probe Curiosity NASA detected increase in levels of methane in the atmosphere of Mars , which indicates that something is emitting gas, but nobody knows why.
Most of atmospheric methane on Earth comes from the animal and plant life, and the environment itself. So methane Mars raises the question of the possibility of microbial past or present life on that planet. O gas elevations may be caused by geological sources, impacts of comets or other totally different source.
The most recent study, released Tuesday by the journal Science, suggests that there is less than half the expected level of methane in the atmosphere around the place is the Curiosity in the crater Gale. But during a Mars year probe measured considerably high level frequent and increases gas
“This temporary increase in methane -. A considerable rise and subsequent low – tells us that must have a relatively fixed supply, “said Sushil Atreya, University of Michigan and a member of the Curiosity , in a team statement.
” There are many possible biological sources and nonbiological, such as interaction between water and rocks. “
In addition, the Curiosity other organic molecules detected when he drilled a rock. Scientists said it is thought to be the first confirmation of organic carbon in a Martian rock. The identity of the organic material is unknown.
Christopher Webster, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, led the study of methane.
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