In a year have passed 35 million registered more than 80 users in 196 countries. The level of requests they get their purpose and reaches one hour daily. believes that this has been the best guarantee to get a round of funding of $ 25 million (20 million euros). It is not so bulky figure such as those typically aired Uber or start-ups fashion, but the platform of cyber itself boasts famous and historical world of technology among those providing financial support .
Few companies can boast among its investors the founders of LinkedIn, Twitter, Yahoo !, Microsoft, Virgin and Huffington Post , but is the case. In the latest round of financing platform entered Reid Hoffman, Evan Williams, Jerry Yang, Bill Gates, Bill Gates and Arianna Huffington. Ashton Kutcher, who does not seem such a bad idea Uber planease spy on journalists, is also among those who have contributed funds. Beyond the technological world, the business has also shown support. Include names like Nicolas Berggruen and Joe Lonsdale Palantir Fund and Sam Altman, president of the incubator start-ups fashion in Silicon Valley, Y Combinator.
Jennifer Dulski, president of the Service, believes that this support is due to the impact they have in the real world: “We do not want a group of venture capitalists, but relevant people supporting our vision and help us with their experience.” However, they are not an NGO, not a company nonprofit. “We framed within what is known as ‘social good’. We are a company looking to do good, to do business with ethical content. The money we reverses on the platform. Our intention is to be an example and others who want to start a business to see that you can get investment and do good. Hopefully follow this path entrepreneurs of tomorrow “is excited.
The business model is based on charging large NGO OXFAM is one of their customers more relevant ones for sponsoring campaigns and appear more profiles to join. In the past year have tripled the number of sponsored campaigns. “Basically, it’s free. A particular user will not pay for it, but it helps to grow “he explains. In general, are their own requests and interest through the dissemination social networks that determine the success
We do not want a group of venture capitalists, but relevant people supporting our vision and help us with their experience “
The funds will go to drive, especially The use from the phone: “To that actions are immediate,” says Dulski. It is a way of not losing relevance and that leaves an idea of change since imagine until you get to a computer.
We also want to promote more political actions so that communication between organizations and citizens more freely. For example, Dulski puts the mayor of Barcelona, Xavier Trias, one of the decision makers most active. Also the Paris and Sao Paulo. In total have 130 verified in Spain profiles. Thus referred to those able to realize the changes and want to interact through the service.
Part of the money will go too, do not hide it, to attract engineers, most precious and one of the most competitive fields in Silicon Valley. “Last year we recruited people from Netflix, Google or Twitter. The advantage is that they come because they believe in the mission “qualifies Dulski. The intention is to double the team in 2015.
The third goal that arise take a truly global momentum. “We want to be able to change the realities anywhere on the planet.” Spain is a special country to, which has six million users and keeps growing. BBVA, La Caixa, Sanitas, Coca-Cola and Burger King are among the companies that maintain a role of active listening within the platform, but if anything stands out is the number of deputies with Verified Profile, 25. “They respond more in any country. This gives an idea of our draft in Spain, “says
The platform has six million users in Spain. Latin America is where most grows
Dulski, who left Yahoo to sign for this service created by Ben Rattray, just arrived from Buenos Aires. “Latin America is where the more we grow. Especially Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Chile, “he says. The World Cup was the subject of a number of requests something. Cristina Kirchner’s government is under pressure to help patients with diabetes. US actions related to recent police actions multiply. “They ask with integrated cameras in uniform,” explains Dulski. “In New York mayor has already accepted. It will become increasingly common. This is another example of citizen power when you know channeling something logical,” he adds.
Every time you talk activism online emerges constant criticism: the activism of living or the slactivism , which refers to the laziness Dulski is clear that there are different degrees of involvement. “We do not say that the changes are simple, but it is a first step. Do not think in defeat before you start. What matters is tell it, have a good story to invite to join. “
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