Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Google News closed in Spain before the arrival of the Act … – Telam

Spain thus becomes the first country in the world that closes this service.

In a statement posted on the company blog, Google regrets the closure and ensures understand the “discontent” of users with the situation, while he stressed that it will maintain its “commitment” to “assist and work with the information sector.”

The closure was announced last week by the director of Google News week Richard Gingras, adding that Google News does not make money, so “this new approach is simply not sustainable” and that Google News creates “real value” for forwarding media people to their respective pages and helps them generate income advertising.

“It’s a service that hundreds of millions of people love and the Trust, including many in Spain. It is free and includes everything from major newspapers around the world to small publications and bloggers . Editors can you choose if they want their items out on Google News and most choose yes for good reason, “he added.

” This new legislation requires every Spanish publication should charge services like Google News to show even the smallest fragment of its publications, like it or not, “argued Gingras on the closure of the service.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Education, responsible for the standard , said that although the law goes into effect in January 2015 and has legal effects, requires a regulatory development. So I expected not until the second half of 2015 when publishers and aggregators can sit down and negotiate the terms of the new rate.


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