The social network Instagram photos announced Wednesday that it has exceeded 300 million users monthly active, which represents an increase of 100 million in the last nine months and places him above which until now was the second most popular social network, Twitter.
The social network of photographs was founded in San Francisco in 2010 In late October, when it presented its quarterly results, Twitter encrypted your monthly volume of 284 million active users worldwide, which lags behind the more than 300 million announced by Instagram.Instagram also said in a statement that over 70% of its users are outside the United States.
The social network of photographs was founded in San Francisco in 2010 by software engineers Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, and was acquired two years later by the still undisputed leader of social networks, Facebook , for 1,000 million.
Instagram, which allows users to share online from your mobile photos and videos with your friends and other users, has managed to fit very well with the younger and teen audience , which has found its main niche.
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