Thursday, December 18, 2014

Physics: 10 scientific milestones of 2014 – The Trade

The landing of the Philae probe into comet 67P, which took place on November 12, was chosen by the prestigious journal “Physics World” as the milestone of physics in 2014.

historic mission which carries the name of the mother ship, Rosetta- was selected among other advances by its meaning and fundamental importance of space science.

The Rosetta mission, He caught the attention not only of scientists but of much of the general public, was the culmination of a 10-year project of the European Space Agency (ESA), which led to the Rosetta spacecraft through the solar system to meet him with 67P / Churyumov-Gerasimenko in August.

After a series of unsuccessful landing that pushed the probe back into space, ESA received the sign of Philae was finally settled on the ice mass and dust that makes up the comet.

“In addition to await the results of the fascinating research scientists Rosetta recognize technological effort to pursue a comet for ten years and then place a laboratory advanced on its surface , “said Hamish Johnston, editor

As for the other prizes, Johnston noted that each” represents an important step of a team of talented researchers . and creative “

BBC tells you what are the other nine progress that has won a place in the list:

First images of the cosmic web

The hidden threads of dark matter that lie behind the visible universe were first seen by a quasar that illuminates a cloud of gas.

Neutrinos in the heart of the Sun

The Boxerino experiment in Italy detected neutrinos created by the main reaction that gives energy to the sun.

These neutrinos are created by proton-merger proton (pp) through the core of the sun.

Laser Fusion

US researchers NIF Laboratory (acronym for National Ignition Facility) in California managed to take a crucial step in the long road to clean energy generation by fusion, to get more energy in a fusion reaction that used to create it.

Ray acoustic tractor

Previously relegated to the world of science fiction, today the tractor beam, at least in the laboratory, is a reality.

A team of researchers built a device that can push a object with sound waves.

This device can be applied in the field of medicine, for example, to manipulate objects within the body.

Supernovas laboratory

Scientists recreated in UK exploding stars in miniature using a laser device.

This experiment shed light on some of the most powerful and unpredictable events of the Cosmos.

magnetic interaction between electrons

Researchers in Israel became the first to measure extremely weak magnetic interaction between two separate electrons.

A better fiber for pictures

A team of US scientists used a physical effect called “Anderson localization” to develop an optical fiber that improves the transmission of images.

Holographic Memory

Russian and American physicists devised a new type of holographic memory device that stores information as magnetic “bits”.

Quantum compression

Physical Canadian and Japanese demonstrated for the first time, which can compress valid for future computers, known as quantum bits data.

Quantum computers can search in databases exponentially faster than conventional computers data.


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