At one point in his career, Sundar Pichai said that Google get to work was a bad idea. And it was bad enough to try to convince one of his friends to follow the path of the startup was a risky bet, at least more stable employment than they had in McKinsey & amp; Company, a consulting firm specializing in management and administration issues.
During his talks with his friend, Pichai found his own arguments against working in Google were lazy, or at least not as solid as I thought, and by 1 April 2004, the engineer was within the company. His first task was working on equipment that improved the search bar of browsers. A modest work, perhaps, but of vital importance, as have a constant presence in the user’s browser was, somehow, ensure traffic to the Google search engine and, through it, to the lucrative advertising business online.
Pichai is a mild-mannered person, whose speech, rather than being full of energy, far from being impulsive, is a careful, at least in public issue. Yes, today is the CEO of Google, and during his career has been in charge of some of the products that are central to the lives of millions of people, but his words remain a matter weighed, well polished arguments. A man who, despite being powerful, is not afraid to doubt, stop and think.
And much of his thought is always tied to the solutions from the computer, it can pose problems facing of modern life, full of information, interconnected, complex and essentially chaotic. Several years ago, in front of a packed auditorium, Pichai paused and took the time to answer a question: “What is my vision for the search engine? I believe that through him we can offer a narrative of the interests and concerns of humanity. And this is a powerful tool to understand where we can be most effective, where the problems are and consider new ways to solve them. ”
So, you’ve started working on the computer’s search engine in the search bar, perhaps not an accident. Nor was the next evolution in his career: being part of the team that designed Chrome, the browser.
At first, Chrome was a gamble, because the market was dominated by Internet Explorer (from Microsoft) and Firefox (Mozilla Foundation).
But in the minds of Pichai, develop a browser was just a natural step if you wanted to attract more traffic to the search engine, and to the rest of Google’s business that work hand in hand with the search engine. Steven Levy has In the plex , his book about the history of Google, which initially both Larry Page and Sergey Brin (co-founders of the company), offered an unofficial support to the idea Chrome build; Eric Schmidt, by then CEO, was opposed, considering that enter the browser market would be an expensive affair.
To shorten the story, Chrome is now one of the dominant browsers industry and one of its main advantages is its loading speed.
Pichai was born 43 years ago in India. After college, he joined the Indian Institute of Technology to study engineering and then jumped through a grant toward a master’s at Stanford in 1993.
Although at first his ambitions so inclined to pursue a career in academia, Pichai did not continue the trail blazed toward a doctorate at Stanford and chose to start working. After a time he acquired a master’s degree in business administration in 2002, and shortly thereafter was to be found trying to convince his friend not to go to Google.
In 2013, after the success Chrome (the browser), among other things, Pichai was the man responsible for leading the division of Android, the mobile operating system company is now actively used by more than one billion people on a variety of devices, including phones and tablets around the world.
“More than one billion people use Android. This is the first computing platform they really reach new users who have never had an internet connection or a computer in your hands. It is the way to solve problems on a large scale, “in the words of Pichai own.
For many, choosing Pichai as CEO of Google is a natural matter, because it is a person deeply involved with the products of the company and whose vision is to find new ways to apply technology as learning machines and artificial intelligence to everyday tasks that millions of people made through their phones or search engine, now embedded in almost every aspect of daily life.
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