Thursday, November 19, 2015

How much is your Facebook profile? – BBC

Facebook Image copyright Getty

Have you ever wondered what it’s worth your Facebook? Well, something of value is and depends, apparently, on your nationality, gender and age.

Two researchers at the Carlos III de Madrid, Spain University, they said that the social network charges advertisers more or less depending on the above factors.

For example, a Spanish worth half an American, and launch advertising a millenians (youth group born in the early 80s to the early years of the last decade), almost always be more expensive than doing an adult.

Because there are exceptions, in England or in France the profiles of people over 50 are more expensive because they are a very interesting audience for brands.

In general, a Western profile costs more than an Asian or Latin American.

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Image caption The tool will complement browsers.

There are also gender differences: the cost per click of men is more expensive, while the cost per support is higher in women profiles corresponding to <. /> p>

To reach these conclusions, researchers, Angel and Ruben Cuevas Rumín, twins, developed a tool, Personal Data Valuation Tool .

Personal Data Valuation Tool based their research on a cluster of computers that analyzes more than 30,000 randomly selected profiles.

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Image caption In the future want to do the same experiment with advertising on Twitter and Google.

The data collected by the tool may differ on where you are, where you live and some tastes determined by your activity on Facebook.

Through them The researchers followed the profiles as if they were her personal brand.

So, what are the most expensive Facebook profiles are?

If you’re a woman middle-aged, you live in the US and you like to work , you are in one of the most attractive groups, and therefore more expensive to the network.

Soon the tool will be a add to browsers.

Personal Data Valuation Tool has shown that social networks are not free.

Thanks to this application, users you can install it know the value of their social profile and then know what the real price of Facebook.


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