Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Malware, the biggest threat in 2016 – NorteDigital.mx

México.- In 2016 malware on all platforms, from mobile devices to ATMs, cybersecurity will be the main threat to Latin America, according to the forecast drawn up by Kaspersky Lab.

Four of the five main threats identified for the region are related to this virus, experts say, will be more customized to the habits of the Latin American and in your language.

These are the five identified threats:

1. Increase in mobile malware

“In Latin America, many people were using cell old, but those days are past. Currently, many seniors or very young already use a smartphone as the only device to connect to the internet and with this cybercriminals are open to exploit a very large market, “said Dmitry Bestuzhev, director of the Research and Analysis Team Kaspersky Lab.


2. Ransomware tropicalizado

The next year will be more of these kinds of attacks, where criminals encrypted information after ransom, more campaigns and Spanish attacks.


3. Malware proliferation of attacks on ATMs

Criminals in Latin America are teaming up with their counterparts in Eastern Europe to buy or develop malicious code that allows cloned ATM cards or schedule to deliver Money

“There are situations that are very helpful to criminals: ATMs using older operating systems such as Windows 2000 or Windows XP that no longer can be updated and they are vulnerable.” said Fabio Assolini.


4. Hybrid attacks

To the attacks on companies, criminals will use social engineering and will be helped by people within the organization.

“In our region there is no prevention or trusted systems when they hire a new person and that is a risk to the organization, in addition, workers are poorly monitored, on the other hand to clear to disable access not be political, it becomes a threat ” said Roberto Martinez, a researcher at the company.


5. Attacks aimed at regional actors

They will be orchestrated by governments shrink to cyber attackers to steal economic and political secrets.

“I believe that it all began when we present the finding of Stuxnet in Iran, they have since appeared several campaigns in Spanish. There are campaigns that are happening now, but not all governments have the capacity to make these attacks, groups of mercenaries working for the money and not necessarily use this code as sophisticated, “Bestuzhev said.



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