Friday, January 1, 2016

An Internet 100 times faster than WiFi –




The Lifi technology, which uses light to transmit data directly, provides a more efficient and secure connections



A refrigerator that warns of the expiration date of food or a toothbrush to alert of any small caries and automatically make an appointment at the dentist. It is estimated that in 2023 there will be 22 million devices connected to the network that will revolutionize the relationship between objects and people. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) coined it as the “internet of things”. However, its development clashes with the saturation of the RF spectrum of wireless networks. The popularization of the use of permanently connected devices forced to seek new solutions.


The scientist at the University of Edinburgh, Harold Haas, discovered in 2011 that light from a single LED (light emitting diode) was able to transmit more data than a phone mast. The lab tests have achieved a transfer rate of up to 224 files gigabits per second. This would download 18 movies a snap. It is estimated that in 2019, global data traffic will increase to 24.3 exabytes per month (24,300 million gigabytes). The development of direct light connections (also known as lifi) is only the forerunner of a coming revolution.


Passed saturation


The main difference is that the wifi being the two electromagnetic waves to carry data, Lifi does through visible light rather than microwaves. The problem of saturation of the RF spectrum that reduces the speed of current connections is overcome. The obstacle to the implementation of smart cities no longer exist.


Still not sold, but there are companies that are planning to market solutions based on this technology. Fentanes Arturo Campos, director of Sisoft in Mexico, email account already in the miniaturization of their prototypes. This company has three patents transmission models and communication through leds. “The problem is with the hardware devices because the processor is not as fast to capture all packets it sends visible light,” he explains. The cost is another advantage because it requires large installations. The price will be, depending on the type of LED chip and between 50 and 800 euros.


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works like a morse code advanced. Just by installing a modulator, any LED would be able not only to give light, but also to transmit data. These modulators cause light turn on and off millions of times per second creating binary zeros and ones that encrypt the data. The blinking is imperceptible to the human eye, but not for a photodiode placed on the phones or computers that will be responsible for collecting the light changes and interpret them into information. Thus, the entire network of lighting a house and become a great router with multiple points of connection to connect gadgets.


This does not mean, however, the end of wifi. The design provides, in principle, only the descent of information (unidirectional), but scientists say they get, not only, for example, receive an email, but also to send, it would be as simple as placing a light emitter in the device (bidirectional). The idea is that the two systems coexist for more efficient and secure connections.




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And the data transmission limit its direct light within the room in which the transmitter and the receiver are. No person may interfere the signal, as it can be done by microwaves. This lack of interference favors installation in hospitals -in South Korea there is a project to eliminate all wiring of certain machines-or aircraft. The utilities are as many as the mind can imagine.


Test Pilot


The development of this technology had been hampered by the inability to get in real environments transmission speeds so superior to wifi data. In recent months, however, it has managed to successfully implement pilot basis in an office. This represents a quantum having achieved speeds of one gigabit per second jump. That is 100 times the average speed offered by WiFi. “It is a very important step because the main problem we encountered in real environments are interference as, for example, natural light,” says Ana García Armada, Professor of Signal Theory and Communications at the Carlos III University of Madrid .


The commercial implementation requires a redesign of many of the existing transmitting equipment and receivers, although scientists working for, for example, the camera of any smartphone can be used to decode the signal light. Telecommunications companies such as Vodafone, allowed to be following their progress carefully to assess the potential benefits.


A generation of smart cars


The lifi technology will also revolutionize the way round. A Spanish project is developing a prototype modulator to access the Internet wirelessly through streetlights. “We are at an early stage but we hope that in a few years can become a commercial reality,” says Professor García Armada, which participates in the project.


The lighting of the roads will become a vast network connection. Intelligent cars can communicate with each other through the LED headlamps. In this case, having both direct light emitters, you can establish two-way interaction. Among the features: prevent accidents by automatically detected a sharp reduction in speed vehicle ahead



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