Thursday, January 14, 2016

Final Boss The world’s hardest – IGN Spain

When I was asked to analyze That Dragon, Cancer I thought … I knew this game would not be like the others, because I do not I’m like everyone else on this title. Ryan Green and Josh Larson, developers and creators of this game, intended to not leave anyone indifferent that was brave enough to confront his work … And what if they have managed … And thank you for what have also achieved. But desgranemos That Dragon, Cancer gradually.

32 Games to Keep on Your Radar in 2016

As always the first question is: are we really to a game? For me the answer would be no. That Dragon, Cancer is more than a game , which shows how interactive and precious raw reality, but in a watered down experience and pixelated. Somewhat mischievously, introduces several gameplay elements, such as a mini-game in 2D then talk more in depth.

We start the story in a beautiful forest, watching a baby feeding a duck in a pond. Hear and read to the protagonists of this story to go, gradually discovering what is That Dragon, Cancer. The baby is the center of everything: Joel . Playing in the park, laughing, having fun … The beautiful countryside encourages it if it were not because something is not right. Black trees and bushes populate the scene. At first only a few, then they increase in number and in each room and place we visited. Forward in history to know that this little angel’s days on earth. Suffers brain cancer. The black trees show their faces: they are cancer cells. We will travel with him, their parents, their memories, their experiences, everything that is family lived, how he felt, how they changed the world. Since the terrible trials that no child should ever happen, to the agonizing moment when we report the worst: it is terminal. From here all rushes, starting with a lump in the throat of the player only increases by stepping to the early and tragic end … Although we’ll get a surprise.

The mechanics are simple and effective. We see everything in the first person ever checking the world changes around us . We can see through a duck, another time we fly from one place to another in the form of a bird, or simply be to see how it all unfolds. We will interact with certain objects or scenes that enrich and provide dynamism to the experience to the point where really know That Dragon, Cancer: through a recreational Joel will play with a classic style 2D platformer game . Joel becomes a hero with sword and shield, advancing killing bugs to encounter the fearsome dragon that cancer will try to win. If you fall into this subset, the father appears as a playable character and have another chance … Although we anticipate that the balance is far from balanced. All this minigame recreation will be accompanied by the narration of Joel’s parents explaining to their children the threat hanging over them, to understand the struggle that Joel must face even when you have no chance of victory. A beautiful way to sweeten a tragic reality.

In the same line but in another time, we enjoy the laughter of Joel, riding a car race in the corridors of the hospital, mother and son enjoy while we attempt by all means pick up strange objects in the circuit. After three laps count our awards will let us know who are treated medically complicated drug particles, hormones and other officers involved in the medical section of Joel. Again, 10 to how to transform something gray in a world of color .

That Dragon, Cancer lasts about two hours … But need enough more time to recover , I assure you. There are two points that we should highlight any other in this game: section sound and visuals. We assume that this game happens to a sad simple story to a title that reaches deep thanks to his narrative, based on one of the most difficult to control tools: the metaphors . The whole game holds endless metaphors that will get our hearts to shrink the pace of our finger clicking the mouse, to accumulate in our throat so many tears and laughter of Joel in the game. Therefore music-sound and image are the main advantages of this work.

En sound section enjoy melodies that envelop the senses and take us directly to the story, each time supported by dubbing of 10 that makes us feel like the mother, father, brothers, doctors … as each person listed. The sound effects also met with interest. Has anyone experienced in real life a sleepless night without getting a baby to calm down and stop mourn? Does the anguish caused? Does the need for peace and quiet? That Dragon, Cancer get you to feel in your own flesh … So ask yourself questions such as Fe, fear, discover your own limits and give new meaning to the word “love” . This and much more encloses this work.

In the visuals we discover a colorful world almost pastel, which vary depending on the time and place. Transforming, adapting, becoming a character that goes unnoticed but without whom nothing would be the same. Cancer cells present, threatening, in black. Joel drugs in fluorescent green, something that breaks the aesthetic and should not be there. An important theme in this section is the aspect of the people featured in the game. No expensive or excessive traits that determine more than ubicarles in context. At first this may cause rejection … but then you find that the story you’re living, you see, is the daily life of many families, many “Joels”. Cancer is a reality that affects many People in the world and thanks to this genius of staging, these people can feel identified with the little Joel … And how do I know? Basically because I have come to experience. Anyone who has a close relative who has lived or live the reality of bloody cancer, like me, will be reflected in the faces of the characters.

Therefore I would like to make it clear that despite the tears that I have escaped both playing it and writing this text (not ashamed to admit it), That Dragon, Cancer is a beautiful game experience , I advise everyone to enjoy at least once. The player who starts the game is not the same as just . As one who has looked into the eyes of Dragon in real life. Do not go back to being the same whether you lose as if you win the hard battle. Whether you suffer as if you live near someone … nothing will ever be the same. In this title you can find pure feelings, hope, anxiety, defeat, victory … everything. Who says videogames are just entertainment? Who said that only generate violence and antisocial children? Who said that a game could ever be art? To all who ever said anything about this, in particular, need to play That Dragon, Cancer.

The verdict

More than a game, it is an experience. More than an experience, it’s art. More than art, is a tribute to all those who fight against the worst and most difficult Final Boss there. For those who still have a “CONTINUE” … and for all those who unfortunately discovered a “Game Over”. The beautiful gesture of Ryan Green, and everyone who has made this title possible, to achieve global awareness of this disease and what it entails, has managed to go a step further: make the small Joel, like many others, they are immortal.


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