Monday, January 18, 2016

Hololens Microsoft will have a range of five hours – ComputerWorld Venezuela


 HoloLens The following Microsoft spokesman revealed some pills information on the proposed new virtual reality company and its connectivity and operating system among others.

We still know very little about the New virtual reality helmet that Microsoft will bring to market. But gradually, our doubts will dissipate and every time we have more information of what will be the competence of Oculus and HTC. By studying on the new HoloLens Petri, know the characteristics of battery, connectivity and compatibility with other applications.

It was in Tel Aviv, where Bruce Harris, technical spokesman Microsoft, shared some details on the hull VR. He reported that will be tangible for developers in this first quarter of the year but still do not know the release date for consumer or public companies. Harris also revealed the autonomy of device: between two and a half hours and a half to five hours, depending on the task you are performing. As for connectivity, HoloLens is compatible with any device with Bluetooth or Wi-Fi connection.

The spokesman also revealed that the center will work with the new, Windows 10 operating system and the visibility will be similar to see a screen of 15 inches to 60 centimeters eye something that would directly limit the battery and the total cost of the apparatus. Harris said that this will only be the beginning of the model, and we still have much work to optimize the field of view and the chain of manufacture of the device to make it cheaper.

Despite having solved the doubts and learn a little more HoloLens, we still have much to learn about what the next move of Microsoft. We still have the most important information: when it will be available to the end user. But we hope that this news will appear along these first months.


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