Does a Kindle made between 2007 and 2012? You must hurry up, connect to the network your e-book reader and download an update for your device to keep it running properly.
If not, users can not download books from the store, synchronize or use other services Kindle.
Amazon sent an alert to users of its most famous device, adding that the Kindle will no longer connect to the Internet if they are not updated until March 22.
If more I can never update Internet connect my Kindle? Yes, you can enter the network. But the process will be more complex and will require downloading the software, connect the e-reader to PC and from there upgrade, an unfriendly mechanism for most users. That is why Amazon asked the update is performed, if possible, today.
In its announcement, Amazon made available to users a table with the models affected by the patch and offered access to . further details of the update, including steps to be followed by those who did not install the new software today
Kindle models that must be updated are: Kindle first and second generation; Kindle DX second generation; Kindle Keyboard third generation; Kindle of fourth and fifth generation; Kindle Touch fourth generation; and Kindle Paperwhite of fifth generation.
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