Monday, March 28, 2016

New console PlayStation 4 to support 4K would leave the market before October – Financial Journal

Diario Financiero Online

Sony presented a new version of the PlayStation 4 console, known so far as PlayStation 4K, before presenting the virtual reality helmet PlayStation VR in October, according to the Wall Street Journal.

according to US media, the Japanese reportedly planning to sell a more powerful version of the PlayStation 4 to provide gaming experiences art including virtual reality, while continuing production of its existing console that has sold over 36 million units worldwide.

the owners of the PS4 would have to buy the new model to make the most of the graphics and power, though it is likely that the model ctual and next to share the same catalog of software.

the new console would be announced before the launch of virtual reality helmet PlayStation VR planned for October.

the new PlayStation console would be able to support 4K addition to providing a more solid basis to operate the PlayStation VR, whose main competitors like the Oculus Rift Facebook and HTC Vive are designed to work with computers last generation



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