In 2010 the team of Craig Venter and Clyde Hutchinson marked a turning point in history had created the first “synthetic bacteria” . With that milestone already settled, the next step was to try to discover What are the minimum necessary to operate genes an organism . But it was not until now that a new team, led by these two researchers, has succeeded in identifying genes for the minimum life work and also be able to continue to play in Mycoplasma . The genome is smaller than any that can be found in nature. In addition, part of the work done has tried to identify the function of these genes. With this work we are one step closer to understanding the true potential of synthetic biology gives us.
The smallest genome
473 genes. Does not exist in nature, no living organism whose genetic material is so infinitesimally small. However, thanks to synthetic biology techniques developed by Venter and Hutchinson years ago, it has been developed in the laboratory. The milestone is a before and after in biology and synthetic biology. And that answers a question that has been haunting the minds of researchers from the nineties: What is the minimum you need a cell to survive and reproduce After designing the first synthetic organism, years? back, the next step was to know this important detail. Thus, the team decided to work with Mycoplasma , one of the bacteria with the smallest material nature. Mycoplasmas also contain the least amount of known genes, so it seemed the ideal candidate to start eliminating “unnecessary” genes
In order to identify strictly necessary for life genes, the team used transposons. These elements consist of foreign genetic material “inserted” between the existing genetic material, “cutting” function. Thus, they used to screen transposon functions a large amount of genetic material Mycoplasma . Gradually, the team was cutting more and more genetic material from the body by various genetic techniques . This process has taken years of trial and error that has led to cataloging the genes of this synthetic genome and its function. During this process it became clear that in addition to the essential genetic material, a number of genes necessary to allow continuity of the body and reproduction.
Genes “cuasiesenciales”
they referred to as genes cuasiesenciales by Venter’s team and Hutchinson are not strictly necessary to ensure the life in the body. However, they themselves are essential in maintaining continuity. And what proved after numerous trials trying to assess the role of each of the genes . As part of the result of the genes that were listed as “dispensable” they were actually as cuasiesenciales. This explains the study’s authors say, why so far the efforts to create a “cell” minimum able to continue his race I had not worked.
From all the synthetic genome, there is still 30% of unknown function
However, all the synthetic genome, there is still 30% whose function is unknown, although the operation of much of it is suspected because of homologies found in other similar genes. The genetic material of this Mycoplasma synthetic biology developed by contains 473 genes in 510 thousand base pairs (mycoplasmas contain about 70.0000 base pairs). This genome has been called JCVI-syn3.0 by the investigators and contains only the essential. That is, it does not have the genes that modify and control DNA. It also lacks the genes encoding lipoproteins. In the JCVI-syn3.0 itself almost all related to reading and expression of genetic information in the genome and the preservation of genetic information in all generations genes are maintained.
The Future synthetic biology
with this design artificial, synthetic biology gives an interesting step in the operation of life. Literally it is a tool with which to study what role specific genes in a living being. This will help us better understand how to use genetics to all applications : production, treatment, diagnosis, analysis … The tools of synthetic biology do nothing but grow. If we can develop a fully synthetic organism to do what we need to do we can create a tiny and efficient machine that is able to create special drugs, biofuels or biological products chemically impossible to create by simple processes. We can also develop “armies” of microorganisms ready to bioremediate a contaminated or create agents capable of decontaminating an infected by a deadly bacterium atmosphere.
Andrea Danti | Shutterstock
Of course, it takes a lot more research into a completely new field. Is an area whose doors opened just a few years ago. However, the advance of genetic techniques and other aspects of synthetic biology, enabled, in less than a decade, scoring two of the most important milestones in biology : create a cell and identify minimum synthetic genes for operation. From here forward, the future looks simply brilliant. It is only a matter of time to see how far allow us to reach this discovery.
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