still occupies a “place Central “at the scene of information on the Internet, but Twitter reaches its tenth birthday pressed by disgruntled investors, a business that fails to explode and the challenge of defining in this 2016 its background and way: betray its essence in pursuit growth?
the March 21, 2006, Jack Dorsey gave life to the microblogging network to publish his first tweet. Today, 320 million people tweeting every month: Twitter is undoubtedly the ideal choice for addicts informative frenzy, the massive and repeated data consumption network, but is unable to attract less demanding users, who are lost in the platform.
in charge of change course is Jack Dorsey, who took the reins of the company in mid last year after being expelled from the post of CEO in 2008.
“We are aware that there are still people who Twitter it is difficult (…) our mission is to make it easier for new while we take care of our most dedicated users,” said Vice President of sales . the company in Europe, Bruce Daisley
the difficulty of Twitter to grow your number of active users is one of the main problems in the last quarter of 2015 did not increase base tweeters. ¿Touched your roof?
“That is the question that should be on the table. The current logic of Twitter, which is following intensive users, is closely linked to real time, chronologically, to 140 characters. Can come up trocar that in order to conquer a plausible and nothing certain scene of another mass of users? “mused responsible for digital strategy of Weblogs SL, Antonio Ortiz.
“it’s a debate that exists from the beginning. if your business model is valuable for people who are not fanatical of information that is where the Gordian knot is” continued
the real-time. live reporting are the essence of this network since its birth, a feature that attracted those “superconsumidores” but also the media and personalities from politics, sports, science or culture.
“Twitter is the fastest way to connect live with what interests you,” he defended Daisley. “We are in a moment to remind us what is good Twitter and trying to enhance those virtues with simplicity,” added
For Ortiz, the platform “has a value not yet got her snatch. It is that place central to the information that comes influential people in informational terms-from Barack Obama to Lady GaGa-. the pulse and the value of Twitter to drive and collect the public agenda not have other “.
Although they want to have it and are moving to achieve it. Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat are some of them
” Twitter pales much “when compared with the rate use, the number of users and advertising proposals for Facebook, said Ortiz. dark as their future see some who have ventured to predict his death.
“People love drama. The service has very good health. (…) We are at a time of evolution and growth “, defended the vice president of Twitter
.” There’s a nickname that you put these companies. or explode and sos hegemonic tool and do not stop never grow or worthless There is a vision very polarized, some very extremist narratives of triumphs and failures, “reflected Ortiz.
” Jack impact is tremendous. it helps us understand our challenges, “said Daisley. “Jack turned to take strong decisions,” concluded Ortiz
The 2016 will be key.. “We just embark on the most exciting product development year,” promised Daisley
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