You may have received messages on Facebook that would interest you to read and you do not even have heard.
It is because the courier of the social network has a mailbox hidden input, and not about the “Request message”.
folder is actually part of the filtration system of the network that devised Mark Zuckerberg and was designed to save the spam .
However, several users of the social network have found dozens of messages legítimosentre the sea of unwanted, buried under four different menus.
The easiest way to access these messages “lost” is copying this link into your browser
But you can also reach them from the Facebook Messenger, the instant messaging application of social network, as follows:
- Select the icon “Settings”, the last of the lower menu
- click on “People”.
- Choose the “Request message” option.
- Click on the “View requests filtered”, you’ll find under the messages accumulated in the tray.
From the website
- click on the gear icon located in the upper left corner
- Select” Application messages “
- Choose “View requests filtered”
you’ll encounter some spam , but also with messages from users who are not in your contacts and dating back several years ago.
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