Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Facebook now describe the images for users with visual disabilities – El Heraldo (Colombia)

“This image contains mountains, trees and birds.” This is one of the descriptions may give the new Facebook application Automatic Alternative Tect (AAT), which allow visually impaired people can know what images publish their friends in this social network.

Through recognition technology, this application generates descriptions of the photographs. Each description begins with “image may contain” and will be limited to 100 words.

If food describes what type of food is and if they are people describe what these (smiling, two people) and features landscape where (sky, water, sea, mountains) are located. It also describes transportation and sports.

The tool was created by Matt King, a blind engineer working for Facebook, and has worked to facilitate equal access to information. The app is available in English for Apple devices such as iPhone or iPad. Later it will be for Android and web browsers.

There are 300 million blind and visually impaired in the world. Besides that every day more than 2,000 million photographs are published through different social networks.

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