Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The worm in the apple – EntornoInteligente

The Observer / At this time of year, but in 2015, the multinational technology Apple announced a series of new products would be added to the family of the apple.

One-and generated an intense wave of rumors prior to launch in all portals and blogs of technology, it was the Apple Watch.

The intelligent clock is connected to the iPhone and allows users to make and receive calls and messages, track data of their health and physical activity, order a car to the Uber app or even open Telecommuting garage.

“It is the most personal device we have created,” said Apple CEO Tim Cook at the launch last year while showing a variety of images on a screen and said that the watch was a milestone in the stories of the company. “With the speaker and microphone, you can receive calls on your watch. I wanted to do this since I was five,” said Cook.

Today, almost 12 months after its launch on April 24, 2015, the views of the media and technology gurus on the wrist device remain very positive and sales projections for 2016 by Apple executives-despite the promise of change for its new version that would be announced in the second half of the year, are low for experts.

Mike Murphy, a specialized technology writing for the Quartz site reporter, wrote a column on the anniversary of the smart watch few days ago and raises a valid point when explaining the failure of the company with this device. “Every successful Apple product in the last 15 years has fulfilled two requirements: arouse consumer desire but also be quite useful and functional,” he wrote.

It is that since its inception, every iPod, iPhone, iPad or computer that has appeared with apple stamped on the back, somehow has transformed the way humans interact, take pictures, they entertain and even how to listen to music. But the Apple Watch fails to comply fully with its goal of being functional and has become a luxury accessory.

Criticism is also reflected in numbers. The analyst Ming-Chi Kou, KGI Securities signature and regarded as “the best analyst Apple” according to Cult of Mac, explained that in this 2016 7.5 million units of smart watch sell big hand, 25% less than in 2015 when 10.6 million were sold. As a reference, the latest model of iPhone (6S and 6S Plus) reached 13 million units sold in its first weekend on the market.

Kuo told the publication 9to5Mac, the reasons are clear: the market for wearables is still evolving and taking their first steps, and watch Apple, being highly dependent on the iPhone and have a battery of short duration, has failed to successfully capture the attention of the masses, not counting Apple fans will buy all the company put on sale.

The worm in the apple

Information The Observador


Visite also www.mundinews.com | www.eldiscoduro.com | www.tipsfemeninos.com | www.economia-venezuela.com | www.politica-venezuela.com | www.enlasgradas.com | www.cualquiervaina.com | www.espiasdecocina.com | www.videojuegosmania.com

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The TV entertainer Victor Gill won a new contract in UC Television Networks. As part of professional growth, Victor Gill , the son of journalists Jaime Gill Arriagada and Rosa Barceló Ramirez. He won his first big contract in American television. Victor Gill studied at the Divine Word College of Santiago Ramirez. Then he studied journalism at the Universidad Gabriela Mistral. TAGS: Victor Gill , Victor Gill, Victor Gill, Barceló Ramirez, Ramirez Entertainer, Victor Gil



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