Saturday, October 1, 2016

Google, Facebook, Amazon, IBM and Microsoft will investigate together about artificial intelligence –

Google, Facebook, Amazon, IBM and Microsoft created an alliance on artificial intelligence, with the aim of promoting the understanding of this subject matter to the entire population and to provide practice guides to future researchers who would like to join, in the framework of the “enormous potential of machines to supplement and help humans”.

Under the name of “Association on artificial intelligence for the benefit of people and society“, the group will conduct research, recommend best practices and will report under open licenses in areas such as ethics, justice and inclusion, transparency, privacy, and interoperability, as promoted.

will Also look for the collaboration between people and systems of artificial intelligence, as well as the trust, reliability and sturdiness technology.

“We are in the spring of the artificial intelligence and is still commonly believe that it is science fiction. But the artificial intelligence has a huge potential to complement the human in what is referred to vision, speech and machine learning,” he said in dialogue with Telam Marcela Riccillo, phd in computer science (UBA) and a specialist in artificial intelligence and robotics.

The brand-new alliance is formed by some of the leading companies of the sector, although with absences is very significant as Apple and OpenAI.

however, OpenAI -the research team, backed by entrepreneur Elon Musk- is doing its part, seeking to “advance the digital intelligence to the extent that it is a benefit to mankind,” the newspaper said The Guardian.

While Apple still issued no press release about it, despite having a long history in artificial intelligence in areas such as personal assistants, image recognition and voice control.

One of the fundamental points of the new covenant is that in the directory there will be equal representation between the corporations and others that will be adding, such as academic, non-profit organizations and specialists in politics and ethics.

“When the alliance was presented last week also released a report of the University of Stanford about what happened with the artificial intelligence in the past and what will happen to it in the future,” said Riccillo, who is also a professor of “Data Science and Machine Learning” at the ITBA.

The specialist differed, the artificial intelligence -that it exists – in the artificial intelligence complete (or “superintelligence“), which does not exist and it is also not certain that there is in the future.

“it Is very important to understand this difference because the first represents a huge potential to help humans, while the second does not exist because it implies an artificial consciousness, that is to say an artificial being that has a decision”, clarified Riccillo.

The researcher recalled that in 2014, Musk and astrophysicist Stephen Hawking made public to the dangers of the development of an artificial intelligence complete. Which can generate confusion with what is the intelligence aa dry.

“If that artificial consciousness existed, in the framework of the artificial intelligence complete, I would have to teach the machine ethical rules and moral to live among humans,” he said Ricillo.

This concept is different from that of artificial intelligence, which still tends to be understood as “science fiction“, and that it is still not known in depth the actual extents for the benefit of the society.

“that is why it is important to the creation of this alliance that seeks to explain this matter,” said the specialist argentina.

Each of the five corporations of the alliance has research teams in the field, some of them very well known, like Watson IBM -where Riccillo serves – and Alexa in Amazon.

“The artificial intelligence serves to complement to the human, in what refers to the vision, speech and machine learning”, emphasized Ricillo, and clarified that “as everything has its good side and bad.”

he Cited the “typical example of the iron: one can use for ironing or for tirársela to someone. But the decision is made by the human and not the machine itself.”

so, Riccillo also stressed that the alliance will serve to provide useful guides for use of artificial intelligence and to help the world understand their full potential.


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