Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Humanity exhaust the planet’s resources for 2014 – InfoBAE.com



 The super moon rises in the natural park and Biosphere Reserve between El Burgo and Ronda near Malaga
The super moon rises in the park and biosphere reserve between El Burgo and Ronda near Malaga Credit: Reuters
This was established by the NGO Footprint Network, which carries this account every year.
“For the rest of the year, our consumption will be a deficit increasing ecological reserves that use natural resources and increase the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, “said the NGO.
This fateful day, the NGO called the” day of overrun “occurs each once before, ie humanity exhausts its “green budget” increasingly rapidly. In 1993, that day was on 21 October; in 2003, on September 22; and last year, on August 20 .
Humanity is “in a position of ecological debt” from the 70s, according to the NGO Global Fund for Nature (WWF, in his acronym in English). “Today, the 86% of the world population lives in countries where more nature than their own ecosystems can renew ,” he said in a statement.
The organization explained that when this date is reached is considered the Day of Excess Earth, representing an opportunity to take action against the consumption of natural resources.
According to Global Footprint Network, need a planet and a half to produce the renewable resources needed to sustain the current pace of consumption humankind .
According to the NGOs, UAE require resources 12.3 UAE to resist your current lifestyle. Japan requires USA 7 and 1.9 .
On the NGO is a questionnaire to analyze what degree of collaboration with this situation has each according to his way of life . Click to reply to.
Although data are frightening, there is still time to take “bold steps and build a prosperous future” sustainable use of resources. “But you must act now!” Said the director of conservation programs WWF France, Diane Simiu.
Some ideas proposed by the NGOs are renewable energies, less rich in meat diets, end the linear-waste fuel economy and embrace circular economy where Waste few other resources are, or rethink urbanism.






   <- Begin Chartbeat Tag ->
   <- End Chartbeat Tag -> <- Begin Digital Analytix Tag ->

   <- End Digital Analytix Tag ->
   <- Begin DAX ct.js import ->
   <- End DAX ct.js import -> <- 770px ->


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