The Mediterranean light, the work of Joaquín Sorolla and inspire children ‘Rime’ an “evocative” game starring a helpless child and first developed in Spain for PlayStation 4 console.
The title, in development for the last year and a half and will be published worldwide in 2015, is the result of idealism and tenacity studio Tequila Works, consisting of a team of 25 people working from central Madrid square of Columbus.
This week, ‘Rime’ has grabbed everyone’s attention by being part of the presentation of Sony Computer Entertainment at Gamescom fair in Cologne.
“‘ Rime ‘is, above all, an evocative experience, is a sensation game in which light and sound create a composition in which the player manages to feel like a kid, “he explained from colonial times creative director, Raul Rubio .
Childhood, exploration and loss-as well as the acceptance of that loss-are essential aspects included in this game, and an action adventure puzzles which aims to have soul. “The plot of the game is that every ending is a beginning” , summarized its creative director.
The partnership with Sony, detailed Rubio, has allowed to realize Tequila Works this idea we took ‘years in the head. “
The atmosphere and ambience of’ Rime ‘drink of Joaquín Sorolla paintings and light of the Mediterranean Sea and aim to make the island where there occurs a set, but a character in itself .
Rubio stressed that the audience for video games is no longer fixed on things like graphics, polygons or number of weapons , “but seeks deeper content, a story, a feeling that take you to link to something they have inside.”
“We seem to have awakened the change does I? I think what has happened is that the video game industry itself is coming as a means to that end of childhood. During childhood primal instincts are all as joy, sadness, hatred, explosions (…), but when you grow a little start to make the really important questions, “he noted.
In this regard, considers alternative titles like ‘Papers please’, ‘Shadow of the Colossus’, ‘Ico’ , ‘Journey’, ‘Gone Home’ or ‘Minecraft’ are contributing to the change in perception of the medium.
“For us, we are small and our view is subjective, this build is not the big billionaires games dazzle and try to look like Hollywood, but to intimate games trying to look at themselves or go to the sources as a form of inspiration, “he added on creative.
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