Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Seven ways to create more secure passwords –

The company, which has already uncovered another type of computer theft, did not disclose the names of the victims, citing confidentiality agreements and the reluctance of reputable companies whose sites affected were vulnerable.

” Hackers are not limited to American companies went to any web site that might collect data from Fortune 500 companies like very small websites, “said Alex Holden, the founder and director of Hold Security.

After making public research, the company will work with the security forces to guide an investigation by legal means, but the Russian government has not historically persecuted hackers.

The case is the latest to raise concerns about the security measures that both large and small companies use to protect personal information online incident.

Although not sure the advantage that hackers are able to take these few recommendations that you can take into account when creating passwords to protect your data in the cloud.

Make a long password

The recommended minimum length is eight characters, but 14 is better and 25 better but some services have character limit on passwords.

Use combinations of letters and numbers, case sensitivity, and signs, as the question.

Some sites do not allow this, but try to vary it as much as possible. “PaSsWoRd! 43″ is better than “password43.”

Avoid words that are in dictionaries, even if it includes numbers and symbols

There are programs that can decrypt passwords collating databases and familiar words. One trick is to add numbers to the middle of a word like “pas123swor456d” instead of “password123456″. Another trick is to think of a phrase and use only the first letter of each word, such as “lzpsseph” from the initials of “brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.”

Replace characters

For example, using the number zero for the letter O, or replace with S $ .

Avoid using words easy to guess, even if they are not in the dictionary.

Do not use your name, your company or your town, for example. Avoid pet names and family too as well as things that can be ascertained, such as his birthday or ZIP code. Although you could use that as part of a complex password. Try your zip code or reverse phone and insert it into a string of letters.

You should not use the word “password” or “password” as your password, or letters that appear consecutively in the keyboard such as “1234″ or “qwerty”.

Never use the same password in more than one place, but there are two exceptions.

okay to use simple passwords and repeat on sites that require registration for, say, read the whole story on a news portal, as long as the password does not allow access to functions involving cards credit. This allows you to concentrate on keeping passwords reinforced the most essential bills.

The other exception is entered using a centralized service. Hulu, for example, can connect using the name and password of Facebook rather than creating a separate account. Technically you are not reusing the password, but the system would use Hulu intake Facebook. Hulu does not keep account information. This makes it important to have a strong password on Facebook.

Some services like Gmail given the option to use two passwords when a device is first used. The service sends a text message to a six-digit code to your phone when you try to get into Gmail from an unknown device. This allows you to enter and the code expires after. The hackers can not get into the account unless they have your phone.


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