Friday, August 15, 2014

The Government plans Wednesday to move 200 new … – Washington Post


The Government plans Thursday to move more than 200 immigrants arrived from the coast of Tarifa (Cádiz) in the last days at different Centers for Foreigners (CIE), whereas they are 750 immigrants who are currently housed in the two sports centers in Tarifa for that purpose.

In an interview with Europa Press, the Government Sub Cádiz, Javier Torre, states that also on the premises of the police station in Algeciras are Wednesday 164 immigrants.

Immigrants are being moved to other CIE of the country, if While women and children will be distributed by NGOs on “humanitarian grounds”. The output rate of immigrants who depart daily from Tarifa, either by repatriation, bound for an ICD or an NGO is at the moment about 200 people a day.

However, it is hoped this rate increase, “always acting under the Aliens Act, but the fastest way possible,” something that will help strengthening judicial means in the area as well as the strengthening of the police station in Algeciras by Aliens units in the province of Cadiz and Seville.

Torre thanked the president of the Audiencia Provincial de Cádiz, Manuel Estrella, and President of the High Court of Justice of Andalusia, Lorenzo River, their willingness to “surge” of judicial networks in the area.

Agents face a “tough and hard” work of literature review of more than 1,200 immigrants who must pass by the Commissariat Algeciras. The deputy Minister Cadiz highlights that agents are carrying out this work “with a personal commitment beyond what often may require service.”

The device assisting immigrants still Tarifa are being developed and coordinated by the Red Cross, Civil Protection and Tragsa. The Government is coordinating the situation so that all Red Cross assistive devices “can be provided as quickly as” worrying “a lot” the subject of food, for which “important mechanism” must arbitrate, as there to offer three meals a day with a large group of people.

Meanwhile, Tragsa is “helping to provide services” one of the two pavilions, the oldest, to “maintain the conditions” which these people live, “considering that the situation is as it is.”

“The processes are working,” says the deputy Minister Cadiz, to say that “everything is always room for improvement” and “overcrowding must suffer because there is no alternative”, hoping to “unblock” the situation “as quickly as possible.”

A De Torre him “proud” that it has rescued 1,200 people from the water “and there has been no late than sorry”, demonstrating “the level of services Maritime Rescue Spain”. “The level of professionalism of the Civil Guard Maritime Rescue and Red Cross has been established in this situation,” he says.

Finally, insists highlight the “excellent work” of all operators rescue and relief device, which has achieved that “what could have been raised as a human tragedy has become a humanitarian emergency.”


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