Saturday, December 13, 2014

A Geminid meteor shower lights up the sky tonight –

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The Geminids, one of the most active meteor showers, reoffered as each year in December, its highest activity. The shower of shooting stars can be seen today from midnight without problems, since the moon is waning.
As explained Mariano Ribas, Galileo Galilei Planetarium in Buenos Aires, the show can be seen at first glance, even in cities. “The peak of activity will be between 23 and 4.30, when it begins to clear. It should preferably look the upper middle part of the sky (from 50th up) and north. The ideal is thrown on the floor or, better yet, really comfortable in a lawn chair, “he advised. How many meteors we see? “In the countryside, away from artificial lights, no less than 30 Geminid meteors per hour and cities, between 5 and 15 per hour,” he said.
Last year, the peak of the Geminid meteor reached 120 per hour and they became the most spectacular shower of 2013, with more than popular August Perse id activity.
The origin of the Geminids is something particular. Instead of resulting particles of dust that leaves a comet, like the rest of the rains, coming from an asteroid called 3200 Phaeton.
Astronomers believe that this is a rocky comet, an asteroid about enabling much sun forms a tail surface breakage due to overheating. The particles leaving the path are those that disintegrate when entering the atmosphere when the Earth crosses its path. Then the beautiful lines appear bright in the sky.
To see the Geminids is suitable away from the city lights and find a dark place in the field with cloudy horizon. We do not need no binoculars or telescope. Before leaving, make sure that the sky is covered with clouds and load up on patience and enthusiasm. The show is free.


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