Saturday, December 13, 2014

The meteor shower Geminids, enjoyed by thousands of … – Ideal Digital

It’s happening at this very moment. An alternative plan for a Saturday night. The Geminid shower of shooting stars tonight reaches from 13 to 14 December peak of activity. The best time of observation shall be at one o’clock in the Peninsula, according to the Institut d’Astrophysique de Canarias (IAC).

The moon, waning, will leave around midnight, but will not be a problem for observation because they fall a lot of meteors, an average of one every two minutes. Some of them will be very bright and flashy.

Obviously, from the moment in which it was disclosed the news have been many reactions that have taken place on this particular case.

No wonder, since it has a special interest and well being tested in various Internet forums, social networks and media.

The Geminid meteor shower will point end to astronomical phenomena, 2014. A battle of meteors that run until 17 December and will reach its highest point between Saturday night and Sunday morning.

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This was confirmed by NASA, who expected a shower of large meteor activity from Gemini.

Both spoken of 120 meteors per hour at 35 km / h, tremendous veloidad where they exist.

The sky will become an arena for an unforgettable picture. The meteors, comets residues left after passing near the Sun, will be present in the sky.

When the Earth crosses the path of these, meteors reach the atmosphere and change its state from solid to gas, generating these light rains.

Always considering the version of the NASA, “unlike most meteor showers that originate from comets, Geminids originate from the asteroid 3200 Phaethon, which takes 1.4 years to orbit the Sun”. The show starts at around 21 or 22 hours.

It is recommended to have patience to enjoy this astronomical show, look for dark areas away from cities and wait for the weather conditions are favorable.

How could it be otherwise We look forward to all the new emerging on this case, which is attracting media attention in the country.


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