Saturday, January 16, 2016

Catherine Comet will be visible north of Hermosillo: Astronomer – Uniradio News

 Friday, January 15, 12:44 pm by
 Uniradio News


  By Jael Esparza

  Hermosillo .- In two days the Catalina comet can be seen north of Hermosillo supported binoculars, astronomer Fernando Avila Castro said.

  commented Catherine comes from Oort cloud, which is considered debris from the formation of the solar system, and will be moving to a distance of 110 million kilometers.

  Catalina explained that the comet was discovered in 2013 and that cost millions of years the route to reach the solar system.

  He said that the Sun’s gravity pulled the comet in the solar system, and in the same way is giving impetus to grip faster and ejected from the system itself.

  “It looks after approximately 02:00 hours to the north, say that is between the Big Dipper and North Star, the North Star,” he explained, referring to whether it can see in Hermosillo.

  Ávila Castro said it is inaccurate to say the size of Catalina, since the only visible part is the cloud of dust and gas left on the trip, but about the size of comets is between 10 and 20 kilometers only.

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