Friday, January 15, 2016

The best days to observe the comet Catalina are these … –


It can be seen with the naked eye, but it will be just this once because then you will leave the solar system.

Agencies CANCUN, Q. Roo.- The Comet Catalina may seen in Quintana Roo and the entire Yucatan Peninsula at its best between the 16 and January 18 , and is only necessary to use binoculars, reported Yucatecan astronomer, Eddie Salazar Gamboa through a statement Notimex.

in Cancun will be able to see it in low light and in some remote beaches glow hotel. Since last week, the Planetarium Ka’Yok ‘in Cancun, makes observations of Comet

You may also like:. You can see the Comet Catalina naked eye

Professor Merida Institute of Technology (ITM), Eddie Salazar Gamboa, said that for three days, the comet will be at its perigee – closest point to Earth – , it is ie at a distance of 149 000 598 kilometers or 0.5 light years, and its brilliance is of magnitude six.

This, he explained in an interview, is the first and only time the comet was observed, discovered ago just over two years, as it has a hyperbolic orbit period, “so it will travel to infinity”.

At first glance

He commented that the passage of the comet will be appreciated with the naked eye for those who have good night vision, however, the best thing is using binoculars as well as the location of the observer in a completely dark room and away of cities.

A person with excellent vision, especially children, can detect the stars of this magnitude “, similar to what happens with the so called” Star polar “, but recalled that this is a magnitude of 2.1 brightness and” the less magnitude have, brighter the celestial body. “

The best time to observe this fireball is at 4:30 hours, standing next to Arthur, ie, alpha or brightest star of Botero.


The comet C / 2013US Catalina It was discovered on October 31, 2013 brightness magnitude of 18.6, which had its closest to the Sun–point perihelion in Novembers 2015 and “now approaching Earth,” he said Salazar Gamboa.

He indicated that Catherine comes from the Oort Cloud, area where they are called objects trasneptunianos and because of the gravity of the giant planets was attracted to the solar system, Thus began what its orbit toward the sun.

There are short-period comets, as Encke, which is 4.3 years, as well as the middle orbit, like Halley’s, 76.1 years, and other hyperbolic type, which will never return.


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