Saturday, March 19, 2016

DNA found a mysterious human species native to Melanesia – EntornoInteligente / less than ten years ago was found in Siberia fragment of a little child about 50,000 years revealed the existence of a human species new to science. It was the man Denisova, name given by the place where it was dug finger, and later two teeth, and it turned out to be related in a very forthcoming with Neanderthals.

Now researchers at the University of Washington and Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig have discovered a significant amount of Denisovan DNA in the inhabitants of the islands of Melanesia in the Pacific Ocean, thousands of kilometers from Siberia.

Many scientists have tried to find out when and where the Homo Sapiens was crossed with Neanderthals, which have remains those of Asian or European descent. “different populations have slightly different levels of Neandertal ancestry, which probably means that humans met several times with the Neanderthals as they spread across Europe ?, explains Benjamin Vernot, a postdoctoral student at the University of Washington and responsible work.

But where had contact our ancestors Denisovans is more difficult to say. Researchers believe that, contrary to what happened to the Neanderthals, occurred only once. Denisovans is probably spread from Siberia to East Asia. The first humans with Denisovan and Neanderthal ancestor may have traveled throughout Southeast Asia and, eventually, some of their descendants came to the islands of northern Australia.

The researchers analyzed the genome 1,523 individuals from different geographical origins. In those from Melanesia, to 4% of the genome turned out to be Denisovan.

Previously, researchers had located large regions of the genome where humans do not carry any Neanderthal sequence. “We now know that some of these regions are also devoid of sequences denisovanas ?, said Vernot, referred to as “archaic deserts? that reinforce the argument that something that’s uniquely human.

The research team also identified the genes inherited from Neanderthals and Denisovans which represented an advantage for the ancestors of modern Melanesians. “Some of the sequences that modern humans inherited from Neanderthals and Denisovans helped our ancestors survive and reproduce, said Joshua Akey, an expert in evolutionary genetics of Washington.

they find DNA from a mysterious human species native Melanesia


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