Sunday, October 6, 2013

A day without earthquakes for a population that feels cheated - The

Start the first weekend after the earthquake will surpass the border of magnitude 4 on the Richter scale the last 1st of October, with a 4.3 quake that blew all alarms. On Saturday morning the ship not carrying out each business day of the week to about 20 workers at the plant Castor gas offshore that come and go every day. Other many operators spend the night there to perform maintenance required by the industrial facility located more than 20 kilometers from the coast of Vinaroz (Castellón).

private dock in port Vinaroz the company that holds the gas injection in the basement, UGS Scales, there is no activity and a security guard forbids anyone to step approach . And the same happens in the streets of the towns closest to the offshore platform. Although the National Geographic Institute (IGN) has recorded more than 15 earthquakes during the night of Saturday, none have been noticeable from the coast and people quiet dawn on a sunny morning that makes you forget the hectic day before.

On Friday, the sky was overcast and the sea very rough as if portend that something would happen at sea. And early in the afternoon, a helicopter and a patrol of the civil guard landed on the platform sent by the Office of Castellón in order to verify that the plant is not injecting gas into the ground, something the company says UGS Scales made last September 16 and that a ministerial order prohibiting from 26.

not forget the population are Vinaroz promises of prosperity and employment promotion made to them from the promoter and from the government and created some expectations that were not met in absolute.

“I do not know anyone of the people who work there” , tells Manuel Paris, Vinaroz retired fisherman, while repairing of fishing nets in the fishing port. “Before, while building the platform and the ground floor, there were some girls who worked there and some administrative contracts working for the Castor. But now, there is nothing. Were thrown at all,” he says.


says one of the project workers Castor, the only local employee is the security guard we blocked the way to the dock of the company in the port of Vinaroz.

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