Saturday, October 12, 2013

A hoax to rate Whatsapp - The

Words like ‘hoax’ or ‘viral’ is not used in our language until just a few years. And now, used or not perfectly describe situations such as occurred during more than 24 hours. In this case, we could say that a “hoax” became a ‘viral’ through the mobile app Whatsapp.

concrete terms: a funny invented the Metro de Madrid had been a bomb threat on multiple lines, which Principe Pio station was taken by police , which also had to be careful to Renfe trains climb … And he wrote in a message and sent it to all his agenda through Whatsapp messaging system.

The medium is ideal for the simple reason that it has millions of users in Spain and because messages are free . Of course, if each message costase worth 15 cents as other conventional SMS, sure the matter would not have reached more.

Anyway, on Thursday began running the hoax, because the message was accompanied with a request that it resends all known to be careful. To support his supposed veracity, was accompanied (with variations) with some type “the father of a friend works at the Samur and have confirmed it.”

message, summarized, saying “There bomb threat on lines 10, 4 and 1 Metro , are the lines of Alcorcón, Goya, Sol, Colón, P. Pius … The threat haunts Principe Pio station specifically, but you know … you can not trust … Renfe eye too. “

Then he added: “If people know Spread this is important because they have decided not to broadcast it on TV. armored Pio is ‘secret’ and national. Stay tuned for people who may know you can take the Metro this afternoon, evening or tomorrow morning. “


After Thursday night (though perhaps began before) the matter was everywhere. Yesterday, just before lunchtime, several office received the message, but from different contacts that do not know each other. In writing this paper, several journalists received the message, also from different sources and with some words changed, but essentially it was the same.

own National Police announced on his Twitter account yesterday morning: “Alleged threats or explosive risk of any city public transportation? LIE, hoax … not believe it, ignore it, do not reenvíes! ».

Hours later, almost derisively and insisted: “As the custard: Again! IS FALSE, LIE, without any basis , the HALLWAY of alleged bomb threats in public transport. OR CASE. “

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