Friday, October 25, 2013

Peter Higgs fears that Spain lost the forefront of science - La Voz de Galicia

The day before the delivery of the Princes of Asturias prizes, with the winners already in Oviedo, became a claim in defense of science and strong support for Spain not lose, to Because of the cuts, the gains of the past decades. The first to open fire were the parents of the Higgs boson, the God particle, physicists and Nobel laureates Peter Higgs and François Englert, who warned that the cuts in research may lead to losing the forefront Spain reached in the past 30 years and slow the development of basic science necessary for progress.

“It would be a pity that in Spain, a country that until 30 years ago was far behind the other countries in support of science and in recent years has reached the most advanced countries, the economic crisis made him stay back again, “lamented Higgs. The director general of the European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN), Rolf Heuer, also awarded the Prince of Asturias Research, although the Nobel has forgotten him, agreed with his colleagues. “It is very important not to cut back on research, it is the basis to overcome the economic crisis and is the main way to moderate the future,” he said.

Then came the turn of the president of the Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science, Peter Gruss, Prince of Asturias Award for International Cooperation. “Spain-said-should strive to retain their young brains” while urging “all Spanish politicians to invest more rather than cut back on basic research because that will allow the economy thrive.”

In another context, Higgs denied that there is contradiction between science and faith. “Although I am not a believer, there is no conflict between the creator God and what we have discovered the universe is perfectly possible to have religious beliefs and science be both,” he said in comments reported by Europa Press.

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