Apple has released the first announcement of its new iPhone 5S in the United States, with gold color model as the protagonist. The ‘spot’ was issued in the U.S. network Fox, and highlights some of the most innovative external features of the terminal, as the True Tone flash of your camera or sensor Touch ID.
The apple company has renewed the original notice issued to promote the iPhone 5S at the time of its release.
This is a slightly shorter version and has already appeared cosponsored with the operator Verizon in advertising Football Fox network
This time, Apple has opted for the iPhone 5S gold as the main element of the ad.
The ‘spot’ begins with a block of solid gold that melts into liquid forming a silhouette that gradually becomes the latest smartphone golden model of Apple and then also appear gray and silver space.
The iPhone 5S is taking shape as the gold comprises various elements of the terminal. Among these are essentially the True Tone flash isight camera and fingerprint sensor Touch ID.
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