Saturday, October 26, 2013

Three out of four children of thirteen Spanish has mobile - La Voz de Galicia

The use of technology is linked to youth and childhood. According to the INE survey on equipment and use of ICT (information and tecnlogías communication), Internet is a very common from ten. Nine out of ten children of that age have a computer and Internet use, this pattern is maintained, up very slightly, gradually until age 15, 97% have a computer and 94% connect to the Web

Another thing is the phones. Finally, at age fifteen have almost all (90.2%) but the jump would get with eleven to twelve years old, when they start in ESO. The figures are very indicative: at 10, only a few use the phone (26%), at 11 is being introduced (41) and 12 extends between the majority (58.9%). From there the increase is staggered: 13 years (75.8), 14 years (84.4) and 15 years (90.2%).

If when having a computer or Internet connection there is little difference between boys and girls (they have more, but only two points, 94 to 96%), mobile within the distance is enormous. Thus, in the group of 10-15 years, 67% of girls use cell compared to 59% of children. The ease to socialize women and their need to communicate explain why the teen bum phones is more related to the female gender.

The INE survey also adult speech. In that sense, in Spain Internet and computers are common (more than 72% between 16 and 74 years used) and the mobile phone has become an indispensable tool for all (94% is handled). Some 13 million Spanish (37%) have purchased a good or service on the Internet some time in their life.

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