Monday, October 14, 2013

The Nobel Prize in Economics is announced no clear favorite Monday - CNN


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  • Copenhagen. (MarketWatch). – The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced Monday failure Nobel Prize in Economics , which will close the round of winners of the Nobel Prize centennial .

    forecasts developed by Swedish media does not show any clear favorite, but a wide range of names in most have in common that they are a U.S. citizen or play his research in the U.S.

    Possible candidates the award include Robert Barro and Paul Romer, specializing in economic growth, Robert Schiller and Richard Thaler, financial experts, Ernst Fehrm, behavioral economics, and former chief economist World Bank, Anne Kreuger.


    microeconomics as Avanish Dixit, Bengt Halmström, Jean Tirole, Joshua Angrist and David Card, in econometrics (Jerry Hausman) or finance (Douglas Diamond) are named in lists drawn up by Swedish economists collecting daily Dagens Nyheter .

    David Hendry, Hashem Pesaran, Lars Peter Hansen, Angus Deaton, Peter Phillips, Sam Peltzman, Richard Posner are other names appearing in previous lotteries, which are mere speculation, as the list of candidates can not be known until past fifty years.

    Nobel economics , whose real name is Economics Prize in memory of Alfred Nobel, was instituted in 1969 by the Bank of Sweden, which is funded and is the only one of the six awards he was not appointed by the Swedish magnate who created the awards more than a century ago.

    Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences is responsible for awarding the prize, which has the same strength as the rest, this year eight million Swedish kronor (about 920,000 euros).

    Comes also

    December 10, the anniversary of Nobel’s death in double traditional ceremony in Oslo, for the Nobel Peace Prize, in Stockholm, for the rest.

    “youngest” of the Nobel was awarded to 71 people in its history, but only a woman, the American Elinor Ostrom, who shared the prize in 2009 with his compatriot Oliver Williamson for his analysis of economic policy of the common properties and the boundaries of firms, respectively.

    Americans Alvin E.

    Roth and Lloyd S. Shapley were honored last year for his studies on the design of markets and the theory of stable allocations.

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