seems an iPad Mini with a screen much more generous. The iPad has changed inside and out. The fifth generation of the Apple tablet, called the iPad Air, has renewed the chassis and less wasted space. It keeps the screen size (9.7 inches), but the side frame is smaller. Also lost thickness. Good news for those who are decided by the unit, but must take into account the renewal of bags and accessories. Tim Cook, Apple CEO, insisted during the presentation last Tuesday: “The best design is one that is not perceived.”
170 million iPads later, Apple has made a slimming star with your device. It is within half a kilo (478 grams). Taking it in the hands you have the feeling that you are using a notebook, a notebook. The purchase decision between an iPad Mini, which will soon have high-definition screen, and older brother, is more difficult.
Both will share processor (A7), the same as the iPhone 5S. This is their great potential. The fluidity was the hallmark of previous models, but with the 64-bit chip the border between computer and tablet is increasingly blurred.
iPad Air shines when opening Garage Band, audio editing application that incorporates free. You can play the drums, a piano or guitar chords. If desired, add a vocal track with built-in microphone or an external one. Then mix and match tracks to get a result as bright as the taste and ability of each person to give him.
With the 64-bit chip the border between computer and tablet is increasingly blurred
The case of iMovie, the video editor, is even more striking. Simply choose any of the styles of film or even a trailer with default script to obtain, with a handful of shots and some imagination, a surprising result. The encoding of a movie less than five minutes just have delay, even in high definition.
And yes, now when say 10 hours of life, 10 hours of use are packed. The
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