Monday, January 19, 2015

A new mechanism of cell division paves the way for therapies … – Radio MDM

Scientists at the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) in Barcelona (northeastern Spain) have discovered a new mechanism in the process of cell division, which opens a new avenue for future cancer therapies.

The research, published today in the journal “Current Biology”, reveals the specific process of microtubule formation of chromosomes during mitosis (process of cell division).

When a cell enters mitosis The nuclear membrane disappears and microtubule filaments that form a structural framework called cytoskeleton plays an essential role in the organization and function of the cell, rearranges to form a new structure called the mitotic spindle.

The mitotic spindle allows the segregation of the two copies so that each daughter cell receives information identical to the parent cell.

The microtubules that form the mitotic spindle born in centrosomes and chromosomes near, having a key role in mitotic spindle function, as indicated by numerous studies explaining the mechanisms to form microtubules in centrosomes.

However, not known until now the mechanism by which chromosomes would promote the formation of microtubules during mitosis.

The CRG researchers, led by Isabelle See us have it revealed how microtubules of chromosomes are formed during cell mitosis.

As explained See us, although the importance of some of the proteins involved in the formation of microtubules of chromosomes was already known, had not discovered the mechanism of interaction between them and other molecules and, therefore, as originated exactly this part of the cell.

“The tumor cells may be a route of application of this research, but do not forget that this is very basic science and its applications are long term,” he said Sylvain Meunier, CRG researcher and one of the study authors.

The researcher said that “one of the targets in anticancer therapies are microtubules because if there microtubules in the cell can not divide. If the cell can not divide, tumor cells either, and the tumor can not expand. “

” As microtubules are also very important for the proper functioning of cells that do not divide if we could specifically block the formation of specific mitotic microtubules would have a more selective to attack cells that divide tool, “concluded the researcher.

Photo: EFE Internet


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