A computer program that analyzes the “Like” on Facebook can judge the personality of a better user to your friends or your family, according to a study released.
The study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences was conducted by researchers at the University of Cambridge and Stanford University.
Analyzing information, computers can be better judges of the personalities of the people and their psychological traits, the authors said.
“In the future, computers may be able to infer our psychological traits and react accordingly, leading to the emergence of machines with social skills and emotional intelligence,” said lead author Wu Youyou, Psychometrics Centre in Cambridge.
The findings also raise concerns about privacy, leading the authors who conducted the study to seek policies that ensure users full control of your fingerprint.
The study used a sample of 86 000 220 Facebook volunteers who completed a personality test 100 questions using an application called “myPersonality” (miPersonalidad). They also allow researchers access to their “Like” on Facebook.
In the test, subjects were defined themselves in terms of openness, scruples, extraversion, agreeableness and degree of neurosis, the five major psychological traits.
But the researchers found that the psychological profile of a person can also be discovered through the pages you “like”. For example, take a Like options such as “Salvador Dalí” or “meditation” may suggest a higher open, the researchers added.
The “myPersonality” application also allows these users to invite friends and family to judge the psychological traits of users completing a short personality test 10 points.
More than 17,000 of the original group were judged by a family member or an friend, for purposes of analysis, and more than 14,000 were judged by two people.
The study demonstrated that a computer could predict personality for a better user that a coworker, based on only 10 Likes , or those symbols “thumbs up” users press when they see a page or a group that captures your sympathy.
The computer was more accurate than a friend or roommate to predict personality traits, assessing just seventy “Like” on Facebook, a relative or relative with 150, and a wife after seeing 300.
On average Facebook user assigned a “Like” to 227 pages, the study said.
Coauthor Michal Kosinsksi, a researcher at Stanford, said that machines can discern a lot of information without overloading the sake particular moments life of a person.
“Important Information and machine learning can offer a level of precision that the human mind takes to reach, humans tend to give much weight to one or two examples, or will analyze non-rational ways of thinking, “he said.
Previous studies from the University of Cambridge have shown that the” Like “Facebook can predict a range of psychological and demographic characteristics.
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