Sunday, January 18, 2015

GTA V: Rockstar will give you a free game if preordenas Grand Theft … – LaRepú

The company offers between 11 different titles for free download. (Image: Rockstar)


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Also’ll get a lot of money to be used in the ‘Story Mode’ and play ‘Online Mode’.

Many disappointed with the news that the game Grand Theft Auto V be delayed two months before reaching the PC monitors. To make up for this lack the company that develops the famous game, Rockstar Games announced a series of benefits for which preordenen the game.

With a message on his website, the company announced that those preordenen copies of GTA V PC (both physical version and digital) will receive one million dollars separated in 500,000 to spend on GTA Online, and another 500 thousand for spend in GTA V “Story Mode”.

But it’s not all, because until January first all who preordenen the digital version via Rockstar Warehouse receive a free game company , and 300 thousand additional dollars to spend on GTA Online

There are 11 titles that you can choose for free download. Max Payne 3, LA Noire, GTA: Episodes of Liberty City, GTA IV, Bully: scholarhip Edition, GTA San Andreas, Manhunt, Max Payne 2, GTA:. Vice City, GTA Midnight Club II and III

You can buy the digital version at the following link.


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