WhatsApp surprised yesterday to its users materializing an idea that was already being listened since last year: web version is released. This will allow 700 million active users who have the network to date, talks from web.whatsapp.com page that can be accessed from the Google Chrome browser.
The notice made on the official blog of the instant messaging service in which they inform their users’ web WhatsApp is an extension of your phone and reflects the conversations and messages there. So, all your messages are still stored on your phone. “
It is therefore necessary to make use of the web version, you always have your phone on and also with an internet connection available.
“must also have the most current version WhatsApp on your phone,” the news in the blog.
Another important note is that for now, the only ones who can enjoy the new web version will be WhatsApp users accessing from devices with iOS operating system, ie Apple phones and tablets. According to the blog, this is due to “limitations of Apple”.
Those who will not have any problem will be the people who use Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone, BlackBerry and Nokia s60 10.
To access the web version, WhatsApp indicates that the following steps should be taken into account:
“web.whatsapp.com Sign in Google Chrome browser on your computer to link Web with WhatsApp WhatsApp on your phone. On this website there is a QR code opens WhatsApp on your phone to scan it and then you can start. So you link Web and WhatsApp WhatsApp on your phone. “
With this new option is certainly the instant messaging service expects its number of users continues to rise. Also, find a solution to help solve debt $ 230 million that has the network as I inform the CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg , who also decided to buy last year’s implementation 21,800 million dollars.
WhatsApp reported on his blog that in recent months has grown rapidly in Brazil, India, Mexico and Russia, and that users share more than 700 million photos and over 100 million video every day.
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