Thursday, January 22, 2015

Whatsapp web: learn to use | VIDEO – LaRepú

Whatsapp Web. Screenshot


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For the moment, the service is only available for Android, Windows Phone and BlackBerry OS

After learning launching Whatsapp Web, many people imagined that this service would be similar to Line , ie, without much dependence cell, except for user authentication.

YOU CAN SEE: Whatsapp Web did not come to iOS and it will not soon

However, unlike other applications, the smartphone (Android, Windows Phone or BlackBerry OS) should be linked in all times the cell. That is, if you run out data plan or you do not have wifi, you can not use this tool.


Well, if you still want to use them, the steps are very simple. First, you must download the latest version of WhatsApp on your smartphone (since 2.11.498 forward).

If you want to upgrade from a different platform to Google Play, login here.

Once you download the latest version, open the application menu and choose Whatsapp Web, where a QR reader opens.

Indeed, this will read the QR code you’ll find in ( only works with Google Chrome ). Once you synchronize your phone and your mobile phone, you can use the Whsatpp on a computer.

For further clarification, watch this video of Engadget.


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