Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Free Stone: say there are at least two more planets in the … – Daily One

According to his calculations, these unknown worlds are beyond Neptune and Pluto and influence the orbit of some celestial objects.

Scientists at the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) and the University of Cambridge (UK) believe that at least two previously unknown planets must exist in the confines of the Solar System.

According to his calculations, the portal detalladados ABC.es The existence of these worlds could explain the strange behavior of extreme orbital trans-Neptunian objects (ETNO, for its acronym in English).

The theory states that these objects that move beyond Neptune should be distributed random, and observational bias, its orbit must meet certain characteristics: having a major axis with a value of about 150 AU (astronomical units or times the distance between Earth and the Sun), a tilt almost 0 ° . and an argument or angle of perihelion (closest point of our star orbit) also close to 0 ° or 180

However, what is observed in a dozen of these bodies is quite different: semimajor axis values ​​are widely dispersed (between 150 AU and 525 AU), the average inclination of the orbit around 20º and argument of perihelion is about -31 °, without a single case appear close to 180.

“This excess objects with different orbital parameters than expected makes us think that some invisible forces are altering the distribution of orbital elements of ETNO, and we believe that the most likely explanation is that there are unknown planets beyond Neptune and Pluto, “said Carlos de la Fuente Marcos, scientist UCM and co-author, in conversation with the same medium.

” The exact number is uncertain, since the data we have are limited, but our calculations suggest that at least two planets, and probably more, within the confines of our solar system, “said astrophysicist.

For their study, published in two articles in the magazine Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Letters, the researchers analyzed the effects of so-called ‘Kozai mechanism’, related to the gravitational disturbance that has a big body on the orbit of another much smaller and far. For reference have considered how this mechanism in the case of Comet 96P / Machholz1 by the influence of Jupiter.

Despite its surprising results, the authors acknowledge that their data are faced with two problems. On the one hand, its approach is contrary to current models predict formation of the solar system, ensuring that there can be no planets moving in circular orbits beyond Neptune.

However, the recent discovery of the telescope ALMA of a disk of planet formation more than 100 astronomical units from the star HL Tauri, younger and less massive than the Sun, suggests that it can form planets several hundred astronomical units from the center of the system .

Moreover, the computer recognizes that its analysis is based on a sample with few objects (13, specifically), but forward in the coming months are going to publish more with a larger sample . “If confirmed, our results can be truly revolutionary in astronomy,” said De la Fuente Marcos.

Last year two US researchers also discovered a dwarf planet called 2012 VP113 in the Oort cloud, just more beyond our solar system.

The discoverers believe that its orbit is influenced by the possible presence of a dark and icy super-Earth, sized up to ten times that of our planet.

Source:! abc.es



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