Thursday, January 8, 2015

Ford experimented with cars connected to the network at CES 2015 – Management Journal

ESC 2015 Mark Fields, CEO Ford said the company is not running out to take the first vehicle autonomous driving on the streets, but is taking a cautious approach focused on creating an autonomous vehicle for the masses.

Mark Fields said Ford leads 25 experiments to study the driving habits (Photo: Reuters).

Vegas (AP) .- The future of autonomous driving vehicles was the backdrop for the presentation of Ford Motor at the Consumer Electronics Show ( CES ) 2015.

The automaker expects cure the ills of transportation in the world providing support for everything from instructions for making a trip to Las Vegas to find a parking spot faster and improve access to medical services in remote areas of Africa. The ESC opened to the public on Tuesday.

online Cars
The CEO of Ford, Mark Fields, said the company did not are urged to take the first vehicle autonomous driving on the streets, but is taking a cautious approach focused on creating an autonomous vehicle for the masses.

And with an eye on congested urban centers and one connected to the internet and more likely to carpool, use public transport and cycling, generating the automaker is also involved these trends.

Fields said Ford leads 25 experiments to study the driving habits, try carpooling and investigate whether the driving history of a person can follow from one car to another regardless of brand to obtain insurance quotes customized.

Want to try a Mustang weekend or need a truck to move in? Employees of the company in Michigan prove a type app program that can exchange vehicles between them.

“We’ll learn something from each of these experiments,” Fields said.

Cases for tablets connect to cellular networks
It is often tempting to buy a tablet with free Wi-Fi only because it is cheaper, more cost about $ 130 in the case of the iPad. But what if after you want connectivity at all times

AT & amp;? T will soon sell some cases a tablet to connect to your network. Sure, there to hire data service and it is unclear at this stage whether the housings work with rival companies.

The housings Modio initially work with recent models of iPad. AT & T did not announce pricing or release dates. The housings also possible to extend the storage capacity and battery.

Many Android tablets have microSD card slots but not iPads.


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