Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Nasa: the sun received the 2015 showing a big hole in your … – 24 Hours

Researchers at NASA found a huge” coronal hole “in the Earth be more than 410 times.

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In the words of the American National Association of Space ( NASA ),” the sun begins 2015 with a huge coronal hole near his South Pole “.

Scientists of the organization sighted the January 1 the huge dark shape in your area from the Assembly Atmospheric Imaging . It is a coronal hole , an area where the sun has less density in the plasma , therefore less temperature and darker color.

The hole is near the south pole Solar and has a surface area 410 times the area of ​​the Earth counting 400 000 kilometers long at its widest point.

Even the NASA created an image where you can see the size of the Earth , the world Jupiter , Sun and the recent hole to compare their sizes.

The first holes of this type were seen in 1973 1974 by astronauts on board the NASA space station, Skylab . They can be visible approximately five years

Photo. Nasa / Playback



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