According to ‘The International Business Times, the star system Eta Carinae , the most luminous space to date, is also known for its strange behavior , since every 5.5 years the two massive stars that compose both are close to each other that could explode in a supernova .
According to scientists, this system binary stars, located 10,000 light years from Earth, in the nineteenth century experienced two powerful eruptions that created an impressive and rapidly expanding cloud of debris. But only now NASA has for the first time in history into in these dust clouds to see what’s inside.
So, after a long-term research, astronomers Goddard NASA in Greenbelt, Maryland (USA), recreated with the help of ground-based telescopes and a more complete theoretical modeling the image ever obtained of Eta Carinae .
The results research, presented at the meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Seattle, including the Hubble Space Telescope images, new visualizations and 3D models of the star system that reveal previously unseen features. With the help of simulations on supercomputers, NASA theorist Thomas Madura has also created maps of solar winds at the time that the two stars ‘interact’.
However, scientists admit that at the moment can not explain the processes that occur within Eta Carinae, but hope to discover more about the star system when its stars again embark on the carrerea in 2020.
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