Monday, February 3, 2014

Who were the first users of Facebook? - Terra Peru

Contrary to popular belief, Mark Zuckerberg is not the first Users of Facebook Photo: Jonathan Ernst / Reuters Contrary to popular belief, Mark Zuckerberg is not the first user of Facebook Photo: Jonathan Ernst / Reuters

currently has 1,200 million Facebook users around the world, making this the most important social network in recent years, however, there is another very special group of users, the first to join this network during its inception.

When Facebook was launched by Mark Zuckerberg in February 2004, the network was called The Facebook, and consisted of a very simple portal that connected only to Harvard students. Each of these students had a unique identification number that ranged from 0 to 99999.

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Thereafter, each of the users of this social network has a numerical identification that lost relevance as the numbers came streaking in the thousands and millions.

However, the story is very different when it comes to the first twenty Facebook users.

According class=”text”>

The Guardian , contrary to what you believe, Zuckerberg is not number 1 but 4 because the first three users were only subjects evidence, leaving the founder of Facebook as the fourth user of your own social network.


responsible for this social network, Facebook co-founders Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes hold the fifth and sixth respectively identification number. Shortly after the founding of Facebook, the two continued their careers in other projects.

the other hand, the first user outside the circle of founders was Arie Hasit Facebook, Zuckerberg’s roommate during his time at Harvard. Currently, Hasit resides in Israel and studying to become a rabbi, one in the list of the top 20 users of the social network.

 Eduardo Saverin was not on the list of the top 20 users Photo: Getty Images Eduardo Saverin not on the list of the top 20 users Photo: Getty Images

Andrew McCollum, owner identification number 26, is recognized by owning one of the oldest in this social network accounts, having created in 2004 after he met Zuckerberg in a class of Computer Science Harvard.

Although Eduardo Saverin was one of the members who contributed most to the growth of the social network, its late addition to the social network won number 41, which excludes it from the list of “the first 20″.


is Chris Putnam, a former hacker who in 2005 attacked the social network users through a virus. Being tracked by the Facebook development team, this, rather than report the attack to authorities, as Putnam decided to hire an engineer.

Shortly after his hiring, Putnam noticed that some of the early identification numbers were not assigned to anyone, so he decided to “indulge” number 13, putting it in the list of ” twenty “, despite having arrived just over a year after the creation of the portal.

Despite the relevance of the “top 20″ Facebook is a social network that grows and evolves thanks to the billions of users who share daily lives in a social network, a the time, ended up transforming the way we use the internet.

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