Friday, July 26, 2013

Samsung record profits despite slowing down the mobile business -

class=”text”> Samsung Galaxy S4. (Clipset)

mobile business South Korean company Samsung declined by 3.5% in the second quarter compared to the previous year, which tarnished its record result in operating income, 6,400 million euros ( 8,500 million).

Samsung said Friday that operating earnings between April and June grew by 47.5% over last year according as they had estimated.

class=”imp”> Samsung expects tougher competition in the third quarter due to the launch of new products Proceeds from the division that generates more profits, mobile, is reduced from the previous quarter, but still increased 52% compared with the year See by.

In April the company introduced its flagship phone, the Galaxy S4, which accompanied a great campaign Publicitari to compete directly against the Apple iPhone.

Samsung expects tougher competition in the third quarter due to the launch of new products and this may weaken the global sales growth.

The company is having trouble to convince investors that it can continue to operate in a solid and expanding the economy segment of the market.

new players have been added to the board, In addition to Apple, with which it competes for the most exclusive segment, Samsung now must contend with companies such as Huawei and ZTE, in the economy segment, in addition to the ever present Nokia or HTC.

class=”quote_new”> However, we can not overlook the delayed economic recovery in Europe In the reporting results Samsung said: “As we headed to a season usually strong technology industry, we expect our revenue to continue to increase. “

He added: “However, we can not ignore the delay in economic recovery in Europe and the risk of increased competition in the smartphone sector and other products.”

Samsung also stated that they would increase their investments in production over last year imitating the strategy of its competitors.

Since early June

actions Koreans are down 14% due to downgrades of the concerns coming because their margin sales in the mobile phone down and the lower overall market growth.

Scientists can implant false memories in a laboratory mouse - SlashGear

This is not science fiction, this is science. What many thought was impossible after seeing films like Inception and categorized as science fiction is now science simply because a team of MIT neuroscientists have achieved, for the first time, insert a false memory in a mouse .

Just think about what this means, with artificially created predetermination has a memory and is implanted in the brain of a laboratory mouse. This mouse accepted this as his and concorde remember what he believed to be memory, acted accordingly.

false memory was that in an area of ??the room, the mouse had received electric shocks to the feet. It should be clear that this never happened, is a memory invented by laboratory and implanted in an animal. When moving the mouse to the area where he thought before was shocked, froze, a typical response of these mice to a fear , according to PopSci account .

Creating false memories

This study was created to better understand the creation of false memories, something that has proven humans are capable of believing, in which we believe we live in something that never really happened.

It happens to many people, if not all, when in fact what we believe is based on lots of memories or information that we have previously processed.

Determine how these memories have been formed could lead to finding a way to detect them. Perhaps we are far from what Inception poses, but the possibility that in a future not so far be able to create memories and insert them into our brain is completely creepy.

How did insert a false memory?

The researchers managed to create false memories through the optogenetics , as some of the mouse brain cells are sensitive to laser light. Manipulating these cells directly with laser in the hippocampus, one of the parts of the brain associated with memory and space management.

They put the mouse in a box in which the features were unique, with a form, odor and particular light in which nothing happened. In this case the called “Context”. Then moved the mouse to another box where again the conditions were different, the size and shape, smell and lighting were different, but the main difference was that this was a shock box this mouse. While in this “context B”, the mouse was stimulated by laser-associated cells “Context”, thus creating the false memory that in the first case the ground was electrified.

never received shock in the first box, the mouse knows differently, but have the memory that was getting there as he walked shock, something like a sum of place in “Context” + electricity feeling ” Context B “= electrified in” Context “.

Link: Researchers Successfully Implant False Memories Mice With (PopSci)
Photo: ressaure (Flickr)

More than 185,000 signatures calling for the salvation of the CSIC - The


workers delivered on Tuesday July 30 more than 185,000 signatures have been collected through an online petition “to prevent the collapse of the scientific organization”. It will be at 9:00 at the headquarters of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (P º. De la Castellana, 162, Madrid). petition was initiated by the platform “Science with Future” last July 10 in reaction to the precarious situation in which the CSIC is currently leading scientific body in Spain , which has more than 100 research centers and institutes and to the 12,000 working professionals. Since then it has grown rapidly: exceeded 20,000 signatures in the first 24 hours and has been the most signed petition over at last week in Spain and the rest of the world.

“The current situation is due to CSIC chronic structural deficit that the institution has suffered since 2009, mainly due to successive reductions of funds transfer from the Ministry and not by the situation overall economic, “explain in the petition.

Although recently have injected 25 million euros in the body, for ‘Science with Future’ is nothing more than “a bandage on an open wound the blood flowing in spurts.” Therefore, calling the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness act immediately and contribution the additional EUR 75 million necessary to prevent the collapse of the organization.

addressed the request is Carmen Vela, Secretary of State for Research, Development and Innovation, whose office received an email periodically reporting firms getting campaign support.

“Tens of thousands of people are rallying to support a scientific body as relevant as the CSIC and workers on Tuesday delivered the signatures in person. This is precisely the goal of our platform, that anyone , anywhere , you can start a campaign on the issues that interest you, “said Francisco Polo, Director of in Spain.

achieved in mice implanted false memories - CNN

class=”lv24hfoto options=”step:0,windowSize:1,automaticPages:0″
Neuroscientists achieved in mice implanted false memories

Image of a laboratory mouse rise to Mrmin123 on Flickr Flickr

Madrid. (Europa Press). – In a step toward understanding how faulty memories arise, neuroscientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT , its acronym in English) in the United States, have shown that can planting false memories in the brains of mice . They also found that many of the neurological signs of these memories are identical in nature to those of authentic memorabilia.

“Whether it is true or false memory, the brain’s neural mechanism underlying the memory retrieval is the same,” says Susumu Tonegawa, a professor of biology and neuroscience at MIT Picower Institute and lead author of paper describing the findings in Thursday’s issue of Science .

The study provides further evidence that memories are stored in networks of neurons forming memory traces of every experience we have, a phenomenon that Tonegawa’s laboratory showed last year. Neuroscientists have long sought the location of these memory traces, also called engrams.

his pair of studies, Tonegawa and colleagues at the Picower Institute for Learning and Memory showed that they could identify cells that are part of a specific memory engram and reactivate using a technology called optogenetics.

Episodic memories are the result of associations of various elements, objects, space and time. These associations are encoded by chemical and physical changes in neurons, as well as changes in the connections between neurons. How long these engrams reside in the brain has been a long question in neuroscience.

“Is the information in several parts of the brain or is there a particular area of ??the brain that stores this type of memory? This has been a very fundamental question,” poses Tonegawa. In the 1940s, Canadian neurosurgeon Wilder Penfield suggested that episodic memories are located in the temporal lobe of the brain, because when electrically stimulated cells in the temporal lobes of patients who were about to undergo surgery to treat epileptic seizures, patients reported that specific memories came to mind them.

Subsequent studies

amnesic patient known as HM confirmed that the temporal lobe, including the area known as the hippocampus is critical for episodic memory formation. However, these studies do not prove that engrams are actually stored in the hippocampus, highlights Tonegawa.

Scientists needed

demonstrate that activation of specific groups of cells in the hippocampus are sufficient to produce and retrieve memories, for which the Tonegawa laboratory used optogenetics, a new technology that enables or desacatirs selectively cells using light. For this pair of studies, the researchers engineered mice hippocampal cells expressing channelrhodopsin gene, a protein that activates neurons when stimulated by light, in addition to modifying the channelrhodopsin gene so that always occur with the c Delphi, necessary for memory formation.

last year’s study, the researchers conditioned these mice to fear a particular camera by delivering mild electric shock. As this memory is formed, the c-fos gene was activated along with the channelrhodopsin gene engineering. In this way, cells which encode the memory footprint is “tagged” with the light sensitive proteins. The next day, when the mice were put on a different camera that had never seen before, behaved normally, but when the researchers sent a pulse of light in the hippocampus, stimulating memory cells labeled with channelrhodopsin, mice were prey of fear when reactivated his memory of the previous day.

“Compared with most studies treating the brain as a black box when trying to access it from the outside, we are trying to study the brain from the inside out – concrete Liu -. The technology we developed for this study allows us to dissect and even potentially intervene in the process of memory through direct control of brain cells. ” That’s exactly what they did the researchers in the new study: to explore if they could use these engrams reactivated to plant false memories in the brains of mice.

First, put the mice into a new camera, A, but without any discharge, and when the scanned rodents, their memory cells labeled with Channelrhodopsin. the next day, mice were placed in a second chamber positioned very different, B, and after a while, they were given a mild shock to the foot and at the same instant, the researchers used light to activate cells encoding camera memory A. On the third day, mice were placed back into the chamber A, where now were paralyzed, although they had never been subjected to a shock there. ” He acted a false memory: mice fear Room A by memory, because when given a discharge in chamber B, were reliving the memory of when they were in the chamber A.

Moreover, the false memory seemed to compete with a real camera memory B, the researchers found. These mice also froze when placed in chamber B, but not as much as the mice that had received a shock in the camera without the camera B A in active memory. The researchers then showed that immediately after the withdrawal of false memories, levels of nerve activity were also elevated in the amygdala, the fear center in the brain that receives information from the memory of the hippocampus, as it when mice are reminiscent of a memory genuine.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

The full moon steals the dream - The

Like a magical effect and ‘dark’ is involved, it seems that the moon, when it is in its full phase, catches the human dream. At least in part. A team of researchers from the University of Basel in Switzerland have been observed during full moon nights, men have a harder time falling asleep, sleep less and worse.

They say that wakes

beasts, wolves howl more, alter moods of people, fanning his baser instincts, increasing attentions in the ER … Since ancient times, the moon been granted the gift of fertility , the tides of influence on the behavior of animals and men.

The relationship between the moon and man has been and remains a mystery full of myths and legends. One of the most widespread belief has to do with the connection between the satellite and the dream of man. To check the extent to which they are attached, a group of experts has done an experiment with 33 people. “Many people complain of sleep worse the full moon,” explain the authors of this retrospective study, published in the journal Current Biology.

“We hypothesised that people who sleep worse during periods of full moon is because they are more exposed to ambient light (from the moon in this phase),” argues Francisco Javier Puertas, a specialist in the Sleep Unit Chiron Hospital of Valencia. “ In the retina there are cells that detect light, especially white (like the moon). These cells are connected to the nucleus suprachiasmatic nucleus, which is the biological clock, so that the presence of light inhibits melatonin secretion and evening, the secretion of this substance is indicative of good sleep “.

However, this research focuses on the dream of participants in a controlled environment in the laboratory, where humans know the moon phases. Scientists monitoring their brain activity (via EEG), eye movements observed and measured hormone secretions . After repeating the experiments and measurements check several times, “we realized that indeed, humans respond to geophysical rhythms of the moon,” says Christian Cajochen, lead author and research psychiatrist at the University Hospital of Basel (Switzerland).

According to the results obtained during the full moon, the brain activity associated with deep sleep fell by 30%. In addition, participants “took to fall asleep five minutes that in other phases and the dream ended 20 minutes early.” Not only that, they also had the feeling that his dream on a full moon had been worse, less restful. “The levels of melatonin (a hormone that is involved in regulation of sleep cycles and waking) were lower.”

These findings Cajochen emphasizes, “are the first convincing evidence that lunar cycles may modulate sleep in humans even when they see the moon [as in this experiment] and has no knowledge of the actual moon phase.” It is, he says, neither more nor less than “ legacy of a past in which the moon could have synchronized human behaviors for reproductive purposes or other, as also occurs in animals.”

“It’s been thousands of years and, in some way, has been in our genetic lunar cycle recorded in our sleep rhythm. Thus, as the authors of this study, seven of every 28 days (lunar cycle) sleep worse (by the influence of the moon) “concludes the Spanish specialist to discuss the Swiss study.

At present, add the authors of the research, the effect of the moon could be overshadowed by the electric light illuminating the houses and streets at night and other aspects of modern life also in quality incfluyen sleepy (such as shift work). It is important to “move forward and investigate molecular and neural bases that underlie sleep disturbance occurred, in theory, geomagnetic and electromagnetic effects of the moon.” Would you consider also the “lunar effect on other aspects such as cognitive performance and mood”.

The disappearance of massive galaxies - The

Just four months after its official opening, the ALMA observatory is already providing fascinating results. New observations of their dishes have provided astronomers with the best view obtained at the time of star formation wearing gas of a galaxy, and that leaves future generations of stars without the fuel to form and grow.

The shocking images, obtained for 16 of the 66 antennas of the ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter / submillimeter Array) show huge molecular gas jets, dense and cold , fleeing the galactic disk center areas of star formation in the nearby Sculptor Galaxy. These results help explain the strange lack of massive galaxies in the Universe.

Sculptor Galaxy, also known as NGC 253 is a spiral type galaxy located in the southern constellation of Sculptor, at a distance of about 11.5 billion light years from our solar system . It is one of our closest neighbors intergalactic, galaxy and star formation burst nearest visible from the southern hemisphere.

“With the extraordinary resolution and sensitivity of ALMA, we can see clearly and for the first time, cold gas mass rallies being expelled by intense pressure shock waves created by young stars,” says Alberto Bolatto, University of Maryland (USA) and author of the paper.

“The amount of gas provides visible evidence that some growing galaxies expel more gas than they absorb . We may be seeing an actual example of a very common phenomenon occurring in the Universe early, “adds the scientist.


grows or not a galaxy?

“We have been studying the region of bursts of star formation called NGC 253 and other nearby galaxies with bursts of star formation for almost ten years. But,” says Fabian Walker, a researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, and one of the co-authors of the study, published in the journal ‘Nature’.

Experts have noted that the mass out of NGC 253 each year corresponds to at least 10 times the mass of the Sun, or even more . This escape limit the formation of young stars in the galaxy, because they need the gas as a “fuel” for their development, which may explain their smaller size. The expert estimates indicate that, based on this rate, the galaxy could run out of gas in 60 million years.

According to computer models, the oldest and most red galaxies should have far more mass and stars that we see today. This difference could be explained by the presence of galactic winds or gas leaks strip the galaxy of the material needed to form new stars .

galaxy formation, how they grow and, failing that, why not grow, are some of the points of interest in astronomy today. More studies using the full set of ALMA help us determine the ultimate fate of gas ejected by the wind , which will reveal if the winds caused by bursts of star formation recycle the material forming the stars or really take it by force to the environment.

ALMA is an international astronomy facility, is a partnership between Europe, North America and East Asia in cooperation with the Republic of Chile. Two decades of uninterrupted work, and more than 1,500 million, have resulted the most advanced astronomical observatory in the world , which is situated about 10 kilometers of the road from San Pedro de Atacama Toconao, in the middle of the driest place on the planet.

Prepared communications satellite launch more ... - RTVE


Everything is prepared in Kourou Spaceport for Ariane launch 5ECA that satellites will orbit Alphasat I-XL and INSAT-3D , scheduled for a window that goes from the 21: 53 to 23:11 of July 25, 2013.

The Alphasat I-XL is a satellite communications company Inmarsat that will serve to increase the capacity of its global network of voice and data, Specifically in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East given the orbital position to be filled.

A standard chassis

But what is special about the Alphasat I-XL is that it is the first satellite based platform Alphabus communications satellite developed by the European Space Agency (ESA).

The idea is to offer companies that need to launch a communications satellite a starting point that allows them to avoid having to design everything from scratch .

It is, saving all distances, as when a truck manufacturer offers a specific chassis on which body builders and other manufacturers install the equipment needed to suit the needs of each of its customers.

In the case Alphabus of which provides a chassis which can be fitted with chemical or electrical motors customer chooses according to a power generation system with electrical panels 4 to 6 meters and associated battery systems attitude control and an internal connection system for equipment to be mounted by the client.

These can be up to 200 high-power transmitters and their associated antennas, equivalent maximum transmission capacity about 1,000 and 200,000 television channel sound.

estimated duration of a satellite service platform based on Alphabus is about 15 years.

Spanish Participation class=”ladillo”>

Although EADS Astrium and Thales Alenia Space is the prime contractor for this new platform also includes technology Spanish , because the company Crisa has designed and manufactured three teams that are part of this.

One of them is responsible for the control electronics of the various pyrotechnic devices which act during the early stages of the satellite into orbit to deploy solar panels and antennas.

Another is the thermal control electronics platform, which includes temperature control sensors and control of the heaters which are adapted to the temperature of the platform depending on the environmental requirements to keep always within the required range and are fried or freezing equipment on board.

Finally, the third team is developed by Crisa electronics power protection, which is responsible to avoid possible power failures caused by satellite other units connected to the electrical system.

An Indian passenger and other experiments

Alphasat I-XL has also aboard four technology demonstrators, environmental testing sensor and Efacec radiation (Portugal), the Q-band experiment / V Aldo Paraboni of Thales Alenia Space and Space Engineering (Italy), the advanced sensor-Optronik stars Jena (Germany), and advanced terminal TESAT optical communications (Germany), provided by the German Aerospace Center DLR.

By Meanwhile INSAT-3D, which takes advantage of the dual launch capability 5ECA Ariane is a weather satellite also incorporates the data relay capability for search and rescue satellite-aided.

Android 4.3 is officially presented: These are the new ... - Reuters

MADRID, 25 Jul. (Portaltic / EP) –

Besides having announced the new Nexus 7 and Chromecast , Google also confirmed the release of Android 4.3. After many rumors and assumptions, the company has updated its operating system with performance optimizations and new features for users and developers. It will be released with the second tablet manufactured by Asus for the search engine company.

The new Android 4.3 is based on the performance improvements that already on Jelly Bean and adds new Android optimizations that make it even faster.

To increase graphics performance, optimized the drawing commands flow, reorganizing and merging operations, and in addition, the processor also can now use multithreading across multiple CPU cores to perform certain tasks.

Android 4.3 also improves the representation of shapes and text . The shapes such as circles and rounded rectangles are now displayed with a higher quality more efficiently.

The new release includes platform support for Khronos OpenGL ES 3.0 , with games and other applications with high performance capabilities of 2D and 3D on supported devices.

Android 4.3 includes integrated support for Intelligent Platform Bluetooth Ready in the central role and provides a standard set of APIs that applications can use to detect nearby devices, consulting services GATT , and read / write characteristics.

Android 4.3 extends

multiuser feature for tablets with restricted profiles, a new way to manage users and their capabilities in a single device.

scan mode Wi-Fi is modified so that Android 4.3 allows users to keep the Wi-Fi on without connecting to a Wi-Fi , to improve location accuracy.

notifications have long been one of the most popular features Android because they allow users to view information and updates of the entire system, all in one place. Now Android 4.3, applications can observe the flow of notifications with the permission of the user and display notifications in any way you want, including shipping to nearby devices connected through Bluetooth.

Android now uses SELinux to protect the operating system against potential security vulnerabilities.

first devices to upgrade to the new version will be the Nexus 4, Nexus 7 (2012), Nexus 10 and Galaxy Nexus.

Related links:

– Android developers

Crean's first touch screen that recognizes fingerprints - CNN (blog)

MADRID, 24 (Portaltic / EP) A group of German scientists working on the creation of the first desktop touch screen that gives a quantum leap in safety thanks to fingerprint recognition. FibeRio, named for the touchscreen, is designed to recognize the fingerprints of each person in order that each user can have access to your private content.

The researchers created the prototype with a glass screen comprised entirely of millions of optical fibers 3 mm long vertically grouped in a single flat plate. All fibers of the visible light rays are projected under the glass. Meanwhile, the infrared light bounces off the projector with fingerprints and back to an infrared camera according to reports New Scientist.

Thanks to this invention prepared by Christian Holz of the Hasso Plattner Institute in Germany to scan fingerprints and display images. “Nobody has done this before,” he justified. However, this group of scientists is working to develop a touch screen that does not need a projector.

The announcement of this group of scientific researchers adds to the rumor that the next iPhone could have a sensor fingerprint recognition to unlock the device. This development would have caused the delay in this smart phone market.

As if this were not enough, the CEO of Amscreen, Simon Sugar , is developing a similar technology to the touch screen with face recognition on screens. The Scientist collects this screen face recognition recognizes gender and age. However, Sugar admits the dangers associated storage of fingerprint data by the issue of privacy and security of user information.


device access systems has become an obsession for manufacturers, developers ‘software’, Internet service providers and security companies. Some, like Google, are working on alternative systems as objects that allow the unlocking by contact and eliminate the need for PIN codes, access patterns or words.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Google presents its new tablet Nexus 7 with more resolution ... - RTVE

enlarge Detail of the new Nexus 7

detail new Google Nexus 7

enlarge The Google device to connect the TV with other devices, Chromecast

new Google device to connect the TV with other devices, Chromecast. REUTERS / Beck Diefenbach

VICKY class=”by name”>

A year after launching its first tablet, Google has just launched its new Nexus 7 , made by Asus. It is a device, as explained in the presentation in San Francisco that has been seen on the internet, more manageable-s 2 mm thinner and 50 grams lighter than the previous, and the main innovations offers more resolution -1920 x1200-, better sound quality and more power .

In this sense, includes a 1.5 GHz processor Snapdragon S4 Pro and 2GB of RAM. It will also be the first device with Android OS 4.3 Jelly Bean, which will not only allow use by multiple users, but also control access to the contents of each person using the tablet, for example, for children.

As highlighted by the vice president of Google’s Android products, Hugo Barra, the most powerful feature is the picture quality , and passing of the resolution of 1280×800 (with 216 px per inch) to 1920 x1200 (with 323 px per inch), “more than any tablet on the market”.

So, lets watch movies in high resolution , all the details of a video game or photos and videos with greater precision. As for the sound, stereo and surround and assured, Barra, to connect headphones or speakers can see the improvement on the previous device.

Moreover, Google’s new tablet incorporates two chambers (the old Nexus 7 had one) a 5 megapixel rear and 1.2 megapixel front. Also the battery lasts up to 9 hours when watching videos in HD and 10 hours when surfing the internet.


begin shipping the new Nexus 7 to the end of July in the U.S.. UU. to $ 229 (173 euros) 16GB Tablet with Wi-Fi, $ 269 (203 euros) the 32GB with Wi-Fi and $ 349 (263 euros) LTE version. Upcoming Tablet will also be sold in Spain, Germany, France, UK, Canada, Japan and South Korea.

Chromecast class=”ladillo”>

at launch a year ago, Google has introduced a complementary device it calls Chromecast . This device weighs 34 grams and fits in the palm serves to connect the TV to other devices in the house (tablet, smartphone or computer), so which can handle what you see on the big screen via wifi.

The new device, which is currently sold in the U.S.. UU. for $ 35 (26 euros) is compatible with Android OS 2.3 +, iOS 6.0 +, Windows 7 +, Mac OS 10.7 + and Pixel Chromebook.


Google also aims to promote the game with your new tablet and have therefore presented in San Francisco the new application Google Play Games with the launch of three new titles such as Ubisoft game version Prince of Persia Shadow and Flame , which launches this Thursday or Asphalt 8, which will be available in August.

For students, the new tablet features the ability to query and read books as it can mark pages and even stress. Google has reached agreements with major publishers. Besides being able to buy, students can rent textbooks for six months and for them there will be discounts up to 80%.

For entertainment audiovisual content, one of the great American content providers, Netflix, has developed a new application so they can watch TV series and movies in high quality on the Nexus 7 . And is that Google plans to offer an API for DRM system, ie facilities for providers to be able to develop applications for digital management of rights.

Of course, the Nexus 7 will have access to usual Google services, Google Chrome browser, which in this tablet allow instant translation in other languages-pages; Drive, which stores all documents in the user’s account, the new Google Maps, Google Music service, etc. . The company has announced that soon launch the next version of Android, version 4.3 .

Google tries a third assault to TV - The

have the size of a flash drive but instead of connecting to a USB port Chromecast connects to the TV’s HDMI port. Once “plugged” this key on the screen to view videos from YouTube, Netflix and other online content providers. passes controlled TV mobile phone or tablet and for $ 35 (about 26 euros to change) is the latest venture from Google to try to control the classroom.

previously tried twice. The first with GoogleTV in 2010, the second Nexus Q-a device that canceled a few weeks of its official announcement, in 2012. Both failed. Chromecast is more limited in functions but also much more affordable. “At that price smart not hard to do all the TVs in the house” , say from the company.

Chromecast idea reminiscent of Apple’s Airplay technology, integrated in your iOS devices, MacOS and Apple TV, which allows you to view on the classroom screen whatever it is playing on tablets or computers Mac, but there are small differences. Chromecast not get the content of the device itself, but make your own streaming from the network . The device is also compatible with various products, including phones and tablets from the competition.

For now is only available in the U.S., but Google has indicated it wants to take it to international markets “as soon as possible.”

A new Nexus

The device itself may be bought in Spain in the coming weeks will be the new edition Tablet Nexus 7 . Look very similar to the present, is six millimeters thinner and 50 grams lighter. Maintains the same dimension-seven-inch screen, but increases the resolution up to 1920 x 1200 pixels. Ie it becomes a device with a high image density.

new tablet will be manufactured by Asus but this time has a more powerful processor and twice the RAM (2GB) . The price has increased compared to the previous version. The Nexus 7 will cost U.S. $ 229 (about 173 euros) if you choose the 16GB model and $ 269 (about 200 euros) if you opt for the 64 GB. There will be a networking issue with mobile data LTE for $ 349 (about 264 euros). Price is likely to be similar in euros, although the company has not yet officially confirmed.

Google stressed the importance of the tablet market, which will soon surpass the number of PC units sold, both in the home and business. “One in two tablets sold are equipped with the Android operating system” , said Hugo Barra, head of Android strategy.

Google, however, the market dominance of the tablet still has not materialized. Although units sold iPads use is much more widespread . The latest figures suggest that Chitika consultant in the U.S. and Canada, for example, 82% of tablet web traffic corresponds to iPads.

New version of Android

To accompany the new tablet Google has created a new version of the Android operating system, version 4.3, which includes enhanced parental controls and multiuser. In addition, the company debut a new store focused textbooks college market and higher education. The books can be purchased or rented for the duration of the academic year. Shop for Google Play applications will also undergo a change to more clearly show the applications created specifically for use on tablets.

update to Android 4.3 is now available for all Nexus devices .

The Cadiz Hearing confirms a conviction for illegal sale of ... - The

shop responsible for Jerez de la Frontera has been confirmed a sentence of 2011 to six months in prison by the Audiencia Provincial de Cádiz, which will be satisfied that the convicted selling video games ‘pirates’, and reproached distribution of modified consoles to load unauthorized games .

According to the judgment itself, which has had access to the Navigator, first Cádiz Hearing states that the evidence found during the initial investigation-games copied and placed in the sales area and not in the home of convicted with photocopied covers, and there was more than one copy of several games- indicate that backups were not but were intended for marketing .

On the other hand, the sentence comes to interpreting Article 270.3 of the Criminal Code to indicate that the possession and sale of ‘chips’ that change console is punishable , as the judge had resolved the first instance. It is an interpretation, however, does not match previous cases in which it has been deemed the ‘chipping’ consoles.

Thus, the Court of Cadiz believes that although the current wording of this article refers to “any means specifically intended ” to suppress or neutralize copy protections, this does not mean ” exclusively for “.

is, the judges say the use and distribution of these ‘chips’ may violate intellectual property although these devices allow more functions than play games ‘pitaras’ (like turning console on a computer, for example), and although the Directive 1/125/CEE talk that devices have the “single use” of removing the copy protection.

The reason given by the Court of Cadiz is that otherwise “would recognize de facto the right to violate the rights of the holder of intellectual property copn the single action to expand the functions of the console . justification not have [...] that may cause the disappearance of the right of another just because it decides to increase the functions of a video game. “

‘rational criminal policy program’

Even the judges go further in their interpretation and ensure that “decision to benefit the author of decreasing disturbance lawful rights acquired by the holder thereof is clearly contrary to any rational criminal political agenda” .


there is further justified by the convicted intention which, “even when chasing the purpose of extending the functions of the console to not be illegal, [...] had to represent the character unlawful act and yet decided to do so, which is found to exist in their behavior Insito fraud. “

condemned, whose initials are S. M. P., also must pay a total of 585 euros to several companies complainants, in compensation for damages.

celebrates employer

In a note, the bosses of the game aDeSe held this decision, which notes that “the magistrate considers that installation and marketing of these ‘chips’, although they may have other legal uses as increasing functions of a game console, causes the disappearance of the intellectual property right by deprotecting programs . This purpose and no other, is the reason for purchasing the product. “

This employer

put their hopes in the forthcoming reform of the Penal Code promoted by the Minister of Justice, Alberto Ruiz Gallardón, the draft provides up to three years in prison for the ‘chipping’ consoles .

“aDeSe recalls that have previously ruled contradictory judgments in this regard because of the ambiguity of the current Penal Code about the criminal nature of these devices,” says the note, adding: “Given this difficulty of interpretation, aDeSe shows its support for the ongoing reform being promoted by the Ministry of Justice to clarify the terms . Thus, the new Penal Code will adapt to European directives on intellectual property and avoid that Spain is the only country Europe where these devices are distributed with impunity “.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The dolphins are called by its proper name -

The discovery represents a step forward in understanding the complex communication system of dolphins. / 123rf The discovery represents a step forward in understanding the complex communication system of dolphins. / 123rf

Science has revealed the incredible similarity between human behavior and the dolphins: recently discovered the ability of these animals to think ahead, to recognize in a mirror and manifest an apparent suffering death of a child.

This time, a study by the University of St. Andrews, in Scotland, proves that, like dolphins visibility is limited, develop a whistle own, still indecipherable to humans, which allows them to be marked and placed in front of the other members of the group.

funny thing is that the sound of each dolphin, something like acoustic signature or name can be followed by others of the same species, who only answered the owner of each whistle to communicate. So, the finding of Scottish scientists has suggested that a dolphin can respond when another calls him by his name playing his whistle.

“We have long thought that mimic the whistle could be used to attract the attention of other dolphins,” says one of the study’s authors, Vincent Janik. However, this sound, which last between 0.3 and 1.5 seconds, has a very specific characteristics that functions as a fingerprint and allows these cetaceans express a kind of “I am, here I am, what do you ? “within their group.

Upon discovery, Fernando Trujillo, director Omacha Foundation, which fights for the defense mechanism of the pink dolphins of the Amazon, says that “the scientific world is very interesting and valuable because it allows us to be closer to understanding the very complex communication system of these species. “

biologist notes that the dolphin language remains an enigma for those trying to understand, because of its unique characteristics: “Your brain is larger, its memory and storage capacity is higher, have unique sensory skills, language , cultural transmission and structured societies. There are even those who say that the only thing they lack are hands to be as people. “

Trujillo cites the case of a group of Australian researchers who surprised some dolphins teaching their young to use a sea sponge when they went hunting to protect their sensitive snout of sand from the sea and the thorns some poisonous fish. This behavior implies an advanced degree of animal intelligence, no less than one of the elements that distinguish humans from other animals: the use of tools.

Ingrid Visser, of the Research Foundation of the Orcas in Tutukaka, New Zealand, has seen bottlenose dolphins and orcas carrying their dead, as interpreted as a kind of mourning and regret. “We know that cetaceans have Von Economo neurons (related to cognitive abilities present only in humans), which have been associated with the lament of death in people,” says Visser.

Meanwhile, researchers who were working with wild dolphins off the Scottish coast say their study “represents an interesting parallel with humans and the apparent need for these voice tags in maintaining group cohesion”, which may be at the root of the evolution of their complex cognitive and communication systems.

Apple's profit drops two quarters followed by the brake ... - The Paí (Spain)

Without having now released a new product in recent months, Wall Street does not expect much from Apple. The maker of the iPhone, iPad and Mac closed its third fiscal quarter with a profit of 6,900 million dollars (about 5.217 million euros) after sales of 35,300 million (26,600 million euros). Won 21% less than a year ago, which is its second consecutive decline. Revenues were essentially flat.


vulnerability is precisely the device that made them behave during the last five years as an emerging: the iPhone. Now the phone has several problems. First, competition from Samsung and HTC. Second, the consumer does not renew with the same frequency. Third, it has a low cost phone for emerging markets.

Apple sold 31.2 million iPhone devices between April and June. A year ago were 26 million. It falls short in any case when you remember that I used to fold in the year. This figure also includes models iPhone 4S and iPhone 4, towards that target more users looking for the best price. These have a lower profit margin for the manufacturer that the iPhone5.

analysts look at sales of mobile operators talk about saturation in the high-end phones. Something similar happens with the iPad tablet, whose sales fell to 14.6 million in the quarter. A year ago there were 17 million. Consumers want cheaper devices like iPadMini. For Mac computers, sold 3.8 million units.

Competition from Samsung and HTC starts to take its toll on the brand of apple

is precisely in the profit margin where most analysts are fixed. It is falling from last year and half, shortly before presenting the iPad Mini. It is now 36.9%, compared to 42.8% a year ago. Data released at the end of Wall Street for the third quarter of fiscal year Apple, which starts in October. In the second and took the first fall in profit since 2003, from 18%. The first were flat.

even longer perspective, Apple numbers fall short when you consider that between October 2009 and March 2012 profit doubled in eight out of ten quarters. Revenue rose more than 50% in nine. The combination of the iPhone with the Apple iPad shot in 2010 until last spring, when he scored record results.

stock performance reflects the situation that Apple. The shares were paid a year ago for over 600 dollars. Hence climbed even up to $ 700, coinciding with the launch of iPhone 5. Before the results were paid below $ 420. The next cycle of new product introductions could help. But investors want to see a more dramatic effect on the side of innovation.

In recent days, in the technology sector was speculated that Apple is making and testing a model of the iPhone screen. Another thing different is that it goes on sale soon, given the reservations expressed by Tim Cook, and is capable of dealing with the saturation. Before the iPhone 5S will come in September. It is also spoken in a while a television and interactive clock to 2014.

Dolphins call each other by name - Reuters

Exemplary Dolphin In The Gulf Of Cadiz


MADRID, 23 Jul. (IRIN) –


The authors of this work has been published in ‘Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences’, explained that these mammals live together in groups and need an effective system to keep in touch.

far been detected that dolphins talk to each other with whistles and there were indications that these names were like humans. However, this is the first time it is shown that there is a response to these whistles and, therefore, confirms the theory of names.

One of the researchers of this study, Vincent Janik, explained that to arrive at this conclusion, the team recorded a group of wild dolphins and captured the sound of ‘signature’ of each animal. They then used these calls playing them with underwater speakers. “We played with the whistling of the group of animals: we reproduced their own, others who were also emit other dolphin populations,” stated Janik, who has indicated that individuals only responded to their calls.

The team believes that dolphins are acting like humans: when they hear his name, they respond. Therefore, the scientist believes that the study of how communication has evolved from different animals could say more about how communication has evolved in humans.

Recover 50 tail vertebrae of the first articulated dinosaur ... - RTVE

name”> class=”by Fifty

complete vertebrae articulated tail the only dinosaur discovered in Mexico have been recovered in a reservoir of Coahuila (north) with other bones, after 20 working days, as reported by the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH).

remains belong to a hadrosaur or duckbill Crested 72 million years ago. They were found in May 2005 and started working with them last July 2.

INAH said in recent days were recovered 50 tail vertebrae joined together, as they were in their origin and limb bones and hip, among others.

Appendix, about five meters and under which we expect to find the rest of the body, is half of a dinosaur whose total length is calculated in 12 meters, has comentadoFelisa Aguilar of the INAH and director of the excavation with René Hernández of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

paleontologist also explained the importance of this skeleton is that it is very rare to find this type of specimens with most of his bones together.

The tail was found in the municipality of General Cepeda, a few miles from two of the most important paleontological sites in Coahuila.

parts will be transferred by a space from the county seat of General Cepeda conditioning as a laboratory for cleaning and identification of the remains, after which they will build.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Archaeologists working in Mexico is the tail of a dinosaur - The Paí (Spain)

A group of Mexican paleontologists have discovered Monday tail of a dinosaur died more than 72 million years in Coahuila (north) in an extraordinary state of preservation, as announced by the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH ).

research team, formed by INAH archaeologists and students from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), identified the fossil as a hadrosaur, also known as duckbill.

is a herbivore that reached up to 12 meters long and four meters high. The tail, five feet long, representing half of the animal.

The excavation was conducted in the village of General Cepeda, about 4,000, and lasted about 20 days. The people of village warned the INAH’s finding in June 2012. The researchers also found some dinosaur hip. The tail is fully articulated, researchers have detailed.

hadrosaurs could exceed up to 16 kilometers per hour speed of its worst contemporary predator, the Tyrannosaurus. Before the discovery of the fossil of a sample of 67 million years old, it was believed that they were “cows of the Cretaceous”. Recent research has shown that it was much more agile animal.

finding dinosaur tails is relatively rare, the researchers said INAH. The new discovery contributes to the study of some of the bone diseases that affected the dinosaurs, some with similarities to human suffering. Scientists have found, for example, suffering from tumors and arthritis.


dinosaur remains have been found in Coahuila and other northern states of Mexico. “We have a rich paleontological” said Aguilar told Reuters. The site of the find is a few miles from two of the most important paleontological sites in northern Mexico.

The researcher said that during the Cretaceous, which ended more than 65 million years, much of north central Mexico were coasts. This has enabled the discovery excavators dinosaur remains both terrestrial and marine. The good state of preservation is precisely because the remains were buried at sea surfaces.

Porno input, no - The Paí (Spain)

British Prime Minister David Cameron on Monday launched an attack as ferocious as controversial Internet pornography. Cameron’s government plans to tighten access to such content on the Web forcing suppliers to castrate that material default. In practice it will mean that people will want to consume porn that explicitly apply to your provider, ie identified.

UK proposal to universalize the parental controls already included in browsers and search engines, but that anyone can disable-default and extend them to all computers in the UK, they are old they have their owners.

Cameron justified his drastic proposal as a step against “the corrosive influence of pornography on children” and to “protect our children and their innocence.” It is his government’s response to the growing debate in the country following the death of two children whose murderers consumed pornography.

prime minister’s plan is that by default, Internet reach households with porn sites blocked. All internet will be contacted by your Internet provider company to decide whether or not the filter removes porn at home, as Cameron said in a speech at the National Association for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC in its acronym in English ). Customers who do not respond to the question will have the filter.


I have a message very clear Google , Bing,

Apple suffers data theft affects 275,000 accounts - The

Apple Developer site has been attacked by a security expert. His intention, he says, was to warn of leaks of information in the system of the company. He has had access to 275,000 accounts.

According to The Guardian, Apple has recognized an attack on their site held last Thursday and has been claimed by the Turkish security expert Ibrahim Balic.

Balic has posted a video on YouTube detailing the intrusion and argues that it is not an attack hacker but a warning to Apple , who instantly reported Thursday. Soon after, the Apple Developer site became inaccessible.

“My intention was not to attack” , stressed Balic. “A total of 13 bugs found and reported directly, one by one, on them to Apple. Shortly after that report, the developer center was closed,” he explained.

Balic says that “you have not heard of Apple” since errors are reported, and complains that “announced they were attacked.” “My goal was to inform and collect data error in order to know how deep I could go,” he insists.

Earlier, in February, hackers managed to inject ‘malicious software through the Apple Developer site, which had come to the Mac for some employees. In the past also used tricks through services such as customer care to hack into isolated accounts.

Concern about this intrusion has spread to applications and jumped doubt whether any of those available in the App Store has been infected. However, Apple ensures that the attacker does not have access to the code developers.

The survival of lynx in the north - The Paí (Spain)


lynx cub with a rabbit, their main food.

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O 900 copies or none. That is the medium-term future (2050) for the world’s most endangered feline: the Iberian lynx. It is estimated that approximately 250 animals are released, grouped into two nuclei: Doñana and Sierra Morena. And the difference is that they take into account the effects of climate change on their habitat or not, as published Nature Climate Change. and, if it does, perhaps, suggest the authors, should be consider introducing the animal in the northern regions of the peninsula, instead of insisting that extends into what has been their traditional habitat. “The reintroduction should rethink plans beyond historically associated areas this species to other regions in the future, they have the right conditions for its viability,” says the researcher from the National Museum of Natural Sciences, CSIC Miguel Bastos Araújo, who led the research.

class=”sin_enlace”> more

    • lynx emerges from its burrow
    • other Peninsula Bobcats
    • Lynx reintroduced

    • approach Castilla-La Mancha
  • A failure in the SIM card encryption undertakes million phones - MuyComputer

    A failure in the SIM card encryption undertakes million mobile

    Vulnerability in DES encryption system used in SIM cards for mobile phones 3,000 million, could allow an attacker to remotely control the terminal , clone cards, inject malware, shopping fraudulent or eavesdrop on communications.

    SIM card hacking has been the Holy Grail of a number of researchers and cybercriminals also because this small device found in millions of devices and allows operators to identify and authenticate users .

    Hence the importance of vulnerability discovered by German researcher and founder of Security Research Labs, Karsten Nohl, known for revealing the weaknesses of wireless chips hack anticipation of the algorithm used in GSM.

    failure affects the SIM cards with DES encryption , a standard developed by IBM in the 70s. Although new SIM use a type of strong encryption, DES is used by 3,000 million handsets and researcher estimated 750 million of them are vulnerable.

    Nohl has prepared an exploit to demonstrate the ease of obtaining the digital key SIM card, the sequence of 56 digits that allows modification of the card. From there an attacker would control communications could make debits , impersonate the user or terminal inject malware.

    Research has already been sent to the GSM Association and operators, and will be presented at the Black Hat security conference in Las Vegas next month.

    Sunday, July 21, 2013

    Climate change may cause extinction of the Iberian Lynx ... - The

    The Iberian lynx, which now only survives in the wild in the southwest peninsula, could reach 900 copies to the beginning of the next century if integrate climate change models in its conservation.

    This is the main conclusion of a study which publishes the journal ‘Nature Climate Change’, which involved researchers from the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), in addition to scientists from the University of Adelaide (Australia).

    In Spain it is estimated that between 250 and 300 lynx survive in freedom, distributed in two different populations , which are located in the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula.

    Develop plans for the reintroduction of this species, and include climate change factors, could increase its population to 900 spread between 25 and 31 distinct populations .

    temperature rise that could become hostile areas where currently concentrated efforts to reintroduce the Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus), according to the researchers.

    Change strategy

    Due to the effects of climate change, “without reintroductions intensive management could lead to extinction of the Iberian Lynx in about 50 years “, said the CSIC in a press release.

    reintroduction plans should consider other areas historically associated with this species that future conditions are appropriate,” said the researcher of the National Museum of Natural Sciences, CSIC and director this research, Miguel Bastos Araújo.

    Research has identified 40 areas climatically more likely to harbor the Iberian lynx to the middle of the century .

    Besides the climate, abundance of wild rabbit (their only prey), changes in land use or lack of connectivity between habitats occupied by this animal are other variables we have taken into account the research team during the five years of study.

    the connectivity between habitats, Damien Fordham, University of Adelaide and author of the paper, stressed: “If you do not perform the relevant management measures, the disconnect between these areas reduce the viability of reintroduced populations “.

    According to the article, the recent increase in the number of individuals of Iberian lynx indicates that current conservation measures work, at least in the short term.

    However, the small number of their populations involves a high vulnerability to changes in habitat quality and abundance of their prey.

    “It is necessary to take into account the projected impacts of climate change when planning for species conservation programs,” has ruled Bastos Araújo.

    A study warns that sea level may rise 20 meters ... - The


    East Antarctic “is much more sensitive” to changes in climate than estimated, according to a scientific study, which ensures that the sea level could rise final 20 meters to Century if this area, the western Antarctic and Greenland melt suffer as in the Pliocene.

    These are two of the findings of an international study published in the journal Nature Geoscience, led by researchers from Imperial College London and Spanish participation.

    In the Pliocene, between 5.33 million years ago and 2.58 million years ago, the Earth experienced a global temperature increase that came to be between 2 and 3 degrees Celsius higher than today and similar to the scheduled for the end of the century. The concentration of atmospheric CO2, meanwhile, was equal to that of today.

    Both factors led to the fusion of the ice planet, prompting a sea level rise of 20 meters , recalled in a note the Scientific Research Council (CSIC), signer research.

    Until now, it was known that the sea rose 10 meters due to the melting of Greenland and West Antarctic but according to the article, there was no evidence that the East Antarctic ice had added another 10 meters at sea level. The ice of the Antarctic, whose surface is equivalent to that of Australia, was formed 34 million years ago and was considered at steady state for 14 million years.

    However, according to this research, this area Antarctica is “much more sensitive than previously thought so far,” confirmed Francisco Jose Jimenez Espejo, now at the University of Nagoya (Japan) and earlier in the Andalusian Institute of Earth Sciences (CSIC joint center and the University of Granada).


    Pliocene data

    According to this article, given the similarity between the variables of atmospheric CO2 and temperature of the Pliocene and the present time, the consequences if there was a thaw continental -East and West Greenland and Antarctic-could be the same at the end of this century. “Sea levels could rise 20 meters to the end of the century”, according to this work.

    Carlota Escutia, the Andalusian Institute of Earth Sciences, has opined that it is “very important to understand what will be the possible consequences” in view of the similarity data.

    Researchers have reached these conclusions through the analysis Pliocene marine mud samples Eastern Antarctic. These samples were obtained over three kilometers below the Antarctic coast in the 2010 campaign of the International Ocean Drilling, coliderada by the CSIC.

    As explained Jimenez, there are also the mud rocks that were carried by glaciers and icebergs.

    researchers, through their analysis, have recognized the place of origin of these rocks and from there have been able to reconstruct the extent of glaciers over time. The Spanish team, according to Jimenez, has been commissioned to do various analyzes sedimentological, mineralogical and geochemical studies have allowed to reconstruct paleoenvironmental conditions during the Pliocene.

    The analysis revealed that the ice mass was considered stable important actually suffers partial melting .

    Internet, a universe full of black holes - La Voz de Galicia

    government Frictions, following the discovery of malicious code to access strategic data of countries and recent leaks of information in social networks confirm that black holes still persist in the universe of network security and efficiency forcefully demanding, according to experts.

    Many of the companies responsible for cyber security and protection have been put to work. Tomorrow, for example, the company Kaspersky meets in Moscow to discuss cybercrime , theft of confidential information and laundering money online.

    also the issue of security at the user level and increasing attack on mobile devices seem to be also one of the pillars on which the concern revolves these businesses. The reason? The explosion of users such terminals, increasingly attract cybercriminals because they are in a reef to access foreign data reported them huge amounts of money.

    This has been explained technical director Iberia Kaspersky Lab, Pedro García-Villacaña , the agency Efe, who has encouraged both the surfer and the user of mobile devices ” smart ‘for safety caution, especially now that shoot the threats to be in summer.

    “It takes a greater awareness of citizens to protect themselves on the Internet, just as you take safety measures in their real life,” said the expert.


    “malware” or detected malware on mobile devices is growing like wildfire, as outlined by the Russian company. Thus, only in the first quarter of this year has already exceeded 50% of the previous year.

    He added that, according to the figures, 99% of these attacks to mobile devices ‘intelegentes’ is targeting devices with an operating system (OS) Android, owned by Google, which does not preclude strangely, that users continue to increase exponentially.

    is also understandable, then, that the tendency for developed malicious code is becoming more sophisticated from a technical standpoint and far-reaching in the sense that many computers come fast and often without a trace, he explained.


    García-Villacañas has stated that, although “not need to be guru” of computing to become cybercriminal, if “advanced technical knowledge is required.”

    In his view, “one competent person, with advanced technology and a lot of different channels, can be reached in hours thousands of computers around the world through the distribution of a trojan properly configured» .

    already immersed in the subject, pointed out that the difference between Trojans and conventional viruses is that, while the former seek leave no evidence, the latter make clear his meddling . It is for this reason that many of the cybercriminals go unnoticed without a trace of any crime.



    The director of this entity, Trolleys Oerting , recently participated in a day of safety in Madrid, in which he warned of the proliferation of organized networks sofisticasdas increasingly to Internet crimes.

    In his words, the network itself, paradoxically, offers a whole host any tools easily accessible for self as a terrorist and criminal.


    Miguel Suarez , an expert on corporate security Synmatec , developer Norton antivirus , has highlighted the increasing Cyber ??espionage attacks a very specific goals each year is detected and confirms a clear trend annual growth thereof.

    Precisely class=”texto”>

    Internet security, a sought universe with many ... -

    class=”text”> A man surfing the internet. (FILE)

    Espionage , governmental frictions by the discovery of malicious code to access strategic data of countries and recent leaks of information in social networks, confirm black holes that remain in the coveted world of network security, and requires forcefulness, experts say.

    On Monday gather in Moscow heads computer security firm Kaspersky , to discuss cybercrime, theft of confidential information, laundering money online.

    Also, try to level security user and increasing attacks on mobile , as a result of the explosion of users of this type of equipment, which attract the increasingly cyber , because they find in them a bonanza for accessing data outside they reported huge amounts money.

    Extreme caution

    class=”quote_new”> greater awareness is needed to protect citizens’ Internet This has been explained coach Kaspersky Lab Iberia, Pedro García-Villacañas who has encouraged both the surfer and the user mobile device “smart”, which connects them to the network, caution security, especially now in summer soar threats.

    “It takes a greater awareness of citizens to protect themselves on the Internet, just taking security measures in real life,” said the expert.

    According to data from studies of this Russian company, the “malware” or malicious code detected in mobile devices is growing like wildfire, so only in the first quarter of this year has already surpassed 50% of the previous year.

    According to Kaspersky data “malware” or malicious code spread like wildfire In addition, according to the figures, the 99% of these attacks to mobile devices “smart” is targeting devices with Android operating system (Google), but that does not mean that we are shooting the threats to Apple devices that are gaining more users.

    In the field of cybercrime, malicious code developed by criminals are becoming more sophisticated from the technical perspective and broader in the sense that come fast to many computers and often without a trace, he said.

    Garcia-Villacañas expert has stated that, although “there have to be guru” computing for become cybercriminal , yes “advanced technical knowledge is required.”

    The “Trojans”

    In his view, “one person competent, with advanced technology and a lot of different channels can in hours thousands of computers worldwide by distributing a trojan properly configured. “

    It recalled that, with the Trojans is looking to leave no evidence , unlike with the virus conventional that are evident when acting, thereby cybercriminals often go unnoticed and obtain maximum information unrelated to then profit.

    European cybercrime center

    Proliferation class=”imp”> sophisticated networks to commit crimes on the Internet Cybersecurity concerned about in the world as not only confirms the commitment of companies to develop systems to ensure safety, but also the governmental authorities , with initiatives such as the recent creation of a European center of the specific Europol cybercrime.

    Its director, Troels Oerting, recently participated in a Segurida day d in Madrid, in which he warned of the proliferation of organized networks increasingly sophisticated, to commit crimes Internet .

    According to him, even the network itself, whose members are trying to protect from cybercriminals, is what paradoxically available to any whole endless easily accessible tools for self as a terrorist and criminal.

    Increase of cyber espionage

    Miguel Suarez, one of the security experts of the company Symantec (Norton proprietary antivirus ), highlighted the increasing cyber espionage attacks very specific targets detected each year and confirms a clear trend annual growth thereof.

    Just the latest report annual Symantec Internet threats in the 42% figure increased such attacks in 2012 over the previous year, also in 31% of these cases, cybercriminals security transgressed large targeted institutions making use of stolen data above small business.

    The alert CSIC centers closing weeks - La Voz de Galicia

    The Institute of Vigo has joined the complaint. cristian lang=”es-es”> Alvarez

    “is the result of a scientific policy restricting what leads us to the stoppage of CSIC in weeks.” The message is loud and clear, even more than the distress call made a few days ago by Emilio Lora-Tamayo, the president of the largest research organization in Spain, which in a rare press conference called for urgent investment hundred million euros , because otherwise the institution would not survive beyond three months. Now managers are hundred CSIC institutes who have stepped forward to denounce, in a letter to Secretary of State for R & D + i, Carmen Vela, the situation “alarming” running through the institution.

    After examining their accounts, the directors of the centers ensure that even prioritizing expenses, the money does not get “even to meet the obligations of contracts for projects under ‘which “will cause the gradual cessation of research activity centers from the end of this July, unable to bear the expenses institutes from projects that are currently underway.”


    ‘physical Close »

    Moreover, ensure that the centers are unique CSIC the situation is even more serious, because being forced to have funds to pay salaries and bills of costs common as water, telephone or light “paralysis of the research projects will be accompanied by physical closure of the facility, unable to secure the payment of invoices.”

    The letter is supported by the directors of three of the five centers that CSIC own has in Galicia. Carmen Gonzalez is Cotelo Investigacions responsible Mariñas Institute, Vigo, Felipe Criado, Institute of Heritage Sciences, Santiago, and Pedro Revilla Temiño, Biological Mission Galicia.


    president to allocate the remainder of the research groups, the money raised from European projects and contracts with companies that do not actually spent, to a common fund to raise cash to meet urgent payments. This money was pulling the research to continue to maintain and pay the contract.

    More selection performed automatically

    Hundred autonomy_link”> class=”enlace

    Saturday, July 20, 2013

    WhatsApp, a bonanza for digital scammers - The Reason

    class=”dateline”> July 20, 2013. 22:57 h Bethlehem V. Conquero. Madrid.

    “This new version shows you how to install WhatsApp Spy and learn to spy on WhatsApp outsiders, your friends or your girlfriend.” With this suggestive message announcing his scam the 23 years that the Technological Investigation Brigade (BIT) National Police have arrested after following his trail through internet. According to the agents, the scam has been more than 40,000 euros in two months is that the very virality of social networks helped spread the scam by the major media: Twitter, Facebook and Myspace, although the last warned that counterfeiting accounts’ Tuenti fielded us that someone had gotten the credentials of more than 11,000 users and, based on their profiles, send messages to all your friends in announcing the false application » , explains REASON Jose Rodriguez, Chief Inspector Logic Security Group Technological Research Brigade (BIT) of the National Police. The detainee had it very well put together, and he obtained the keys of accoun ts with the method of ‘phishing’, impersonate any person or entity, through a website, similar in appearance to the social network said. It was called “Tuemti”. “It has come to the attention of marketing knowledge of the detainee, who created a page similar to the original to give it credibility.”

    Another hit of Murcia was to create a platform where, according to the alleged swindler could download an app-WhatsApp Spy-that would spy on the contacts of one of the most popular messaging networks in the world. However, what I was getting ripped off when introducing the phone number on the page to get the download code, which never came, was a Premium SMS subscription whose benefits he went directly to the detainee. Those who fell into this trap paid between 1.45 and 7.26 euros, depending on the operator. Hence, the agents calculate the scam over 40,000 euros. This type of messaging “is the same as that used in television programs or other formats and, although regulated, is not always used so willing, as in this case,” says Rodriguez. The Premium SMS are numbers offered by different companies and resell. Thus, almost any user can access this service which receives a percentage of the fee that is charged to users. Although everything was set up under the la w, the fact is that “the operators do not collaborate a lot,” said the expert.

    police work also helped social networks, for a few months, announcing the arrival of this new application spy who alerted the research team. “The crimes attributed to prisoners detained but not overly affect many people,” reports the inspector. The most serious: discovery and disclosure of secrets derived from ‘phishing’, but also carry the massive scam and against intellectual property by attempting to impersonate Tuenti. And the young man would send over 8 million posts to announce “their platform”.

    Although readers may surprise delinquent youth, not so much to the police: “To do this one you are missing certain computer skills, no need to be a hacker. Moreover, most are self-taught. Also, the younger they are the more unconscious, they think that everything on the net is for all and not realize that the Criminal Code is also present in the digital world. ” In regard to espionage, “is very difficult”, although in the network circulating dozens of applications that advertise this service. The latest: Online Phone Spy. A program that is distributed for Android phones and it charges about 20 euros for users who want to download it. As stated by the engineer Emilio Ocampos, WhatsApp “has suffered problems in your programming code. Conversations are kept clear, but it was sorted. ” With respect to control of applications that hang, “differs smartphone operating system. In Android is easy to upload any” app” nobody cont rols, is free. Apple, through its” Store” test, but takes 80 per year to get your developer certificate. Javier Sanchez, ameu8, an application developer, says that “there is growing”” malicious apps looking to take the users’ personal information.” To prevent it, “we must avoid hack mobile for getting free apps because they work the hacker faciltas»

    So worked thymus


    scammed accessing your platform

    1 – the prisoner was invented an “interface” to register,

    2 – was invented how it would appear the “app” and

    3 – showed the virtues of this

    Gold Earth, forging dead star collision - CNN

    Madrid. (EP). – Astronomers at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center have conducted a study that determined that all gold the Earth has carved from ancient collisions dead stars .

    This finding, published in Astrophysical Journal Letters , comes after explosion observing neutron stars have confirmed the theory that shuffled some years.

    As explained by experts, astronomers have known for a long time that fusion reactions in the cores of stars create lighter elements like carbon and oxygen, but such reactions can produce heavier elements like gold.

    formed in stellar explosions such as supernovae. “But that does not entirely explain the amount of precious metal that exists in the solar system,” said lead author Edo Berger.

    Years later, a European team, using supercomputers, suggested that gold, platinum and other heavy metals can form when two neutron stars collide and merge.

    Neutron stars are essentially stellar relics: collapsed cores of massive stars. Now, several telescopes have detected such an explosion, and the observation of the phenomenon has strengthened the idea that gold was created in such collisions unusual and violent long before the birth of the Solar System, approximately 4,500 million years. “People walk around with a tiny piece of the universe,” stated Berger on the precious metal.

    outbreak that led to the discovery happened in a distant galaxy, 3,900 light years away. Each light year is about 9.5 trillion miles. The outbreak lasted only a split second. Using ground-based telescopes and the Hubble Space Telescope, the Berger team noticed a unique glow that lasted days.

    Researchers have explained that the infrared radiation in the glow was evidence that cosmic crash threw heavy elements. This is the same process that, at the time, occurred in the Milky Way.

    However, scientists have pointed out that “there are still clear data” as to why the Earth is so rich in gold. Previous work suggests a meteor shower may have brought this and other precious metals on the planet. If the interpretation of the new study is correct would be “a truly exciting news”, as highlighted by the American scientist, who has suggested that are necessary “new observations” to completely finish this work.

    Hundred CSIC directors call for more resources to avoid stopping in ... -

    class=”text”> petition campaign launched to save the CSIC. (

    Hundred directors of centers National Research Council (CSIC ) Friday sent a letter to Secretary of State for R & D + i in which qualify the organization’s situation “unsustainable” , result, say, of a restrictive policy that they are driven to stop the activity in weeks.

    This letter, addressed to Carmen Vela, the sign hundred centers and institutes responsible for the 126 having the highest scientific body in the country and comes out a week after its chairman, Emilio Lora-Tamayo, ensure that in addition to the 25 million approved by the Government, need 75 more to avoid a “catastrophe”.

    The signatories warn that it allocated so far is not enough to “make ends year , or even prioritize expenditure” and “in some cases even to fulfill contract obligations personnel under project “. “This will lead to the gradual cessation of research activity centers from the end of this July, unable to bear the expenses institutes from projects that are underway right now,” they say.

    The situation is even more alarming in some centers, being the CSIC and “have a limited operating budget”, have traditionally had to resort to indirect costs of projects to pay the bills of electricity, gas, telephone and other items, remember.

    “Because colleges are not going to have these indirect costs, the paralysis research project will be accompanied by physical closure of the facility, unable to secure the payment of the aforementioned bills “, emerge in this letter advanced by Country and which Efe had access .

    The undersigned further state

    with “deep concern and sadness the impossibility of maintaining scientific commitments ” acquired by the research staff “with existing budget arising from accounting adjustments.”

    In this sense, added: “We understand that the ultimate responsibility is to the ministerial authorities and government, and is the result of a restrictive science policy which leads us to the stoppage of CSIC in weeks. “

    According to these researchers, the solution, even partial and temporary, not on the use of funds for the institutes to ensure the functioning of the CSIC, but to “urgently increase funding by the Ministry and in return the schools their ability to manage resources that have been able to generate “.


    unsustainable situation and warn that if not addressed immediately, “agrees the future of the organization with the greatest impact researcher in the country”. “His recent statements, the Vela- have to be processed in urgent financial transfers . Confident that the actions to keep the CSIC arrive in a few weeks, so that the situation is not irreversible,” they said.

    Vela announced last week will do everything necessary to keep the CSIC-idea-repeated Thursday and a new game 50 million , adding that if this were not enough will continue doing things.

    Hundred CSIC center directors warn that "will not get you ... - Reuters

    MADRID, 20 Jul. (IRIN) –

    Over a hundred directors of centers and institutes of the Center for Advanced Scientific Research (CSIC) have signed a letter to Secretary of State for Science, Carmen Vela, warning that “will not reach the end year “due to cuts in research.

    are reminded that letter Sailing the need for their statements regarding the future of R & D + i in Spain “are translated into urgent financial transfers” to avoid “irreversible” which involves the closure of several schools.

    “We have an obligation to communicate to all competent authorities in investigation that the amounts allocated for the second half of 2013 did not reach to reach end of the year, and in some cases, not enough even to meet the obligations staff contracts under projects “have pointed out.

    also emphasize that this situation is “even more alarming” in some centers, being the CSIC and have a limited operating budget, have traditionally had to resort to indirect costs of projects to pay the bills electricity, gas, telephone and other items.

    “Because colleges are not going to have these indirect costs, paralysis of the research projects will be accompanied by physical closure of the facility, unable to secure payment of the aforementioned bills” have indicated .

    The signatories hope that solutions to these economic problems “come in a few weeks”, but have warned that, otherwise, will support the President of CSIC, Emilio Lora-Tamayo, in measures “stronger”.

    € 40,000 scam with a fake 'app' to spy on ... - Reuters


    MADRID, 20 Jul. (IRIN) –

    National Police agents have arrested in Murcia a 23 year old who allegedly defrauded more than 40,000 euros with a false application for instant messaging conversations spy on smartphones.


    called a phone number with which you would get an activation code of course, but in fact he did was sign holder to service ‘Premium SMS’. The supposed application to install and use advertised as simple, would view conversations from other users in real time.

    arrested the nonexistent program advertised primarily through stolen profiles on a social network in which they did with the credentials of over 11,000 users. Keys obtained through techniques of phishing through a website, whose address and appearance was similar to genuine social network, in which it called the ‘login’ and password for users who want to download the program.

    hacked sending spam profiles to the contact lists announcing the application, which could viralizar the existence of software that in theory would intercept messages from one of the most used applications nowadays. Police estimated that in just two months could have made a profit that would exceed 40,000 euros.

    Several months ago

    increased Internet rumors about the existence of an application that would allow the intervention of an acquaintance talks instant messaging program for smartphones. This intervention was announced that communications could be made by any person to the availability of a smartphone, only a few simple steps.


    Following a complaint lodged by a social network is learned that the main channel through which it was announcing nonexistent downloading this application was from the numerous profiles hacked its users. Through these stolen accounts were held mass mail-spam-messages to their contact lists to disseminate it.

    These messages include also redirected links to a website whose URL and look very similar to genuine social network. So captured through phishing techniques, access credentials to profiles whose users should introduce a requirement to download the software.

    Once these data are automatically redirected to websites that facilitate downloading the program, although apparently once downloaded, requesting to introduce mobile number to purchase an activation code that you never received.

    What was really was signing the owner of the telephone line to a courier who reported the arrest Premium important benefits, as the cost of these messages varies between 1.45 euros or 7.26 euros, depending on the operator.

    MORE THAN 11,000 class=”ladillo”>

    application wide interest among many users of the Network, as it would allow access to users’ private conversations of one of the most used programs today. But to make the most of the fraud need widely among netizens.

    This stole more than 11,000 social networking profiles through which sent more than 8,000,000 messages. Thus getting what promised to make credible the alleged program, as people received information from one of your contacts. Once we were aware of the deception, many of the defrauded not report because of the small individual amount of fraud because of what promised to be true implementation would be a crime.

    Once the researchers tracked the alleged architect of the fraud, a 23-year-old Spanish national, was arrested in the province of Murcia. In the search of his home computer were seized and four hard drives that are being analyzed by specialists.

    The operation was carried out by agents of the Technological Research Unit of the Judicial Police Commissioner-General in collaboration with the Police Headquarters of Murcia.