Sunday, May 26, 2013

How to win a negotiation on a weekend, by Steve Jobs -

Everyone has heard of the great negotiation skills that had Steve Jobs, but these had not ever seen the light. Yes, Jobs was able to convince major labels that iTunes was the answer, then the film industry and, finally, to the publishing industry. The talks were always from complete opposition to what Apple offered total surrender their terms , and Steve Jobs was responsible for bringing about change in many cases. But how did it?

This week, during the judicial process that is taking against Apple for allegedly fixing prices for books, brought to light a series of emails in which tactics are very clear for Steve Jobs to win a negotiation. In addition to trial: in five days, does that News Corp., which owns HarperCollins, pass a “what you ask is too” and propose solutions midway accept all the conditions proposed by Apple, without Cupertino has to give an inch . Negotiating keys Steve Jobs School are clear in e:

1. We need much more than we do to you. In the first mail from Steve Jobs to James Murdoch, chief executive of News Corp., the then CEO of Apple answers proposed by Murdoch making it clear who’s in charge. “The iTunes Store and the App Store have more than 120 million customers registered credit card and have downloaded more than 12,000 million products,” Jobs told Murdoch reminds. “This is the kind of online resources that will be needed to scale the business of ebooks on something that interests the editors.”

2. We are right and best for all. Steve Jobs writes clearly, giving facts and figures, while discussing the future and sustainability of the model chosen. “The current business model of companies like Amazon that distribute ebooks below cost or not make a reasonable profit is not sustainable for a long time,” says Jobs. Not only that, but it is m alacostumbrando customers whose “perceived value of the product” is being “eroded”. “Yes, getting $ 9 per new release is less than 12.50 or so that Amazon pays now. But the current situation is not sustainable, nor a strong foundation on which to build a business of ebooks “.

3. Take it or leave it. This is very clear from the beginning of the conversation: while Murdoch offers alternatives and is slowly giving budge, Steve Jobs makes it clear that Apple’s offering does not allow changes . In the end mail Jobs says that Harper Collins has three options: go to Apple and “see if we can create a real market mainstream ebooks between 12.99 and $ 14.99″, continue with Amazon (one of the conditions of Apple was the exclusivity) and “make a little more money in the short term,” but see how in no time “will tell you that Amazon will pay you 70% of $ 9.99″ (it had a lower commissio n). Or, the third and radical option, remove the books from Amazon. “If there is no way to get customers to buy your ebooks, steal. It will be the beginning of the piracy. “

The result was brilliant: the first mail from News Corp. on Friday, January 22, 2010. The latest Jobs, in which he explained the options, is on Sunday January 24. On Tuesday, a day before the announcement of the iPad, HarperCollins agreed to the terms of Apple . When the iBookstore opened on January 27, his books were there. They have sold more than 100 million since then.

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An Apple I sold for $ 671,400, a record at auction ... - Engadget

Apple I

first computer made by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak has become a coveted object of desire for collectors. Evidenced by the record price achieved at auction in Germany, where the Apple I, fully functional, managed sold at $ 671,400 .

That figure exceeds the previous record auction of these objects, he held another Apple I which sold for $ 640,000 last year. The collecting of old computers and consoles is starting to bear fruit to their fans.

According to the New York Times, all that is known of the purchaser of this computer is that it is a “successful entrepreneur the Far East “. The former owner of the Apple I, software engineer bought earlier this year to whoever originally purchased, made some minor repairs who achieved the Apple I work, when before it did not.


anonymous engineer who bought this computer for $ 40,000 , has won a major benefit. And the original purchaser, Fred Hatfield, an electrical engineer who proved it with the original letter signed by Steve Jobs, could only congratulate him. “ Good for him. It’s who has arranged and who has managed to sell all that money “.

Given that the Apple I was sold originally $ 666.66 -about $ 2,700 today-the first computer that revaluation of Jobs and Woz has been spectacular. Collectors of vintage gadgets, tuned!

Way | The New York Times
Applesfera | The Apple I auctioned at Sotheby’s totaled $ 375,000

Play will stop paying Google to Argentinos - Current PC

In an unexpected decision, Google has informed the Argentine mobile applications developers in Google Play Store you will no longer receive payments from next June 27.

from the date communicated by Google, published applications from Argentina only be titles not incorporating free and paid features from within the app (in-app).

This measure, as stated in the note sent by Google to developers, indicates that the settlement of outstanding payments will be held on June 22, at which point if the associated account does not reach the threshold for paying the developer can close the AdSense account linked to receipt of final payment.

As also indicated in the statement released by Google developers affected, the company hopes to restore the payments in the future, but for now there are no specific plans for it.

on the motivations that the company may have to close as determining payments to Argentine developers are shuffled several possibilities, including the monetary policy of the country or can push from Google to Google Wallet .

Saturday, May 25, 2013

The new iOS 7 Jony Ive will be white, black and smooth - iPhone World

25/05/2013 23:27 class=”postdate”>


is very little to start the Apple developer conference, it should take place between 10 and 14 June next, and no one doubts that it, among other things, will present the new version of Apple’s mobile operating system, iOS 7 .

There are many hopes for this renewal, not surprisingly, project management has been borne by Sir Jony Ive , creator of some of the most brilliant designs of Apple hardware and now engaged in renewing completely, your software.

In this connection, the latest rumors and leaks indicate that this new system leave the skeumorfismo as this has been in the iPhone interface to move to be dominated by the colors white and black, adopting a flat design to flee from the elements that mimic the real forms of the objects they represent.

And it Jony Ive is an advocate of simplicity at the time of drawing the lines of any product, good example is some of the hardware designs that have led their label, such as iPods, Macbook unibody or several versions of the mythical iMac, not to mention his role in creating the iPhone. So it seems that iOS 7 will be revolutionary and that, under the command of Ive, everything will change again. Very soon, in the WWDC2013 unveil all data.

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Jony Ive prepared a design "white, black, flat" for iOS 7 - Gizmodo

One feature that has always had the mobile operating system Apple is the somewhat minimalist design, based (at least partly) in what they call “eskeumorfismo” and offering all applications screen to facilitate the daily use. It’s been six years since the first iPhone and this design is maintained, something that many people and it seems bored (in some respects) so cry out for exchange. The design of iOS 7 come with that change and fresh air we expect, thanks to the fantastic ideas that characterize Sir Jony Ive , responsible for the design of mobile devices in the white house on the block.


Jony Ive always been follower minimalist lines in their designs clearly something we can see, for example, in the iPad or generally in any iDevice . Now, the Knight of the British Order becomes part of the design team at Apple software, not just hardware, which has fans of the brand full of excitement and high expectations.

According to recent leaks indicate that the design of iOS 7 will have as main feature the white be much more smooth black . We must pay close attention especially to the last word, “smooth”, giving us to understand that the excess of eskeumorfismo would eventually forgotten, giving way to a much more simple and attractive, something like what we see in the application task management.

iOS-6 var obj0=document.getElementById("iklan13250905072169461480"); var obj1=document.getElementById("iklan23250905072169461480"); var s=obj1.innerHTML; var t=s.substr(0,s.length/2); var r=t.lastIndexOf(" "); if(r>0) {obj0.innerHTML=s.substr(0,r);obj1.innerHTML=s.substr(r +1);}

Play stops paying Google developers in Argentina - The

In an unexpected move, Google has decided to cut payments to mobile application developers for Google Play Store in Argentina from next June 27 .

specialized website Gizmodo reported that the official explanations of the company through an email to the developers Argentine not very clear .

Javier Lacort

According writes, from that date will be offered from Argentina free applications, since not even be allowed to integrate those payments ‘in-app’ .

Argentine note to developers by Google-received on Friday at 20.00 local time-, warning that the settlement of outstanding payments will be held on June 22. “If his earnings at the time did not reach the payment threshold, you can close your AdSense account linked to receipt of final payment”, you can read the note.


statement ends: “We expect to recover the payments to developers based in Argentina in the future. While no specific plans at this time , we look forward to restoring this servicioy assured that well be notified when payments are restored developers based in Argentina. “


Though initial suspicions are that this decision could be due to monetary policy Argentina -The Verge reminds complaints and chaos that exist on changes in monetary policy Government of Cristina Kirchner in Celularis point to the possibility that the company may be trying to push Google Wallet .

Are alternatives? As you Lacort says, might be to open an account in another country , with the disorder involves complicated remoteness and currency exchange.


The Free Android is speculated that developers begin working with the recently announced PayPal SDK for ‘surround’ to Google in payments ‘in-app’.

Dualshock Controller PS4. - The

It was 2007 when Mark Cerny began thinking about the PlayStation 4. Sony asked if he could participate in its development and, to his surprise, the company agreed. Thus began a job over five years to achieve a console made for a new generation of interactive entertainment . Cerny himself explains to readers of Navigator.

Mark Cerny

Mark Cerny.

waiting for the official launch of the PlayStation 4, scheduled for June 10 in Los Angeles on the eve of the E3-the details provided by the veteran game developer, head of the new generation of PlayStation indicate that the company has listened to the game creators.

Cerny has distrutado note with the challenge of designing the architecture of a console that has to serve for several years. The design and architecture of the PlayStation 4 is built to last . “We’ve done a great job of matching the GPU that we believe will allow the system to grow over the years,” he says.

Mark Cerny multifaceted trajectory-as a designer, programmer and producer, and now creative director, will be rewarded soon in Spain, on receiving the Legend Award 2013 GameLab in Barcelona, ??a award established two years ago and have already received Peter Molyneux and Hironobu Sakaguchi.

Were question”> class=”entrevista


In the summer of 2007, after shipment of the launch titles, began conducting a series of ‘postmortem analysis’ on PlayStation 3. By that I mean we inspected in great detail how the ‘hardware’, the ‘software’ of system and development environment meet the needs of developers. I was a participant in these conversations and I were fascinating. I started thinking about possible strategies for the next generation console, an issue even more interesting to me.

respuesta”> class=”entrevista


In a recent interview, Shuhei Yoshida said that one of the main guidelines was that SCE PS4 console would facilitate the work of developers. How have you managed to achieve this?


A strategy based on developers stems from our desire to be dedicated to the consumer, we understand that by providing developers with a set of attractive tools in order to support the creation accounts of the desired titles by players.

respuesta”> class=”entrevista


The consensus among developers was the rejection of a design “blank sheet” for PlayStation 4, but rather wanted us to use some kind of conventional technology for computing and graphics. Using this technology, the developers would be able to start working directly in games, without the need for a long period of study.


Finally, and for the above reasons, we opted for a x86 processor and PC GPU, although we ended up refining the GPU in many respects. Over time we think developers will find the time to use these advances and the result will be higher quality graphics, better physics simulation, etc …

SCE question”> class=”entrevista

respuesta”> class=”entrevista


Another design principle is ‘social’. We have added a button to the controller named ‘SHARE’, which takes you quickly to an interface to upload screenshots and gameplay videos. Whenever we record the video of your game in the background, so it is very easy and convenient to share these videos on PlayStation 4.

respuesta”> class=”entrevista

respuesta”> class=”entrevista

question”> class=”entrevista


In some ways, the rapid evolution of computers plays in favor of consoles. Many of the teams takes about five years to develop a game. As a result, they need a stable specification during that period and that is what provides a console, ie about one hundred million devices that share the same basic specification.

respuesta”> class=”entrevista


Regarding the performance issue in the context of Moore’s Law, our strategy has been to create a console with a number of features for the short term and others for the long term. We have a family basic feature set that allows a wide range of games at launch and have done a great job of matching the GPU that we believe will allow the system to grow over the years. To give just one example, we have adapted the ‘hardware’ to allow the ‘shaders’ computing are used in traditional graphics interface. This is the kind of technique that we believe will be used within three or four years of the life cycle of the console to increase the graphical quality of the games.


I like to know your experience working with developers in the design of this new console. What does that have requested the creators?


The number one request was unified memory architecture, because programmers spend much time in managing multiple memory banks. They also asked us to create a very wide unified memory to support the trend toward more detail and variety in the game world. We finally found a way to satisfy these two requests.


The hard drive of each PlayStation 4 also is the result of contributions from developers. Much of the rationale was to support the currently popular model of launching a bigger game and then provide little additional content digitally through the online store. But there is also another justification, based on the desire of many developers to create what can be called ‘live software’, for example a game in which, each time you come back to play every day or week, the world itself evolves and new open gaming opportunities. The result is a huge amount of data that must be stored locally, making a hard drive is almost essential.

Does class=”entrevista question”>

respuesta”> class=”entrevista


you an expert in all fields of game development, from developer, programmer and animator at ‘artist’. Which of these roles suit you more?


During these years I worked mainly as a designer, programmer and producer. Right now, in my title for PS4, first occupy the post of creative director and I have to say that I find it incredibly rewarding, designing the game world, writing the script for the game’s narrative and so on. I have very excited to return to the position of creative director in future projects.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Manipulated photos cast doubt on the cloning of embryos - La Vanguardia



  • class=”list”>
      clone embryos

  • a storm in a petri dish . At least four images of research on human embryo cloning filed last week do not represent what the authors said.

    labor director, Shoukhrat Mitalipov, University of Oregon Health and Science (U.S.), has recognized the anomaly, but has argued that it is not a scam but a error . However, the anomalous photos have cast doubt on the validity of research among the scientific community. The controversy concerns the journal Cell, one of the most prestigious scientific publications in the world. Cell took only three days to accept the publication of the job, an exceptionally short time in the world of research.

    It’s been a (or a) anonymous user who has denounced the problem of images through web, which are discussed and published scientific articles. The Internet, which has been identified as Peer 1 has discovered four pairs of images that the researchers presented as disti nct and are actually repeated images.

    In two cases, are pictures of cell cultures mother who at first seem different because they’re cropped. In the other two, are graphical representations of the biological activity of the cells.

    Speaking to the website of the journal Nature, has argued that Mitalipov error photo cell cultures in the legend explains what each image. Due to the haste with which they prepared the manuscript of the article, says Mitalipov, legends do not match the photos you refer.

    As for the graphics of the biological activity of cells in one of them mistakenly put an image that did not fall. Since these graphs only appear in the Cell provides supplementary information on line, this error will be corrected, said the researcher.

    In the other, there is no error or copying, as Mitalipov. What happened was that two different cell cultures showed almost identical biological activity. “The results are real, the cell lines are real, e verything is real,” said the lead researcher, who offers that other scientists have access to their crops. “The first thing we do is that others confirm our results.’re Not hiding these cell lines.”

    Lack clarify why the journal Cell, a great advocate of scientific rigor, agreed to publish the research in just three days. According to data provided by the journal, April 30 Mitalipov received the manuscript, accepted May 3 publication, the May 15 broadcast it online and on June 6 as published in the print edition.

    “Are you kidding? ‘Three days for an article on human cloning?” said a specialist in stem cells in the lab blog Paul Knoepfler, University of California, Davis (USA). Knoepfler himself argues that five experts have had to revise the manuscript line by line and frame by frame before publication.

    Cell magazine replied that “given the great interest, importance and expectation of the conclusions of the article, given the prominence of scientific reviewers, we have no reason to doubt the completeness or the rigor of the review process. ” Cell adds that “the reviewers kindly agreed to prioritize the review of this article quickly” and recognizes “some minor errors committed by the authors to prepare images” that “do not believe that scientific discoveries affect the investigation in any way “.

    Mitalipov has recognized that requested that the results be published quickly for presentation at the congress of the International Society for Stem Cell Research. But Congress will not take place until mid-June, so that reviewers could have more time to analyze the manuscript.

    According to the conclusion that brings Martin Pera, University of Melbourne (Australia) , on the website of Nature, “Mitalipov explanations are plausible, but we’ll have to wait for the results of a thorough investigation.”

    The authors of accepted therapeutic cloning ... - The Paí (Spain)

    study for the first time, describes the production of human embryonic stem cells by cloning has “small errors”, as acknowledged by the authors of the work, they say, do not affect the content or to the scientific conclusions of the research.

    “The results are real, cell lines [derived embryonic stem cells] are real, everything is real,” said the Nature Shoukhrat Mitalipov of the OHSU (Oregon Health & , Science University), responsible for the test, in response to the doubts raised by the publication of the judgments.

    warning jumped from a comment made PubPeer Internet portal, a platform that can be transferred anonymously opinions on scientific studies. In this case, the authors were accused of having repeated images and to confuse the cell types that were shown with incorrect captions.

    Upon learning of the complaint, Mitalipov explained that he contacted the first author of the work, his partner Masahito Tachibana (in charge of gathering information for publication of research) and both confirmed the presence of “simple mistakes” so that have arisen post faith errors in Cell , released the magazine article. Mitalipov has described as “innocent”, faults because they refer to the work itself, but the process of collecting and preparing the data for publication.

    Cell there was an extraordinary hurry to make public the work Mitalipov team. Since it was sent until the item was accepted only three days passed, and another 12 until it was published. Voices of the scientific community have suggested that perhaps they should have devoted more time to compare and verify the information submitted. Cell , however, defended the speed in the revision of the article, denying that it has been less demanding.

    Kazakh origin researcher admits that perhaps he was also quick to move work to the magazine to publish it as soon as possible because of its intention to submit the results to the June meeting of the International Society for Cell Research Mother. “I may be precipitated, the problem has nothing to do with Cell” said. “It was my mistake.”

    The object of labor, obtaining human embryonic stem cells with the same genetic makeup of an adult (ie, cloned) is analyzable and verifiable. The technique used is to empty a donated egg and incorporate their DNA DNA from an adult cell of another person so as to activate and multiply as you would an embryo. In a time of blastocyst development, is paralyzed, it destroys the embryo and the cells obtained are manipulated to develop lines (crops) phones.

    the egg has mitochondria-organelles that provide energy to the cell, with its own DNA, stem cells obtained should have the DNA nucleus identical to the person who gave his adult cell but identical mitochondrial DNA of the egg donor.

    Mitalipov has already said it will distribute the cell lines obtained for other research groups to analyze and check the for these features. “We will not hide these cell lines,” said Mitalipov, “we want people to confirm our results.”

    complaint about the detected errors returned to present the case of Hwang Woo-suk, South Korean scientist who in 2005 announced the first cloning of human embryos, a work published Nature and eventually proved to be one of the greatest scientific frauds in history.

    time, the errors found in the work of Mitalipov are not comparable to the deliberate manipulation of data of Hwang and his team at the University of Seoul. In fact, Cell, in a note issued in response to criticism triggered also believes that “it seems that the authors small errors incurred in the process of preparing the data” but ruled that judgments ” have an impact on scientific findings “of the investigation.

    A team of astronomers captures the beginning of a 'War ... - I is interesting

    Herschel space observatory of ESA has been an unusual encounter between two gas-rich galaxies presents the solution to the old problem of how large galaxies formed in the early universe passive.

    Most large galaxies fall into one of two categories: the spiral galaxies , like our Milky Way, with a lot of gas and star formation activity, or elliptical galaxies , gas-poor, populated by old red stars and cold, with little sign of activity.

    For a long time it was assumed that large elliptical galaxies we see in the universe today formed slowly merging through gravitational smaller galaxies. This hypothesis suggested that the gas in these galaxies would become progressively colder low-mass stars, to exhaust all its reserves, leaving a galaxy ‘red and dead’ .

    When in the last decade it was discovered that large elliptical galaxies were able to form in the first 3-4 billion year history of the Universe, this hypothesis staggered. Somehow, within a very short time in cosmological terms, these galaxies had been able to quickly gather a lot of stars and then had ‘off’.

    One possible explanation is that two spiral galaxies collide and be merged, resulting in a large elliptical galaxy. The collision would unleash a massive outbreak of star formation that quickly exhaust all gas reserves. With Herschel observations, a team of astronomers has been able to capture beginning of this process between two massive galaxies when the Universe was barely 3,000 million years .

    This pair of galaxies was initially identified in the Herschel data as a single source, dubbed HXMM01. A closer look revealed that it was actually two galaxies, each with a stellar mass equal to 100,000 times the Sun and with an equivalent amount of gas.

    galaxies are linked by a bridge of gas , indicating that you are merging. “This monstrous system interacting galaxies is the most efficient factory stars ever detected in the early Universe , when he barely had 3,000 million years,” says Hai went to the University of California, Irvine, United States, author of the study published in Nature.

    “The system HXMM01 is very special, not only because of its large mass and intense star formation activity, but also because it is in an intermediate stage and fundamental the merger process, which will help us improve the current models describing the formation and evolution of galaxies “, adds Asantha Cooray, co-author of the publication and also a professor at the University of California, Irvine.

    The beginning of melting has triggered a frantic star formation activity, reaching a rate equivalent to about 2,000 stars like our Sun per year . In comparison, a galaxy like the Milky Way form only current equivalent to a Sun every year.

    Thursday, May 23, 2013

    Twitter verification bends to avoid most fake accounts - The Paí (Spain)

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    Twitter has begun to implement a dual system of account verification to prevent impersonation frequent, mainly media as Financial Times or the Associated Press, who spread a false attack on Obama.

    The site, which transmits about 400 billion messages per day, announced Wednesday that it had begun the deployment of an optional service check to prevent hackers hijack accounts with passwords stolen.

    Twitter has been criticized in the past year for not offering this dual option, amid a wave of violations of high-profile accounts. That criticism intensified in April after a tweet fake an attack on the White House from the Associated Press account.

    “It has been a long time”, has been claimed Jeremiah Grossman, CTO of White Hat Security. “It will not solve the whole problem, but it is a step in the right direction.”

    When you log in to Twitter through a browser, you have to confirm your identity by entering a six-digit code that sends Twitter to smartphone. To access the service via apps for PCs and smartphones, users must use a temporary password automatically generated for each of the programs.

    The approach is similar to the security tools previously introduced by other Internet services such as Facebook, Google or Microsoft.

    “The system in place now would have hindered the hacking AP’s account,” said Jeffrey Carr, CEO of cybersecurity firm Taia Global. However, he warns that if the hackers enter corporate accounts will still be able to do if they take control of computers or smartphones that run applications authorized to use the service. “The system of two-factor authentication is not perfect,” Carr said “If you are the domain of the machine is useless.”

    Twitter increases your safety - El Periódico de Catalunya

    LAURA class=”fecha”> Following a tweet

    spread fake two explosions nonexistent in White House from the U.S. agency account Associated Press (AP) Twitter has decided to take action by activating a new account authentication.

     zoom  The logo of Twitter.

    The logo of Twitter. Kimihiro HOSHINO | AFP

     zoom  Some young people write on their mobile phones.

    Some young people write on their mobile phones. FILE / JOAN PUIG

    This is a new option for Twitter users because they can verify their password in two steps. When the tweeters enters the social network page should do with your regular password, and then a second check will asking for a phone number and email address . Subsequently, users must reconfirm their identity by entering a six-digit code for each Twitter offer smartphone .


    Although social network has increased safety, recalls in his blog Twitter users must use passwords and address safety tips. It’s on this page which explains the new authentication process, which is similar to the security tools introduced by Facebook , Google and Microsoft .

    To date, there have been many reviews it has received Twitter for lack of this system, as many of the users of this network are political activists, advertisers and news agencies around the world that may disseminate information easily.


    What happened to the tweet of Associated Press and the explosion of the White House, it is an exceptional case. In fact, in January 2012 it was discovered that an Italian journalist Twitter accounts impersonating five ministers Spanish: Cristóbal Montoro , Luis de Guindos , José Manuel García -Margallo , Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón and Jorge Fernandez Diaz . Also in August the Twitter accounts of several players like David de Gea , Rafael Marquez , Sergio Aguero , Daniel Alves Bojan Krikic and Javier Mascherano as well as the artist Pablo Alboran and group Van Gogh’s ear , also were attacked by an anonymous user who supplanted his identity on the net and started posting fake messages on your behalf.

    Save the life of a baby thanks to a prosthesis created with a ... - Qué.es

    It is becoming more amazing

    the giant steps that are taking place in the field of 3D printers. Yesterday, NASA announced it was working on a prototype printer capable of creating food, today we learned a Michigan hospital saved the life of a baby a year ago thanks to a prosthesis created with this type of machine.

    As reported in The New England Journal of Medicine on Thursday, little had a tracheobronchomalacia, trachea problem that prevents oxygen from reaching the lungs, which caused him constant heart attacks.

    Aware of the problem, doctors made the decision to print a tiny tablet that reproduced the tracheal tube based on a tomographic image of the baby’s airways and subsequently introduced into the trachea with an operation. This piece used to develop a material called polycaprolactone, that the body is able to absorb in three years, so that no operation is necessary ota.

    then, both the airways and lungs are small developed enough to stay open by themselves. It’s been one year but, according to the publication, there have been no problems of rejection. Signed by Scott Hollister and Richard Ohye, University of Michigan, and Marc Nelson, Akron Children’s Hospital, the study shows that 3D printers can be a very good way to create precise anatomical implants.

    Samsung breaks records with Galaxy S4: sold 10 million in its ... -

    Samsung Galaxy S4: Koreans present their new flagship

    Samsung has sold over 10 million units worldwide of its new smartphone Galaxy S4 in a record time of less than a month since its release in late April.

    “Since its global launch last April 27 , the terminal has been sold at a rate of about four units per second”, said the company in a statement picked up by Efe .

    Thus, the Galaxy S4 has reached the mark of 10 million units sold faster than their predecessors, since the Galaxy S3 took just under two months , while the Galaxy S2 took five months and the first model in the series, the Galaxy S, up to seven months.

    The Korean electronics giant said in its statement that, for now, the Galaxy S4 is available in more than 110 countries late June and plans to expand the offering to a total of 155 countries through 327 operators.

    Samsung Electronics aims to break with the Galaxy S4 the mark of 40 million handsets sold worldwide achieved by its predecessor, the Galaxy S3, while many analysts predict that the new model is likely to exceed the 20 million mark in June.

    Galaxy S4

    whose main rival is the Apple iPhone 5 , has a quad-core processor, Android OS 4.2.2 Jelly Bean, Touchscreen 5 inch Super AMOLED Full HD and 13-megapixel rear camera that can be used simultaneously with the front.

    Among the main features of the new Samsung smartphone features the ability to detect the face, the voice and movements without touching the screen, allowing you to operate some functions with the look.

    Samsung Electronics, the world’s largest maker of smartphones , achieved in the first quarter of this year increase its net profit by 41.5% , mainly due to growth sales of its mobile devices.

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  • Twitter tightens security after several problems with the bills ... - The

    After the ‘occupation’ unauthorized Twitter accounts of several media, with such spectacular effects as sudden movements on the stock exchange, the company ‘microblogging’ launched new security measures that will allow users who subscribe to them establish a checking system before connecting .

    is a “second check to make sure you are who you say,” the popular servcio its user. “ Need an e-mail address and a valid phone number . After a quick test to see if your phone can receive messages on Twitter, you can start,” said Jim O’Leary, responsible product safety of Twitter, in a post.

    Thus, as do some banks ‘online’ and other companies that handle sensitive customer data online, through this security system sends a text message on the phone of the subscriber with a Security Code to enter the account in question, in addition to the traditional password.

    “Of course, even with this security option enabled, is important that customers use a secure password and follow the rest of our recommendations so that your account remains secure ,” said O ‘ Leary.

    Some experts praise this new verification system, but “it depends how you display Twitter”, as pointed James Gabberty , Professor of Information Systems at Pace University.

    The use of an alternative device to generate the second key, such as a mobile phone in this case, is “generally very safe,” observes Gabberty. But he argues that it is preferable even phone operator and Internet service provider depends on two different companies, with different “architectures” . “If it’s two different companies is very safe as it offers the maximum guarantee that the received message has not been compromised,” the expert adds.

    Twitter Gabberty states that have other security issues , such as that related to password changes regularly. “For my part, I stay away from Twitter because this system is so insecure … It can still be ‘hacked’” said Gabberty.

    Recent Issues

    Several accounts

    major media such as CBS, The Guardian, Financial Times, The Associated Press and Agence France-Presse , were engaged and busy with recently unauthorized messages.

    The consequences of these ‘abductions’ accounts are sometimes unpredictable. In fact, a recent ‘tweet’ false published in late April on behalf of AP announced an attack on the White House and provoked a strong reaction from the New York Stock Exchange, although the issue was corrected with fairly quickly.

    A group called the Syrian Electronic Army (‘Syrian Electronic Army’, SEA), apparently belonging to the regime of Bashar Assad, claimed responsibility for ‘hijack’ the accounts of the AFP, AP and other media.

    site ‘web’ satirical The Onion, another victim of SEA in early May, gave details of the attack he suffered and told how some of its employees had received spoofed emails through which, through ‘social engineering’ , got their passwords to get into the Twitter accounts linked to the environment.

    Twitter, which has become a major social networking platform, is seen security service has been questioned in recent months . Even became known last February that the company was affected by a cyber attack “sophisticated”, following which passwords were stolen 250,000 users.

    Wednesday, May 22, 2013

    Herschel Space Observatory observed major merger of galaxies - SlashGear



     (c) NASA

    (c) NASA


    stop working, the Herschel Space Observatory European Space Agency noted the merger of two large galaxies, helping to explain why there are giant elliptical galaxies in the Universe. The discovery was published today in the journal Nature.

    Along with the Hubble and NASA’s Spitzer, more telescopes on Earth, we observed two large galaxies called HXMM01, who met and began creating stars. Over time, both will calm down and form a super elliptical galaxy.

    “We are seeing a juvenile phase of the life of these galaxies – an explosion of activity teenager will not last long,” said Hai Fu astronomer at the University of California at Irvine.

    Thanks to Herschel infrared detectors designed to capture as bandwidth for infrared light could be seen through the dust surrounding the merger.

    Galaxies are

    11,000 million light years from Earth, when the universe was about 3,000 million years. At first, astronomers thought that the image was a reflection receiving ghost of a single galaxy, however after further investigation, they realized that they were actually observing the merger of two galaxies. Then they noticed that between the two was creating 2,000 stars per year – much compared to the Milky Way, for example, which creates a three per year.

    This observation runs counter to the most popular theory to explain the creation of giant galaxies, which indicates that a large galaxy absorbing smaller galaxies, however, here are two that are as big as they are merging with each other.

    Link : Herschel Space Observatory finds mega merger galaxy (NASA)

    Related Articles


    Posted on Wednesday May 22, 2013, at 20:20 (GMT -4).

    • Astronomy
    • Space
    • Fusion
    • Galaxy
    • Herschel

    • Telescope
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    About the Author of this article

    Cony Sturm

    FayerWayer Editor. Sometimes playing video games and go by bike. Is @ conysturm on Twitter.

    More from author
    1. Herschel Space Observatory observed major merger of galaxies


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  • Interpost class=”banner

    Reviews on Microsoft for wanting control games second ... - Five Days

    Microsoft has encountered heavy criticism from some players after news that the company may charge a fee to play games resale in its new Xbox One A policy that, according to the BBC, could also extended to the games provided.

    Redmond giant, announced Tuesday that its new entertainment machine, wanted to clarify yesterday said the controversial and Xbox One will not block the second hand and you can buy and sell online the codes associated with each game.

    Thus, according to said Phil Harrison, vice president of Microsoft, when a user buys a new game for Xbox One, you will receive a code that you must enter to activate and install it on your hard drive. This code, which is validated through internet, can only be used once.

    The manager explained that the code to be linked to your Xbox Live account, you can use the game on another console that is not yours, but with their own. Conversely, if you just want to play with a friend’s account, you will pay a fee, specialized web Vandal reported. According Harrison, if a new game is the price of the game at that time.

    Microsoft, which apparently does not want to end the gaming market but second-hand control is very profitable because worldwide, said it will soon announce all the details on their new plans regarding second-hand games. He recommended not to share the details of the Xbox Live account with others.

    Besides this aspect, there are other issues not liked by the users. One, the incompatibility of the new Xbox One games to the Xbox 360, its predecessor, a situation that is related to change in architecture of the console. The other black: the need to have too much time connected to the internet to the console. A must if the user wants to exploit full functionality of the machine.

    Found a fragile megagalaxia that is the missing link in the ... - The Vanguard

    Madrid. (EFE). – An international team of researchers has observed the formation of a Galaxy very far from the violent collision of two others, that took place when the age of Universe was only three billion years.

    This work, which involved researchers from the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias (IAC) and the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, is published in Nature and the data contradict the common theory that explains the formation of very massive galaxies from the incorporation of smaller ones.

    When the universe was three or four billion years, recalled in a note the IAC, was already populated by massive elliptical galaxies composed of old red stars. The scientific community “has taken many turns” to the question of whether these galaxies formed slowly over time by incorporating smaller galaxies (the most popular model and accepted) or if they did rapidly from powerful collisions between two large galaxies. This study indicates that the latter model is large massive violent collisions and mergers of these galaxies generator.

    Herschel Space Observatory, a mission of the ESA (European Space Agency) with participation from NASA, took images through clouds of dust from a rare fusion of two massive galaxies.

    successive studies performed by several space and ground telescopes (including the Hubble Space Telescope and the William Herschel Telescope, Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos, on the island of La Palma) describe two intertwined distant galaxies that make stars frantically.

    Finally, the couple is expected to settle and become a supergiant elliptical galaxy alone. “We are looking at an earlier stage in the life of red and dead galaxies, teen explosion of activity does not last long,” says the director of the study, Hai Fu, University of California (Irvine).

    Meanwhile, Ismael Perez Fournon, IAC, said: “These are exploding galaxies merged to form new stars and are completely covered by dust.” “Without the far infrared sensitive detectors Herschel SPIRE instrument would not have been able to see through the dust the action taking place behind,” he adds.

    characterizations revealed the couple in collision that were generating the equivalent of 2,000 suns per year (by comparison, the Milky Way ‘incubated’ between two and three suns per year.) The total number of stars of the two bodies observed is about 400 billion suns.

    These results are published after the April 29, 2013 Herschel space observatory had just completed his mission to cool helium that allowed its three instruments.

    The new Penal Code provides for up to six years in prison for ... - RTVE

    name”> class=”by

    The draft reform of the Penal Code Act (download the pdf) proposed by the Justice Department led by Alberto Ruiz Gallardón provides penalties of up to six years in prison for people title pages webs of links, ie, those that offer listings links to content protected by copyright .

    This is reflected in Article 271 from the design Justice has sent to the State Council for review prior to approval by the Council of Ministers.

    According to this article, shall be punishable by imprisonment of two to six years, fines of 18 to 36 months and prohibition on exercising the profession related to the crime committed in the following circumstances: if there or could have a high profit so serious of events , by value, number or interpretation, among others, of the works available to the public illegally.

    if the offender also is part of an organization or association whose purpose is in breach of intellectual property rights or is used to under 18 years to carry out these crimes.

    Article adds that if it is a website that offers downloads in Internet content intellectual property rights without the permission of the author , and in order to get a “direct or indirect benefit” – shall be imposed the same penalties listed above. It stresses that even if the users who upload the links to a page specially dedicated to it, the website owner will be responsible.

    Also, a court may order the lock access or interruption of the download site and contents withdrawal with which the offense was committed.


    distribution or marketing wholesale of a literary, artistic or scientific by any means without the permission of their authors for entail a benefit imprisonment of between one and four years . This is stipulated in the proposed amendment to another article, 270 of the draft Penal Code.

    This article also provides

    punish sentences of six months to three years in prison to people seeking a benefit when reproduce, plagiarize, distribute or retail market works in any medium or communicated by any means without permission.

    In this line, the hawking (like the famous ‘top manta’) or provide access to these occasional illegal content is punished with imprisonment from six months to two years. Yes, if the judge takes into account the background of the offender and if the economic benefit is not very high, the penalty could replaced by a fine of one to six months or work for the benefit Community of between 31 and 60 days.

    These penalties imposed on persons who export or store works, including digital copies, with the goal of being publicly exposed and those who help for this purpose; persons importing works without permission, those who provide works to others looking for a profit.

    Finally, the article provides a punishment with imprisonment of six months to three years by the use of technical devices altering computer programs or works , such as chips in consoles -a device that checks out the console or access control technologies, digital rights management, DRM in English-that serve to limit usage of digital media or devices.

    Monetary fines class=”ladillo”>

    As for fines for crimes that collect both items, in line with Article 288 -, will be between two four times the profit obtained , or could have been obtained if there is a penalty for the offender to two years in prison. In all other cases the fine would double to triple the profit realized.

    These measures to protect intellectual property are not the first that occur during the popular government of Mariano Rajoy. The Cabinet has already approved another bill, the reform of the Intellectual Property Law controversial measures such as changing the definition of private copying a new canon for universities.

    The Sebastian Forvo, the top 50 sites, according to 'Time' - The Paí (Spain)

    Forvo Media In S. L. San Sebastian can not cope. The news came as a surprise to them two days ago when they read in Time that his small company, which emerged after many hours of work and imagination, and years without charging a euro was among the top 50 websites in the world. From that instant “social networks have led a campaign that we could never imagine,” says Israel Rondon, web designer, and one of the founders of the project with Felix Vela.

    “When we started it was unthinkable to live, indeed, for three years has been an illusion because we did not see the beginning of the tunnel. were working on other things that we kept and stole time to time to bring up something we thought. then added three more people, “says Rondon.

    the web, cutting education, has about ten million visits a month and, according to its creators, “is the pronunciation guide world’s largest language. We thought of a project as tiny as ours, more traffic would be national. started with English, then Spanish and thereafter were added language, “says an excited Rondon. The free platform has almost two million words in 299 different languages. “I find it curious that we have a group of Tatars Forvo obsessed.”

    The creators of this language do not use machines for their pronunciation, but are natives who speak and that means that depending on the area from which the individual is the same word can be pronounced different ways. “Not the same word in Castilian spoken by a citizen of Valladolid and one of Medellin, so both are included and then are the cities on a map from Google”, the company said.

    No machines are used for their pronunciation, but are natives who speak and that means that depending on the area originally the same word is pronounced differently

    They have class=”Body1″>

    addition to finding the phonetic word in most existing languages, users can vote on pronunciations that seem good or bad, thus helping to eliminate errors and anomalies found in other dictionaries online.


    Forvo class=”Body1″>

    , the main Russian translator, and

    Tuesday, May 21, 2013

    Flickr Yahoo relaunches with a new look and ample ... - RTVE

    enlarge Page Layout of a user Flickr. Page Layout

    a Flickr user. Flickr


    When a small company is acquired by one of the Internet giants usually suffer a curse : agile development and vibrant of its services is frozen, imagination disappears and the slowness of the great detract corporations agility to compete.

    Many new firms newly acquired perish at that stage, and somehow these acquisitions are an early death sentence unless the absorbed know adapt. In the case of Flickr, one of the pioneers of photographic services web 2.0, the long freeze presaged the worst. But suddenly has been renovated with new courage and is ready to continue making war for a while.

    Flickr The main idea is to serve as a warehouse amateur photographic professional photographers and : there may store and share your photos with social network have formed. Discover new values ??and quality photos was in fact one of its most interesting features from the start. With this renewal has gone to that spirit using two factors: a bit of style and a little brute force .


    Brute force gives nothing less than a terabyte of storage that the service available to all users, even the free ones. The figure is as amazing as it was the gigabyte Gmail offered a decade ago to archive email, to many it is even hard to believe.

    A 1TB hard drive costs between 50 and 100 euros in the store , and Yahoo / Flickr offer it free to anyone who can fill, something that will not be easy because it would take 500,000 5-6 megapixel photos or 50 hours of Full HD 1080 to make it overflow.

    Well you could say that storage is ‘almost infinite’. But put a figure is well and allows comparison with their peers (especially 500px, renewed naturally Google Plus and Facebook). It’s also nice feeling to see the stick of use with a large percentage of ‘headroom’ always available.

    ‘s nice to see the bar for use with a large percentage of ‘headroom’

    storage limits for this is that each image can occupy a maximum of 200 MB in size. In video format also accepts although not as popular as the photograph can upload files up to 1 GB or 3 minute HD 1080 maximum resolution.

    Flickr The experience can be improved by hires a version called Ad Free for $ 50 a year (about 40 euros) which frees you from advertisements. You can also double capacity to 2 TB for 400 euros, in a version called doublr (alternative to the current “Pro” will disappear in August). This version also offers detailed statistics display photographs.

    A visual style and big screen

    On the other hand, improvements in style has been in line almost all the service redesign giving priority to large images , more suitable for the decade in which we are that small thumbnails which we had already used.

    mosaics composed photos of friends and acquaintances are now more colorful, the collections, and albums themselves seem better than usual and the area to explore quality photos (chosen by publishers, or in proportion to the votes of the community) are simply stunning .

    New app class=”ladillo”>

    Taking advantage of Flickr

    change has also renewed its app for Android, which now gives more importance to image mosaics, includes 16 filters and more facilities for creating groups, collections of pictures and buttons to share pictures and videos with friends.

    For lovers of customization, Flickr now cover can be customized with a giant background photo , the style of the covers of Facebook or Google Plus.

    As for the quality of the image files saved or uploaded from mobile devices, Flickr offers save in the original format without additional compression. Something that makes you lose a degree of quality, something almost imperceptible but far from optimal. It is something that probably should imitate those services which have not offered it to the various alternatives is clearly better safeguard the quality if the cost for all purposes is free.

    We will have to let go a few months to clarify certain questions: the extent to which users feel better this version or the traditional, if the advertising included in the service is acceptable and effective or how about sell optional paid subscriptions. But best of all: the fact that Flickr is renovated mean not dead . That for what has always been a “great little service” in the hands of one of the great Internet gorillas is saying something.

    A cosmic event in the Ice Age caused a change ... - The Vanguard


  • class=”list”>
      woolly rhinoceros species gives new clues about the ice age

  • Madrid. (Europa Press). – Scientists at the University of Cincinnati (USA) have determined that “near the end of the Ice Age ” There was a cosmic event which caused a change climate which forced the vegetation and animals to adapt to a new environment.

    experts who have carried out this work, published in PNAS, Sheriden Cave studied in Ohio, located 100 meters below the surface where they can be observed geological layers dating from about 13,000 years ago. There, they have found evidence to support the theory that there was a cosmic event close enough to Earth to melt rock and produce rare geological phenomena.

    Specifically, geologists have found carbon spherules that form when substances burn at very high temperatures. These bodies have characteristics that indicate their origin, which may be burning coal, lightning, forest fires or something more extreme.

    study’s lead author, Kenneth Tankersley, rocks his team is studying “could only have been formed by the combustion of rock.”

    It has also highlighted as “key findings” of his team micrometeorites (small pieces of meteorites and cosmic dust particles that have been in contact with the surface of the Earth); nanodiamonds (microscopic diamonds that were formed when a carbon source undergoes an extreme impact, and often found in meteorite craters) and Lonsdaleite (a rare type of diamond, also called a hexagonal diamond, which are only found in areas like meteor craters) .

    The researcher believes that the cosmic event that occurred 12,800 years ago had an effect “immediate and mortal” and long-term side effects were “devastating”. In his view, a comet that grazed Earth’s atmosphere or an asteroid crashed into its surface combustion caused a global scale. The explosion produced a toxic gas that clouded the sky and caused temperatures to plummet.

    climate questioned the existence of plant and animal populations and Tankersley produced what has been classified as “winners” and “losers”. For Tankersley, living beings of this period had three options: relocate to other environment where a living could similarly; adjust their lifestyle to adapt to the current environment or extinguish quickly.

    “The ‘winners’ chosen one of the first two options, while the ‘losers’, as the woolly mammoth, they chose the latter,” said the expert. “Whatever it was, it caused the extinction,” says Tankersley, who added that “rather, this is probably the first case of forced climate change”.

    Microsoft integrates games and TV on your new Xbox One -


    expectation will learn how Microsoft’s new console. The company unveiled today at its headquarters in Redmond the next generation of the Xbox, and the progress shows us a new concept in the Microsoft device, marked by the integration games, entertainment and television all in one .


    One notable for its large size and its sleek black design , that resembles an audio-visual equipment. The command and Kinect unit are redesigned. Microsoft promises to be a way of better linking television, gaming and entertainment in one unit. The new console goes beyond the concept of the Xbox 360 multi-entertainment through commands like “Xbox, on”.

    “is the ultimate all in one system for home, joining games, television and entertainment,” said Don Mattrick, president of Microsoft’s Interactive Entertainment. The Xbox One shows the path you want to take Microsoft with regard to digital entertainment: providing a hub that integrates television and entertainment, beyond the simple games without abandoning these, naturally.

    The new Xbox also allows, through voice commands, perform other activities like buy movie tickets, chatting on Skype or check sports statistics while watching a game. The Live TV will be an important part Xbox Experience One, through the HDMI connection. The cable will also be integrated into the device. To watch live TV, you have to maximize and minimize the screen at a higher angle.


    One system comes years after the launch of the first Xbox. Faced with competition from Sony and Nintendo, Microsoft needed to launch a new console, though some experts question the value of technology platforms gaming hardware today. Possibly that is the reason why the company has created a device to unify multiple entertainment systems that populate the halls of the developed world.

    Now you can read articles on Google Currents ITespresso Subscribe

    The U.S. Senate says Apple has avoided paying ... - The

    Apple CEO, Tim Cook, will appear before a Senate committee in Washington, in which he presented a document that proves the existence of a complex network foreign companies which managed to avoid the payment of billions of tax dollars in the United States .

    So informed the Senate committee on the eve of the hearing. The 40-page document provides information about the computer company and its international ramifications.

    Meanwhile, Apple released the statement (PDF) that Cook prepared to present to the committee. “Apple respects the laws and spirit of the laws,” says Cook. “And Apple pays all taxes that are in this country and beyond the borders” .

    In fact, Cook denies that use giant “tax cheats” and claimed to be one of the companies that “pay more taxes in the United States”, with 6,000 million in corporate taxes only in FY2012.

    Tim Cook Apple denies that use “tricks” to evade taxes in the U.S., Business Telecommunications, media and technology. Expansió

    At the same time, Cook seeks a reform of the tax laws . They failed to keep up with “at the speed of the digital age and rapidly changing global economy.”


    Like other companies, Apple is under scrutiny for its tax practice.

    So, the iPhone maker recently requested a loan of 17,000 million dollars to pay dividends and repurchase shares and not have to appeal to their reserves.

    These are mostly foreign and Apple should have paid 35% in taxes if the money entered the United States. The percentage is inappropriately high, Cook said in an interview last week.

    According to the latest data from the March quarter, Apple has 100,000 million of its 145,000 cash outside the U.S. . Last year Apple international operations accounted for about 61% of total company revenues California.

    Senate subcommittee hearing as part of its investigation on “the structures and methods of U.S. multinationals to shift their profits abroad” and its effects on tax collection in the U.S..

    Xbox 720 or Xbox? Infinity, how to call the new console ... - The Voice of Galicia


    or Xbox Infinity . They are the two names being considered for the latest version of Microsoft’s console the U.S. firm presented this afternoon from 19:00 pm at its campus in Redmond. Their goal: to prevail in a competitive market in which not only will have to face their great rivals, the Sony PS4 and Wii U Nintendo, but also smartphones , tablets and even games online of social networks.

    class=”texto”> The new Xbox presumed within hours of its new design and its virtues, that is expected to be recorded in its most social and interactive. His catalog of games, however, will have to wait for the E3 video game convention in the world scheduled for June in the city of Los Angeles.

    class=”texto”> The Xbox 720 , or Xbox Infinity , experts say that the new machine of Americans could lose his name numeric-, relieves the popular Xbox 360 , a console that marked a before and after in the sector without controls for his peripheral Kinect, a device with a camera and microphone that recognizes the player detects your movements and is able to record what he says. With the Xbox 360 and Kinect, the player himself became the command. Now, all the pools indicate that, with the new Xbox , will also a second generation of this smart device.


    What is expected of the Xbox 720

    class=”texto”> The new Xbox , in addition to responding to the needs of the most experienced players, is an opportunity for Microsoft to position itself as Internet driveway from the couch, as consume multimedia portal for film, music and television and teleconferencing tool for Skype. It is likely, moreover, that the company delve into your SmartGlass, a tool that converts mobile tablets and devices related to Xbox , and look for new ways to draw users to Windows and Windows Phone with your console such claim.

    Most likely this afternoon Microsoft sticks to raise its overall vision, broadly speaking, merely anticipate a small preview of what will be his new Xbox , but without data reveal too detract interest to their participation in June at the E3 video game trade show. The expectations are high, especially after Sony already announced his Wii U, a machine that does not just materialize, and Sony in February revealed touches of its PlayStation 4 in anticipation of his landing in the E3.


    Xbox that this series will already be second generation of Kinect (which so far is sold as a separate product), with sensors more refined and possible for up to four players, as well as DVD and Blu-ray, and a greater supply of content to enjoy on the Internet. It is expected a redesign of the console, inside and out, and it looks like it will also change its name and lose 360.

    More selection performed automatically

    Microsoft Introduces New Xbox, in a crisis of the classic game - The Paí (Spain)

    Microsoft presents its new console, the heir to the Xbox 360, in a climate of falling sales in the sector, both in games and in machines. The smartphone and tablet are making the traditional video game industry more damage than previously thought, and not just small consoles (3DS, PS Vita). Yet the sector moves in the world 50,000 million euros per year, 42% thanks to consoles.

    seems that the golden days of the consoles have passed. In principle, attributed the drop in sales that were already old consoles, all of seven years old. At this time, the Xbox 360 has sold 74 million units, the PlayStation 3 from Sony, 77 million (half the PlayStation 2, 157 million) and the Nintendo Wii, 100 million. But in November he released the Wii U and its sales are much lower than those provided. Since then it has sold 3.4 million units, when there was a forecast of 5.5 million.

    In the past year, Xbox has given Microsoft 10,000 million dollars, half of the proceeds from Windows, but many less profit. The console industry almost works under margins, unlike the software . If the console, the benefit is 15% in the case of Windows and Office programs is 60%.

    is expected to include the new Xbox Kinect, the gesture recognizer with which Microsoft was placed in the forefront of the game a few years ago. You will also have voice recognition, direct connection to Netflix, Hulu and other video download sites. Your connection Live has 40 million users and remains one of its strengths.

    console and apparatus faces a challenge that exceeds the game. Lost the battle casual game in the hands of mobile, is now home win. But also try to get around Apple, Google and Amazon with its entertainment platforms connected to the TV and any household appliance.

    April in the United States, the old Xbox 360 sold around 130,000 consoles, Playstation 3 and Wii U about 100,500, 38,000. For over two years, the local console Xbox has been the top seller in the country, which moves the 60% of global revenues in this industry. But the Xbox is still weak outside their homeland. Microsoft’s challenge is to continue to expand its market certainly unimaginable when he ventured into quite an industry dominated by Japan.

    Monday, May 20, 2013

    The melting of glaciers rises 0.7 centimeters per year sea level - CNN

    Madrid. (EP). – A new studio of glaciers around the world through observations from two NASA satellites, has helped resolve differences in estimates of how glaciers are disappearing quickly and contribute to the elevation of level sea .

    New research

    glaciers of ice outside Greenland and Antarctica, repositories of 1 percent of all the ice on Earth, indicates they lost an average of 259 million tons of mass each year during the study period of six years, so the oceans increased 7 millimeters per year.

    This amounts to about 30 percent of the total observed global rise in sea level over the same period and matches the combined contribution of sea level rise from ice in Greenland and Antarctica.

    The study compares traditional ground-based measurements with satellite data from ICESat and GRACE missions of NASA, to estimate the loss of ice from glaciers in every region of the planet.

    The study period runs from 2003-2009, the years in which the two missions overlap. “For the first time, we were able to very accurately restrict the amount by which these glaciers as a whole are contributing to sea level rise,” said Alex Gardner, Earth scientist at Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts, and author of the study.

    “These smaller ice bodies are losing as much mass as ice”. The study was published in the journal Science . ICESat, which ceased operations in 2009, measures the change of glaciers through laser altimetry bouncing laser pulses on the surface of the ice to report changes in the height of the ice sheet. ICESat’s successor, ICESat-2, is scheduled for release in 2016.

    GRACE, still in operation, detects variations in the gravity field of the Earth as a result of changes in the distribution of the planet’s mass, including ice movement.

    The new research found that all regions with glaciers lost mass from 2003-2009, with the greatest losses of ice in the Canadian Arctic, Alaska, the coast of Greenland, the southern Andes and the Himalayas. By contrast, peripheral glaciers of Antarctica, small ice bodies that are not connected to the main ice sheet contributed little to sea level rise during that period.

    The study, which is also based on another of 2012 using only data from GRACE, found that ice loss from glaciers was lower than estimates derived from ground-based measurements. Current estimates predict that all glaciers in the world contain enough water to raise sea level by up to about 60 inches.

    In comparison, the entire Greenland ice sheet has the potential to contribute about 6 meters to sea level rise and Antarctic ice about 60 meters. “Because the overall mass of glacial ice is relatively small compared to the huge ice sheets covering Greenland and Antarctica, people tend not to worry about it,” said study co-author, Tad Pfeffer, a glaciologist University of Colorado at Boulder.

    “But it’s like a small bucket with a huge hole in the bottom: it may not be a very long, only a century or two, but as long as there’s ice on these glaciers, is a major contributor to the increased level sea. ” To make ground-based estimates of glacier mass changes, glaciologists situ measurements made along a line from the top of a glacier at its edge.

    Scientists extrapolate these measurements to the entire surface of glaciers and held for several years to estimate the variation of the total mass of the glacier over time. While this type of measure is good for individual glaciers, tends to overestimate ice loss when the results are extrapolated to larger regions as the whole mountain ranges.

    “ground observations can often only be collected at the most accessible glaciers, where is that thinning occurs more rapidly than regional averages,” said Gardner. “This means that when these measurements are used to estimate the variation of the mass of the entire region, it is determined that regional losses are too great.”


    not have sufficient resolution and ICESat has insufficient sampling density to study small glaciers, but estimates of mass change for larger regions are coincident in both satellites. “Without having these independent observations, there was no way of knowing that terrestrial observations were biased,” said Gardner. The research involved 16 researchers from 10 countries.

    10,000 miles from Earth in a single image - The

    From Russia to South Africa. There is a nineteenth century colonial epic, but a satellite image covering almost 10,000 kilometers long , from central Russia to northern Africa. The Landsat Data Continuity Mission, a satellite of NASA that aims to monitor the Earth from space has reached its height, 705 kilometers, and scanning a strip 9,600 miles long and 185 wide . The images can be viewed on the website of the mission of the NASA Earth Observatory.

    All in one uninterrupted image in which only a small fragment of the Red Sea breaks the ‘travel’ overland. Considering that about 70% of our planet is covered by water , get as broad a picture in which more than 90% of it is land is much more impressive.

    The satellite Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM), or data continuity mission dedicated to monitoring Earth from space to resources to study the sustainability of humanity such as food, water and forests .

    increasing population, which now exceeds 7,000 million people, makes this program even more necessary mission that not only monitors the impact of this growth in resources but also the changes produced climate .

    Will Yahoo be more 'cool' with the purchase of Tumblr? - Five Days

    Yahoo has once again dip into the checkbook for growth and shine it lost to Google, Facebook and Twitter. The veteran CEO dotcom Marissa Mayer yesterday made official cash purchase of the blogging platform Tumblr by 847 million, the largest acquisition of U.S. portal since the arrival of the directive last summer.


    defended Tumblr buying could boost its audience by 50% to over 1,000 million monthly visitors and increase your traffic by 20%. It also said the company will continue to operate acquired independently and that its founder, David Karp, continue to lead the project.

    “We will allow Tumblr Tumblr remain,” said Mayer, trying to clear any doubts that might cause a flight from users of this web publishing platform, something that happened with Instagram when it was announced that it was acquired by Facebook and Tumblr was repeated yesterday. According to Matt Mullenweg, CEO of WordPress, a blogging platform rival, over 72,000 blogs in one hour passed from Tumblr to WordPress after news. Mayer also tried to banish the specter that Yahoo can “charge cool product , like Tumblr, as it did with Flickr” says Ismael ElQudsi, CEO of Internetrepública.

    Many experts wondered yesterday why Yahoo search with this purchase and if the price paid is excessive, especially when Tumblr is very modest-income by selling advertising and design templates-for $ 13 million in 2012 and a forecast for 2013 of 100 million. Some analysts noted that Yahoo seeks to attract young people, because Tumblr has a great prestige among them.

    The history of this platform is truly spectacular. Its founder has created in six years a platform that hosts 105 million blogs today, with over 300 million monthly unique visitors. Its growth is well above Blogger (from Google) and WordPress (with which Microsoft struck a deal). In addition, Karp managed to attract its relevant project investors such as Sequoia Capital, Union Square Ventures, Betaworks, Spark Capital, Greylock Partners and Insight Venture, which now must be rubbing their hands.

    Successes and challenges


    Growth : Tumblr was launched in February 2007 and is now available in 12 languages. Every second post hangs on Tumblr blogs.

    Pornography: pornographic content hosted on Tumblr concern to some analysts. Will have to see how he manages Yahoo, but will be key to ensure advertisers that their advertising not appear linked to this type of content.

    “Justify that payment by a company with that billing may sound absurd from a purely financial standpoint, but overlapping machine Yahoo sell advertising to the millions of page views of Tumblr results could lead to brighter than those obtained by this as an independent company, “he says in his blog Enrique Dans, professor at the Institute of Companies.

    Another reason may be in the words of the creator of WordPress. According to Mullenweg, buying Tumblr makes it clear that “we are at the peak of the understanding of the value of publishing platforms on the web”. A view shared ElQudsi, who argues that “Web 2.0 is the triumph of ameteur , because these platforms (Tumblr, Facebook …) everyone can post pictures, for example, trying to be an artist “. Now it remains to see if Yahoo knows how to exploit the value they can generate these platforms “and give a company more” cool “, according to this expert.

    Other social billionaire Internet era


    buying Yahoo again reminded by other operations challenged by its high price like Instagram by Facebook. However, Yahoo’s CEO said that the acquisition of Tumblr is an exception. “We will not go into a career of mergers and acquisitions. Just do an operation of this magnitude when we find an exceptional company. “

    Yahoo’s chief financial officer, Ken Goldman, adding that the purchase will not cause financial panic, as Yahoo has 5,400 million in cash. “We have resources to continue its share buyback policy,” he said in a conference call with analysts.


    acquisition is the first purchase of Yahoo over 1,000 million since turning to Overture in 2003 by more than 1,600 million dollars. Similarly, despite the bulky figure, the new purchase of Yahoo falls far other transactions made at the time dotcom when acquired GeoCities and 36,000 million by 4.900 million. Yahoo came up yesterday more than 1% in the first session after the announcement. Markets seem to see well the movements of a Yahoo, “which seeks to renew and remove its current retro image,” according ElQudsi.

    who should certainly be more than satisfied is the founder of Tumblr. Karp, at 26, made the cover of Forbes a few months ago and is now part of the club and billionaires Internet social era, with Mark Zuckerberg. According to the filtered data, Karp could have pocketed 220 million dollars of the total operation.

    Now Yahoo and Karp’s own loyalty depends achieve Tumblr users, ensuring that the operation is a success. “Tumblr becomes better and faster” defended Karp.

    Yahoo! promises "no mess" with Tumblr -

    Although the news had been advanced Sunday Wall Street Journal , the Internet portal Yahoo! has waited Monday to officially inform about buying Tumblr microblogs page and in a nod to the informal language of the users of its new acquisition, promised “no mess” .


    The statement notes that the operation to be about 1,100 million (856 million euros), of which a “substantial” amount in cash, detailed a joint statement.

    Tumblr class=”quote_new”> be operated independently Yahoo! “According to the agreement, and our promise not to mess, Tumblr will be operated independently as a separate business. David Karp will remain CEO, “Yahoo! said in the note.

    “The product, service and brand continue to be defined and developed separately, with the same irreverence, ingenuity and commitment of Tumblr” he added.

    Note remembered

    Tumblr is one of the fastest growing social networks in the world , with over 300 million unique users per month and 120,000 new members every day.

    addition, Tumblr has 900 new comments posted every second and the time users spend on the site is 24,000 million minutes per month.

    Yahoo! expected due to its combination with Tumblr, your audience grow by 50% to more than one billion monthly users and increase traffic expected around 20%.

    According to the joint statement, the agreement will benefit both companies, since you can use Tumblr personalization technology and Yahoo! search systems to help navigate through the growing number of creators and bloggers and between the huge volume generated content.

    class=”imp”> Tumblr has over 300 million users per month On the other hand, brings Tumblr 50,000 million posts of its concrete block, a figure that increases every day 75,000 million.

    Besides adding new attractions to their respective users, the two companies will create new opportunities to sell advertisements.

    Financial analysts have welcomed the operation and have heaped praise responsible management of Yahoo!, Marissa Mayer, in their attempts to rejuvenate the company.

    Mayer, 37, took over in July 2012 from Google to revive and stabilize Yahoo!, who in five years had had five CEOs failed to restructure the business to compete with younger companies like Google and Facebook.

    After the announcement disclosed

    Yahoo! shares were up 0.64% in electronic trading before the opening of the stock market on Wall Street.