Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The best alternatives to Google Now - ABC.es

Internet giant launches its alternative to Apple’s virtual assistant Siri to iOS operating system used by the iPhone and iPad, which will be accessible through the application of Google Search

Internet giant Google already has Google Now his assistant, his alternative to Apple’s virtual assistant Siri to iOS operating system used by the iPhone and iPad, which will be accessible through the implementation of Google Search.

is a search tool that responds to commands, both written and voice, and tries to anticipate user questions in learning from internet inquiries and information from emails, calendars and other content sources. So far, Google Now was only available for devices operated by Android, Google software for phones and tablets.

Google Now, that could have been called ‘Assistant’, provides the user with a series of “cards” in which shows weather information, traffic, sports scores or airline tickets, to name a examples, in understanding that may be of interest depending on the time of day or the place where you are.

Google takes photos Glass and driving - The País.com (Spain)

the best release in the history of Google, just comparable to that used to make their devices Apple, Google Glass released a news every day. This time the photos are taken by employees of the project, as Sophie Yang and Steve Lee, posted on the Internet have images shot with his glasses.

While Sophie Yang leaves much to be desired, and moved inside the office, Steve Lee has triggered, Handsfree, while driving through the streets of San Francisco.

Another photo, as published by Techcrunch, Twitter message displayed so it follows that there is already an application to receive instant messages monocle social networks.

Within 15 days, Google will bring its developers in San Francisco to explain new projects and upcoming releases of both software , as the operating system Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie, and appliances.

popular imminent presentation of the glasses-which undoubtedly will star developers conference, has also drawn the attention of investors and writers, all related to technological advances. This is the case of the inventor of the first browser, Netscape, Marc Andresen, who is now dedicated to invest their money and created a fund for projects related to Google Glass.

These glasses also have excited the curiosity of the science fiction writer William Gibson, who, however, according to a tweet, posted today, is more interested in how people use new technology, that technology itself .

Blackberry CEO believes that tablets will not make sense in ... - ABC.es



Blackberry , Thorsten Heins gave an interview to Bloomberg website which has given his opinion on the future of tablets. In their perception, these devices will not make sense in some years.

“In five years, not think there is any reason to have a tablet ‘, told Bloomberg during an interview in Los Angeles. Note that Blackberry has bet its market strategy more entrepreneurs and business world.

“We probably have larger screens in the workspace, but not something as tablet . The ‘tablets alone are not a good business model, “he noted.

Blackberry class=”p”>

According to notes from Bloomberg, Heins said it would only consider launching a successor to the Playbook if you ensure that you have benefits and emphasized a Blackberry tablet would need to offer innovative qualities in a market that is already loaded offer.

“In five years I see BlackBerry as a leader in mobile computing, which is what we are looking for. I want to gain as much market share as possible, but not be a copycat ‘, said.

Google Now, useful as a supplement to Siri - Azteca News

Florida, USA. – is often compared Google Now with the virtual assistant Siri in the devices mobile Apple , but its power lies in providing the user with the information you need to know before you ask.

works best as a supplement than Siri replacement now has been extended with system devices Android to iPhones e iPads .

Google Now and Siri will respond to voice commands from the user, is to learn about the weather or to set the alarm on the phone.

Google Now goes beyond the phone screen filled with boxes that appear stock quotes, sports scores, weather, travel directions and more, all without having requested.

These options are based partly on the user’s location, personal calendar entries and travel confirmation messages in your Gmail account.

To take Google

Now is necessary to authorize Google the use of personal information.

The user can create a separate account Google If you do not like the service, although Google Now works better the more you know about it or her. It works best if the user allows you to record and analyze the searches you have recently made Google .

Google Now is available from this week for Apple devices. You just have to download the free application Google Search by store Apple applications .

The Herschel space telescope reaches the end of its useful life - RTVE

enlarge The mirror of 3.5 meters of Herschel is the largest in orbit to date.

3.5 meter mirror of the Herschel is the largest in orbit to date. news

enlarge The Andromeda Galaxy seen by Herschel. colored red parts of the image are just a few tenths of a degree above absolute zero.

The Andromeda Galaxy seen by Herschel. The red colored parts of the image are just a few tenths of a degree above absolute zero. news

J. PEDREIRA 'WICHO' <br /> (Special for RTVE.es) “/> <span class= J. PEDREIRA ‘WICHO’
(Special RTVE.es)

When Herschel space telescope design was clear that although all components functioned to perfection would be the amount of helium for cooling was carrying observation instruments which ultimately would set life, as to capture the signals of interest to scientists they have to be almost 273 degrees below zero.

And those 2300 liters of helium just completed, as announced European Space Agency. It is a similar process that is suffering the Planck.

Too hot As the temperature on board the Herschel and finds it impossible to continue their observations of the most distant and cold objects the universe in the far infrared band and submillimeter, as the heat of the instruments debilísimas masks would have to pick up signals.

However, taking into account the expected duration of the mission was three years that Herschel was able to operate for nearly four years has finally happened is a success.

Now only place to Herschel in orbit around the Sun in a way that will never hit Earth because its current orbit at Lagrange point L2 is unstable, so leave him there’s no telling where he could finish.

Follow work But if you have finished the Herschel life is behind the product of almost four years of operation, with data from more than 25,000 hours of observation, to which must be added another 2,000 collected during the hours of the calibration of the instruments on board.

All these data still provide years and years of scientific analysis work around the world and allow them to deepen the understanding of the formation of stars and galaxies and the study of chemistry molecular throughout the universe.

Herschel was a mission of the European Space Agency, although NASA collaboration in the construction of the instruments on board.

The future tourist spaceship flies solo for the first time - CNN



    Successful completion
  • first weightless flight for tourists in Europe
  • Five minutes weightless

  • by 5,980 euros
  • Richard Branson will be the first passenger in space tourism project
  • space tourism, closer
  • suborbital flights between continents
  • first space tourism spacecraft makes its maiden flight

Los Angeles, April 29 (dpa) – The SpaceShip Two , the first spacecraft built to carry tourists to space, completed successfully on Monday its first flight to test your engine and could be ready to go into space later this year, the company Virgin Galactic .

During the flight of SpaceShip Two ten minutes broke the sound barrier and reached a speed of 1.2 mach.

“The first powered flight of Virgin Spaceship Enterprise was undoubtedly our most important test flight to date,” said Virgin Galactic founder Sir Richard Branson .

“Success supersonic today begins the way for a rapid expansion” of space flight, “with a very realistic goal of making space travel by year’s end.”

The aircraft is designed for suborbital flights with two crew members and six passengers, who will experience weightlessness and see the Earth from the blackness of space.

SpaceShip Two was released today from an aircraft carrier from a height of 14,300 meters and fired its engine for 16 seconds, before landing at the base of Virgin Galactic in the Mojave Desert in Southern California.

The company agreed to more than $ 70 million in deposits from about 580 potential passengers, equivalent to about ten percent more than the number of people who ever went into space.

The newspaper

The Wall Street Journal , Virgin Galactic invested in the project so far over 350 million dollars.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Europe bans the use of three pesticides harmful to bees - La Voz de Galicia

There class=”texto”>




The temporary suspension of pesticides, which could become final without further evaluation so indicates, generated a strong division between EU countries that failed to remove it at the last meeting of March 15. Again no qualified majority was obtained sufficiently, preventing the measurement is automatically binding, although it was broad, as the proposal was supported by 15 countries, including Spain and Germany, and rejected for eight, as Italy, the UK and Portugal, while four abstained. Thus, the decision taken by the Appeals Committee, must now be endorsed by the European Commission.

The decision making process was not easy for the strong pressure exerted by large agricultural producers and agro-chemical multinationals, who tried to block it. Not surprisingly, banned pesticides affect third seed prepared in the European Union, and Spain is one of the main producers. For Greenpeace, however, yesterday’s decision is a victory. “Leave it perfectly clear that the scientific, political and public prohibition is overwhelming. The countries that oppose the ban have failed, “said Marco Contiero, agricultural policy director of the environmental organization.

The EU ban unlocks the three pesticides that threaten ... - The Vanguard


insecticides lethal to bees will banned in the EU for two years from December, European Commission announced. Suspicions over evil bee head towards insecticides called neonicotinoids, used to coat the seeds of future plants (sunflower, rapeseed, cotton and corn), among other uses. The problem is that when the plants grow, attending bees gathering pollen in the flower to collect nectar or pollen, are intoxicated. Thus, insects are attacked his nervous system, become disoriented, can not return to the hive and suffer paralysis and even death.

The EU executive will continue its plan to ban the use of three insecticides that contribute to the decline of bee colonies. The EC stated this after most countries have endorsed the proposal in the appeal committee of the EU. Experts from member states to Brussels studied the proposal have not reached a qualified majority in favor or against the initiative. However, in the absence of the agreement is now up to the Commission to decide on the adoption of the proposed restriction, said the EU executive.

Voting class=”boldtext”> odds

In total, fifteen Member States voted in favor, two more than in previous vote made last month (including Spain, Germany, France, Denmark and the Netherlands), while the opposition was led by the UK, Italy , Portugal, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Romania.

European Commissioner for Health, Tonio Borg, stressed that, “since our proposal is based on several risks to bee health identified by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA, for its acronym in English), the Commission will continue its text in the coming weeks “. The commissioner recalled that bees are “vital to our ecosystem” to encourage pollination, and that its annual contribution to European agriculture is estimated at over 22,000 million euros.

The origin of the EU proposal is an EFSA report published in January that relates the use of neonicotinoid insecticides, nicotine-derived substances with high mortality suffering bee colonies.

Different ways

neonicotinoid insecticides attack on bees given in various ways. The first is growing in the treated seeds (‘washed’) with these chemicals. The problem is that when the plant grows, flowers also poison residues (sunflower, rapeseed, cotton or corn) where bees come to get the nectar and pollen. Other times, the impact is in planting, lifting a powder that reaches to the hives near agricultural fields, which the bees are flying in the vicinity or in contact with the product.

also have also been detected cases of pollution caused by the spraying of fruit trees, which has produced acute mortality episodes.

Seeds treated

The Commission is considering banning the sale and use of “seed treated” with these three products containing hazardous substances (excluding the seeds of plants that do not attract these insects and winter cereals). Exceptions are limited to the possibility of treating crops in greenhouses or outdoor fields only after flowering.

The EC also suggests modifying the conditions of approval of the three derivatives of neonicotinoid insecticides (thiamethoxam, imidacloprid and clothianidin), to restrict their use to crops that do not attract bees and cereals winter.

From December class=”boldtext”>

The EC said that restrictions would apply from the 1st of December and as soon as there was information available, and no later than a maximum of two years, shall review the conditions of approval of these three substances ” take into account relevant scientific and technical developments. “

president of the Environment Committee of the European Parliament, the German Social Democrat Matthias Groote, held in a statement the EC decision, but warned that “there are still details to know” to understand exactly how the neonicotinoids affect bees, while assured that these substances are not the only threats to these insects.

French MEP Sandrine Bélier Greens stressed that this decision is only “a first step”, considering that these pesticides should be banned “totally” for the proper recovery of the bees.

“The ban removes a threat to bees. Responds to a campaign of support of 2.6 million people, “said Ian Keith, organization Avaaz.’s Europe PAN (Pesticide Action Network) has asked for its part the Commission to go further and ban pesticides for ten years. “I welcome this moratorium at European level”, welcomed the French Minister of Agriculture, Stéphane Le Foll. Stormy, large farmers and food multinational chemical and tried everything to block the decision. Copa-Cogecas that brings together leading European agricultural unions, has requested a postponement of the measure in 2014 and highlighted the economic and employment losses. organization refers to 2.8 million euros in losses and the risk of losing 50,000 jobs.

industry class=”boldtext”> reactions

Carlos Palomar, CEO of Business Association for Plant Protection (AEPLA) stated: “Numerous independent studies show that the correct use of these products do not harm the health of bees, secondly, the process of decision was based on the criteria of dangerousness, but completely ignores the risk mitigation measures implemented in Europe, and we can not forget, poor scientific basis that has been justified, as the assessment carried out by EFSA was inconclusive. “

The industry is further concerned by how developed this process speaks of an “inappropriate use of the precautionary principle” and threatening the competitiveness and profitability of European agriculture, while it discourages entire food industry which is conducting R & D initiatives in Europe. “

The 'show' of Star King - The Mundo.es

For three years the Observatory ‘Solar Dynamics’ (SDO its acronym in English) spacecraft has observed our star. The images you captured during this time, one for every 12 seconds and with 10 different wavelengths, together form an impressive video moving Sun .

“With these wavelengths is easy to observe the 25-day rotation of the Sun , as well as its increased activity in the last three years,” NASA said in a statement.

telescope carries with scientific instrumentation that lets you measure the ultraviolet emission and study the variability and magnetic activity of the Sun .

Although images are stable throughout the period of time in the video resizing appreciate the star. The project explained, however, that it is not only the effect of the distance between the SDO and the Sun’s surface

With SDO mission scientists have been able to directly observe the activity different regions of the Sun and various solar explosions on the surface . “The mission helps us understand the causes of these explosions. We hope that someday we can improve our ability to predict space weather “, says one of the project managers in relation to the various environmental changes in space.

SDO mission was launched into space in February 2010 with a series of instruments capable of observe the sun for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week . Space Telescope orbits the Earth at about 36,000 miles of it, and sends up to 1.5 terabytes of data to the ground station , located in New Mexico.

The mission was launched with the intention of studying our star for five years and three months, but NASA arises extend it to 10 years .

The EU supports two-year ban pesticides ... - RTVE


The European Commission has secured the support of a majority of countries enough to go ahead with its proposed ban for two years the use of the three most common neonicotinoid pesticide seed as sunflower, rapeseed, cotton and Corn, for the risks posed to the health of the bees. Brussels hopes that the measure comes into force in January 2014.

A total of

1 five countries have veto its approval to two years , including Germany and Bulgaria, countries that abstained in previous meetings, and Spain , already favored months ago, according to Europa Press reported sources Community.

eight delegations voted against, including UK and Italy , and four countries abstained.

This vote is not a “qualified majority” with regard to automatically adopt the measure, but it prevents the opposing countries form a blocking force, so “gives Brussels the authority to adopt” the veto , explained from the EU executive.

measure could affect third seed prepared in the EU and Spain is one of the major producers, so initially called postpone any decision until we have more conclusive evidence, but ultimately ruled in favor in a first vote in March.

Shortly after the vote, the Commissioner of Health and Consumer Affairs, Tonio Borg said his plan “is based on a number of risks to the health of bees identified by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)” and has pledged to “do everything possible to protect” these insects, “vital to our ecosystems.”

beekeeping involves 22,000 million for agriculture European, as Borg.

For the December 1, 2013

Commissioner initially wanted

restrictive measures come into force from next July, but finally propose its application from December 1 this year.

EU sources have told Europa Press that the delay is due to the legal requirement to notify the changes to three months in advance, but also to will give producers time to adapt .

Borg has added the necessary support at a meeting of the Appeal Committee who are experts in Brussels 27, after failing last March in a first attempt States subjected to other committee members.

Then, thirteen Member States, including Spain, voted for the EU proposal, but nine countries opposed to five, including Germany and the United Kingdom abstained.

The proposal is based on the precautionary principle from the EFSA report pointing three pesticides of the neonicotinoid family marketed in Europe by Bayer and Syngenta: clothianidin, thiamethoxam and imidacloprid .

These chemicals can affect the nervous system of insects causing paralysis and death, but do not pose a risk to human health.

Brussels wants to limit the use of these pesticides to professionals and to prevent their application in seeds and cereal grains or plants that are “attractive” to bees. While provides for exceptions to crops in greenhouses and in the case of crops in the open, “just after flowering.”

addition, the Commissioner agrees to review the measure within two years and as soon as new scientific and technical advances.

The hacker who identified himself as "Minister Cyberbunker" accepts ... - Reuters

MADRID, Apr 29. (IRIN) –

The hacker who is credited with the largest hacking DDOS denial of service and presented to the police as “Telecomunicacones and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyberbunker” has accepted his extradition the Netherlands, legal sources said.

Man, SK, 35 year-old from Alkmaar (Netherlands), was arrested last Thursday in Granollers (Barcelona), and appeared on Saturday before the National Court judge Santiago Pedraz, who sent him to prison while handles delivery to your country of origin, which could be completed within ten days.

hacker, who claimed to be diplomatic after his arrest, is accused of carrying out an offensive internet slowed and collapsed worldwide, according to the National Police. The investigation began in March when the Dutch authorities detected a series of attacks against anti-spam company that also affected the United States and United Kingdom.

officers located the alleged perpetrator in Granollers and found that Spain had been traveling with a van that he used as an office mobile computer, equipped with antennas to scan frequencies.

His arrest responds to the execution of a European arrest warrant for also searched his home, a “real computer bunker” in which two laptops and documentation involved, and from which even gave interviews to media following his international attacks.

Google can not the App Store - The País.com (Spain)

not to see Jose Tomas. Euro 1200 tickets sold out in minutes. More than 300,000 people aspired to. And not to see the bullfighter and the end of the Superbowl, but to attend a meeting of computer, the Apple application developers.

Before the iPhone, Apple had to resort to personal calls to incite some knew the benefits of the meeting. Everything changed with the arrival of the mobile. In 2008, for the first time sold out in a few weeks. In the 2012 edition lasted a few hours and this year, two minutes.

anticipation for Apple iOS conference, to be held from 10 to 14 May in San Francisco, is justified by numbers: a catalog of applications in the App Store for more than 850,000 programs, of which 350,000 are for tablets iPad.

Since its creation, with the help of the iPhone in 2007, totaling 45,000 million downloads. The pace in the last quarter is dizzying: 800 downloads per second, nearly 70 million a day. Worldwide, Android phones triple to iPhone, but the App Store remains intractable to Google Play.

chief financial

apple, Peter Oppenheimer, highlights the business value of free applications or less than a dollar in most cases. Apple has paid nearly 7,000 million developers. The account is easy, 70% is for the creator, the remaining 30% for Apple. A business that you do not need dependent, or repair equipment, assembly lines either. All are digital goods distribution through Internet.

The fact that the App Store in 155 countries work has allowed software publishers aspire to an audience otherwise hardly graspable. MUBIQUO The company has created the Shell oil application for everyone. This version includes Chinese, Russian, Arabic and Turkish. They started as a small studio and already 40 people hired between offices in San Francisco, Madrid, Barcelona, ??Murcia and Shanghai.

Ruben Aparicio, founder and CEO, believes that there are no magic formulas, but cites some keys to success: “Give value added, that is something beyond what you get surfing the Net, with a good balance between utility and entertainment. ” Its business is primarily business orders. In their study have come Nestlé Dessert Nestlé Kitchen and whose approval took some time. “Since Apple wanted to make sure it was not advertising. Were well above the texts. Is branded content. Many recipes do not have branded products, in fact some are Arzak “.

unwritten rule for any developer worth his salt is launching first on iOS, the operating system of iPhone and iPad, then on the other platforms. Although born later, Android is the major threat to this business. Not only with the official store Google Play, also created by Amazon’s increasingly popular.

Vanatur, Case Star company, has focused on the music. His latest work is the application of Auryn trendy teenager group. The intention was brand new in the two operating systems at once, but only they have in the Google mobile. “It is more convenient to develop for Apple, but the terms do not depend on you,” he explains. In his opinion there is a secret formula for success, but some factors that help: “The first thing is to choose well the audience it targets, then to stay alive with updates and dynamism”.


Ormaechea, founder of Tablet Army, perceives that the approval process Apple Store is not entirely appropriate. “There is a cultural barrier and it shows. Everything happens for Cupertino and, of course, do not have the context necessary to understand what is wrong there, here it is, “he explains. Two years ago he saw a copy of Very interesting magazine where she worked, postponed its publication for three weeks on the grounds that a nude image was not suitable for minors.

independent developer, Diego Bezares, creator of Rythmic Thumbs, appreciates, however, that control: “They make sure everything works. Da guarantees the user to not download products that defraud “. Values ??also required to have a credit card to register for: “Android Sales in gradually increasing, but not at the level of Apple, where the customer only has to click and already purchased”.

AppGratis has been one of the applications for this comprehensive sacrificed Apple control. He had more than two years normally and was one of the most popular. Two weeks ago disappeared from the App Store. His business was to promote free for a day, applications are usually payment. In this they are sharp, no tolerance for those who want to start a business within its showcase parallel. AppGratis alleviated one of the problems of the store, find something interesting soon.

Aparicio believes that Apple are aware of the problem: “A couple of months ago I had a meeting with Vice President responsible for the App Store. I said that since October changes are just tables with top seller in each category. Since then there are fewer and slower downloads “. Bezares have the same feeling: “Only the first 50 have visibility applications.”

Everyone recognizes a difficulty finding the right price. Ormaechea considered to be an advantage: “In a paper magazine is printed price. Here fluctuates. For example, a copy of six months can be offered at a very lowered and will continue attracting interest and generating revenue. You can go about doing specials on specific dates or go adjusting to find the right price “.

Google Play has more problems, not just as many Android phones not translate into sales of applications. Aparicio does not explain how Google, a large search engine, is unable to arrange how to find the desired program in seconds. “It is painful. Although the exact name does not put out as a result, “he stresses. Also missing for a way to give a program, something that Apple has solved with codes. Case’s complaint goes directly to one of the weaknesses of the green robot, fragmentation, as referred to the diversity of mobile and tablet features: “No programs are verified and each screen size or processor power is different. It’s very hard not to disappoint those who have old mobile. “

His recommendation is go to other stores other than Google Play. “Opt for Amazon or Samsung, can help highlight and meet other programs that exceed a minimum,” he argues. The ratio applications / downloads is not always favorable to large. Sometimes, depending on which product is cheaper to put it in other stores.

Apple did not invent online distribution. Nokia and Blackberry already had before their own stores, although cumbersome and unattractive. The latest addition is Firefox OS, still in the testing phase. His approach, as part of the nonprofit Foundation Mozilla, is radically different. There will be many stores as you want to create. Juan Tomas Garcia, developer on this platform and recognized hacker, believes that the opportunity will be freedom of choice. “To bypass the App Store there is only one way to release the phone, a fact that penalizes Apple saying goodbye to guarantee” he explains. He struggles to deal with the control exercised by Apple: “Learning to program for iOS is very complicated. Apple does not allow applications that can make them competitive, hence Firefox not in iPhone and iPad “.

Apple holds firm control over your store. Although in the global mobile park 64% are Android and only 19% iPhone, your shop remains ahead. True, this year, downloads overtake Google Play App Store, but business. The owner of an iPhone is technologically more advanced, download more applications and not just free. Throw over credit card. According to App Annie Index, in the last quarter earnings Apple store were 2.6 times higher than that of Google Play, although in the Christmas the ratio was 4-1. The App Store is resisting the world Google and Android. For now.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Google can not handle the AppStore - The País.com (Spain)

not to see Jose Tomas. Euro 1200 tickets sold out in minutes. More than 300,000 people aspired to. And not to see the bullfighter and the end of the Superbowl, but to attend a meeting of computer, the Apple application developers.

Before the iPhone, Apple had to resort to personal calls to incite some knew the benefits of the meeting. Everything changed with the arrival of the mobile. In 2008, for the first time sold out in weeks. In the 2012 edition lasted a few hours and this year, two minutes.

anticipation for Apple iOS conference, to be held from 10 to 14 May in San Francisco, is justified by numbers: a catalog of applications in the AppStore for more than 850,000 programs, of which 350,000 are iPad tablet .

Since its creation, with the help of the iPhone in 2007, totaling 45,000 million downloads. The pace in the last quarter is dizzying: 800 downloads per second, nearly 70 million a day. Worldwide, mobile triple Android iPhone AppStore but remain intractable to Google Play.

chief financial

apple, Peter Oppenheimer, highlights the business value of free applications or less than a dollar in most cases. Apple has paid nearly 7,000 million developers. The account is easy, 70% is for the creator, the remaining 30% for Apple. A business that you do not need dependent, or repair equipment, assembly lines either. All are digital goods distribution through Internet.

AppStore that works in 155 countries has allowed software publishers aspire to an audience otherwise hardly graspable. MUBIQUO The company has created the Shell oil application for everyone. This version includes Chinese, Russian, Arabic and Turkish. They started as a small studio and already 40 people hired between offices in San Francisco, Madrid, Barcelona, ??Murcia and Shanghai.

Ruben Aparicio, founder and CEO, believes that there are no magic formulas, but cites some keys to success: “Give value added, that is something beyond what you get surfing the Net, with a good balance between utility and entertainment. ” Its business is primarily business orders. In their study have come Nestlé Dessert Nestlé Kitchen and whose approval took some time. “Since Apple wanted to make sure it was not advertising. Were well above the texts. Is branded content. Many recipes do not have branded products, in fact some are Arzak “.

unwritten rule for any developer worth his salt is launching first on iOS, the operating system of iPhone and iPad, then on the other platforms. Although born later, Android is the major threat to this business. Not only with the official store Google Play, also created by Amazon’s increasingly popular.

Vanatur, Case Star company, has focused on the music. His latest work is the application of Auryn trendy teenager group. The intention was brand new in the two operating systems at once, but only they have in the Google mobile. “It is more convenient to develop for Apple, but the terms do not depend on you,” he explains. In his opinion there is a secret formula for success, but some factors that help: “The first thing is to choose well the audience it targets, then to stay alive with updates and dynamism”.


Ormaechea, founder of Tablet Army, perceives that the approval process Apple Store is not entirely appropriate. “There is a cultural barrier and it shows. Everything happens for Cupertino and, of course, do not have the context necessary to understand what is wrong there, here it is, “he explains. Two years ago he saw a copy of Very interesting magazine where she worked, postponed its publication for three weeks on the grounds that a nude image was not suitable for minors.

independent developer, Diego Bezares, creator of Rythmic Thumbs, appreciates, however, that control: “They make sure everything works. Da guarantees the user to not download products that defraud “. Values ??also required to have a credit card to register for: “Android Sales in gradually increasing, but not at the level of Apple, where the customer only has to click and already purchased”.

AppGratis has been one of the applications for this comprehensive sacrificed Apple control. He had more than two years normally and was one of the most popular. Two weeks ago disappeared from the AppStore. His business was to promote free for a day, applications are usually payment. In this they are sharp, no tolerance for those who want to start a business within its showcase parallel. AppGratis alleviated one of the problems of the store, find something interesting soon.

Aparicio believes that Apple are aware of the problem: “A couple of months ago I had a meeting with Vice President responsible for the AppStore. I said that since October changes are just tables with top seller in each category. Since then there are fewer and slower downloads “. Bezares have the same feeling: “Only the first 50 have visibility applications.”

Everyone recognizes a difficulty finding the right price. Ormaechea considered to be an advantage: “In a paper magazine is printed price. Here fluctuates. For example, a copy of six months can be offered at a very lowered and will continue attracting interest and generating revenue. You can go about doing specials on specific dates or go adjusting to find the right price “.

Google Play has more problems, not just as many Android phones not translate into sales of applications. Aparicio does not explain how Google, a large search engine, is unable to arrange how to find the desired program in seconds. “It is painful. Although the exact name does not put out as a result, “he stresses. Also missing for a way to give a program, something that Apple has solved with codes. Case’s complaint goes directly to one of the weaknesses of the green robot, fragmentation, as referred to the diversity of mobile and tablet features: “No programs are verified and each screen size or processor power is different. It’s very hard not to disappoint those who have old mobile. “

His recommendation is go to other stores other than Google Play. “Opt for Amazon or Samsung, can help highlight and meet other programs that exceed a minimum,” he argues. The ratio applications / downloads is not always favorable to large. Sometimes, depending on which product is cheaper to put it in other stores.

Apple did not invent online distribution. Nokia and Blackberry already had before their own stores, although cumbersome and unattractive. The latest addition is Firefox OS, still in the testing phase. His approach, as part of the nonprofit Foundation Mozilla, is radically different. There will be many stores as you want to create. Juan Tomas Garcia, developer on this platform and recognized Hacker, believes that the opportunity will be freedom of choice. “To skip AppStore there is only one way, unlock phone, Apple made penalizes saying goodbye to guarantee” he explains. He struggles to deal with the control exercised by Apple: “Learning to program for iOS is very complicated. Apple does not allow applications that can make them competitive, hence Firefox not in iPhone and iPad “.

Apple holds firm control over your store. Although in the global mobile park 64% are Android and only 19% iPhone, your shop remains ahead. True, this year, downloads overtake Google Play App Store, but business. The owner of an iPhone is technologically more advanced, download more applications and not just free. Throw over credit card. According to App Annie Index, in the last quarter earnings Apple store were 2.6 times higher than that of Google Play, although in the Christmas the ratio was 4-1. The App Store is resisting the world Google and Android. For now.

Arrested in Spain the author of the biggest collapse in Internet - The País.com (Spain)

office computer mounted in a van was the workplace responsible for the largest cyber attack denial of service (DDOS attack also called, of stands for Distributed Denial of Service) of the story, according to police. The attack, collapsed Internet to cause an overload of the network computer system slowing down thanks to massive hits. Technological Investigation Brigade stopped in Granollers (Barcelona) the person responsible for this attack. This is a Dutch citizen of 35 years in whose home computer was a real bunker.

detained activist Sven Olaf Kamphuis, said a diplomat of the Telecommunications Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyberbunker and had installed in your mobile office different antennas to scan frequencies throughout Spain. In his house had sophisticated computers capable of operating as a true communications center.

massive computer attacks Denial of Service DDOS occurred in last March. Attempts to regain control from servers and cyber attacks caused such occupation was affected network worldwide, according to Spanish police said yesterday.

DDOS attacks are a relatively simple and effective way to knock a website. Actions can be performed following the instructions to start the attack at a designated time in a call through forums on the web or using computer networks previously infected by viruses. Anonymous is the group that has carried out the most famous attacks, although one of the early rounds had targeted the Church of Scientology. The authors of these campaigns have also acted against governments and institutions.

Netherlands has been the starting point to get to the arrest of Kamphuis. The source was a series of attacks against antispam company that also affected the United States and United Kingdom. Researchers have carried out the computer registry bunker from where the now arrested came to conduct interviews with various international media as a result of these attacks.

The detainee was traveling in a van used as mobile computing office across Spain. Once the investigation began, police were able to attribute responsibility for the attacks Stophaus group whose organizer, activist Dutch national, was living in Spain.

After receiving the notice from the authorities of the Netherlands, the police set up a device that allowed the location of the main investigated in Granollers. On day 25 and at the request of the Dutch judicial authorities, searched his home. In the registry have been operated two laptops and various documents concerning criminal activity. Police stressed the “important international collaboration” developed between the technological crime brigades participating countries.

The DNA molecule of success - Granada Today - Granada Today

The revolutionary description of the DNA molecule 60 years ago has settled at this time in the collective consciousness as an undeniable principle of science, a legend and an icon of communication relating to design and its name to research and success.

tridimesional double helix, colored and shaped staircase rising to infinity is still a recurring appeal films, television series and stage more or less academic to indicate scientific progress, to Despite his advanced birthday.

Who else, who less DNA introduced in his speech to be attributed irrefutable knowledge and acronyms associated, sometimes without success, with disease and ways, and tests for identification worth to find from a parent to a criminal undecided.

DNA is everywhere and so attested Tony Calvo, president of the Spanish Association of Science Communication, which recognizes that deoxyribonucleic acid, however twisters enough, is incorporated into the popular speech and is responsible for almost any biological phenomenon.

From your experience science writer, Calvo future points to the inaccurate use regularly attributed to evolutionary and genetic characteristics to DNA, they even blame collective identity.

phrases like “nap is in the DNA of the Spanish” serve only to undermine a “discovery” that no discovery structure of the DNA molecule (Watson and Crick, 1953), with which it compiled a sensible and patient work of years, of many physicists, chemists and biologists.

Francis Crick’s approach (1916 -2004) and James Watson (1928) was a “flash” very well handled in the media and with a great staging, emphasizes Calvo, to explain why it has become a leader, success story that also needs science.

We now know that knowing the structure of DNA is not the answer to all questions of molecular biology, but it laid the foundation for some of the most remarkable scientific advances of our era.

The DNA molecule is the most successful in history, said Calvo, who advocates a more critical and specialized journalism conscious, does not contribute to elevate isolated protagonists, but solid structures research, rigorous and quality.

geneticist, immunologist and biochemist Carlos Martinez, a research professor of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), which has known professionally both Watson and Crick, emphasized that the description of DNA, “explained so bright “the main questions of the moment.

” It was immediately accepted idea, despite breaking with everything set, thanks to the unique combination of youth Watson, who in 1953 was only 27 years, the renowned veteran of Crick and good communication plan, “he said.

Completed the 60 years, the model of DNA, surpassed by other investigations that are based on their discovery, still reveals the importance bet on youth and their ability to break paradigms, said Martinez, former Secretary of State for Research, for whom the great myths stimulate education and training.

These media phenomena and extending in time, help to bring science to society, said Martinez, without neglecting the daily work in anonymity following careful hundreds of researchers, on which is brewing excellence.

“The DNA is very personal, concerns us all, so it’s been easy to understand, but not understood, “said the scientist, after emphasizing the importance of a molecule that directly affects what we are and we will be as a species and life around us.

On this point, the director of Gumtree think one of the challenges is how to know if the student has received any help to pass the modules.

One possibility to solve the problem, notes, might be to create a network of centers convene quarterly site exams to assess knowledge acquired and verify the identity of students.

"What Einstein called his biggest mistake would be my greatest discovery" - The País.com (Spain)

“The cosmological constant, which Einstein called his greatest mistake, could be my greatest discovery.” Very few people can afford to say something. Australian astronomer Brian Schmidt can, and it says in the conditional, but have given the Nobel Prize in Physics for this discovery made 31 years and the doctoral thesis. It all started, remember now, with a few observations of galaxies whose results were so crazy that when he saw them, he asked: “What did we do wrong?”. Even feared that this was the end of his scientific career almost brand new. He went through it all again for weeks with his team, about twenty people, and kept coming out the same: the expansion of the universe, rather than slowing down, was accelerating. But they said the same identical results U.S. competitor team, Saul Perlmutter and Adam Riess (who shared the Nobel with Schmidt). “Then I realized it was going to be something big,” says the scientist from the Austral ian National University. Although many scientists, recognized, greeted the news with disbelief. “Is that science is conservative: we are always testing our ideas, but when a turns everything upside down, we are skeptical,” says Schmidt, who this week has lectured in Madrid, in the BBVA Foundation.

“Maybe the universe is very lonely in the future, no galaxies”


What do you paint in? The history of the acceleration of the universe, dark energy, as known, is fascinating from beginning to end, and nobody knows when it will clarify the mystery. But an idea of ??the German scholar, in 1917, which he considered his “biggest mistake” may explain the amazing discovery of 1998.

To understand it is better to follow the explanations of Schmidt. “What we did was to observe exploding stars, called supernovae, and use them to measure its apparent brightness, distances in the universe.” It was, he says, to take advantage of the latest technologies in astronomy with the largest telescopes to accurately measure “how much you stretch the universe”, ie the so-called Hubble constant. It was the American astronomer Edwin Hubble who discovered in 1929 that the galaxies are separated from each other and that the farther they are from the observer, the greater the apparent speed at which turn away from him. Thus was born the Big Bang theory, which describes the overall mass flight of galaxies from a large initial explosion. Einstein did not expect. I thought, like all scientists, then, that the universe was static and, as his equations of relativity gave a cosmos would collapse on itself, had introduced the cosmological constant to stop it. When Hubble found that the universe was expanding, there was no need in the Einstein equations that apparent artifice, which is “an energy space,” says Schmidt. It turns out that now is the best theory that physicists have to explain his great discovery.

“The web and wifi born of basic research”

“That energy of space is a vacuum, and that people understand that, if I take the piston of an engine and I press it, the air that is inside press against, out”, says the Australian. In the universe says, the effect of tightening the piston is the gravitational attraction of matter that would make the universe frenase and outward pressure is dark energy. When this energy dominates the cosmos, getting bigger, its effect counteracts the attraction instead of slowing down and accelerating. But attention, “this energy is space itself and is everywhere, is in you, in the galaxy … what happens is that here the proportion is negligible and not noticeable. “

So Einstein believed was right even when wrong? “There are many alternative explanations, thousands of them, for the acceleration of the expansion we observe, but the cosmological constant is the best, and simplest,” he replies Schmidt. The mystery remains open.

“We now know that the universe is made of dark energy (nearly 70%), dark matter (25%) and ordinary atoms (5%). 70% had gone unnoticed, “Schmidt is surprised.

“If the cosmos lose information in its evolution can not be understood”

So scientists know about the universe? “We are in that of the known, what we know we do not know and we do not know we do not know. So we’ve moved from the third to the second, but that’s the beauty of science. ” And more questions that open: “With the acceleration, if the universe is expanding faster and faster, both galaxies are separated from each other and so fast and be so far from us that their light will fail to reach us. You will see a sky with stars, but galaxies, Andromeda only, “says Schmidt. “It will be a lonely cosmos astronomer like me would not work,” he laments.

Schmidt declares optimistic about dark energy and expected to achieve understanding in a few years. But maybe … “Imagine that the Earth had formed about 9,000 million years after the Big Bang until much later, how cosmologist, watch the sky and I see galaxies, so I can not find the expansion of the universe, no acceleration, ie I can not understand how the cosmos because his information was lost evolution “raises Schmidt. “I find it disturbing, as a scientist, I like to think that you can get to understand almost everything.”

“The scientist must dare to make mistakes, not infallible”

Schmidt is still daring, although it says that the Nobel Prize for scientific conservative “because it takes a fair assumption, because it seems to be infallible, when the scientist, who is exploring the frontier of knowledge itself, into what new, must dare to make mistakes “.

not want this Australian born in the United States end without giving ogre twist on science that it shows, loves. Y refers to its usefulness, to why you need to invest in basic research effort. “Science, astronomy is to think, and in doing so open your mind to new ideas, to how to address problems and possibilities, and it is worthwhile to society. When you’re researching a new telescope things no one has thought of before and that trains people, “he says. Topped with two examples: “The Web was born at the European Laboratory for Particle Physics, CERN, a center for basic research, and the wifi was invented by a colleague of mine radio astronomer in Australia, John O’Sullivan, who studied as a hole evaporates black and had to solve the problem of how to bounce radio waves in the galaxy … So began working with multiple signals and the solution of astronomy led to the wifi “.

Arrested in Barcelona the author of the largest Internet attack - ABC.es

A month ago

internet connections slowed because of a spam war launched by Stophaus

A month ago the biggest attack waged registered internet. The action was causing the network speed worldwide are affected saw and was generated by a class=”c3″>

National Police has arrested the person responsible for the denial of service cyberattack DDOS. As announced in an official statement, an individual of Dutch origin was arrested in Granollers (Barcelona) . The detainee has 35 years, born in Alkmaar (Netherlands), said a diplomat and Minister of Telecommunications and Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyberbunker.


The National Police says that the individual was traveling in a van which was also used as an office.


that collapsed internet services like Netflix.



Several developers rush to change Google Glass, and ... - The Mundo.es

operating system that powers the Google Goggles (Google Glass), the An droid version 4.0.4 , can be modified. That is what ensures Jay Freeman (aka ‘Saurik’) and Liam McLoughlin, who have taken just a few hours ‘rooting’ Google Glass.

‘Saurik’, a well known developer for iOS and Android (creator of Cydia), speaks of ‘hacking’ in an interview with Forbes, and asgura who made this ‘rooteo’ shortly after receiving his glasses: specifically took two hours.

He is one of only 2,000 developers have been able to acquire to test, at a price of $ 1,500.

‘Rooting’ equates to acquire administrator privileges on the operating system Android, which can potentially allow the user to ‘surround’ any restriction added by the manufacturer to the device, install applications that you want, change the interzfaz to taste of each.

Specifically, ‘Saurik’ told Forbes that “within hours found he could use an exploit launched by a hacker who calls himself ‘B1nary’ last year to gain complete control of the operating system”. Only had to learn how that ‘exploit’ on phones and tablets with Android 4.0.4 and applied it “easy” to Google Glass.

photo center Photo: '@ saurik'

‘@ saurik’

Meanwhile, a little earlier, Chrome OS developer Liam McLoughlin and assured me it seemed complicated ‘rooting’ the device.

Glass Google commercial launch is expected later this year, so glasses are received by developers, for now, prototypes.

Google engineer X Stephen Lau confirmed that the glasses could be modified so that developers were launched to do with them what they wanted, but does not clarify whether the final model on sale later this year will be as “open”.

“We intentionally left the device open for you to turn yourselves, and make cos what fun things with him … I mean, you paid $ 1,500 for it,” says Lau. “Show me something cool,” he says in a post on his Google+ account.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Google CEO: "The mobile revolution will define the future of countries ... - 20minutos.es

class=”text”> Photography of Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google. (Daniel Barry / EFE)

Google CEO, Eric Schmidt , said Friday at a conference on Internet freedom of expression and that “mobile revolution is going to be in the defining force “in countries with authoritarian regimes .

According to Schmidt, “suddenly autocracies are viewing this impressive change that empowers people ” and said that despite these governments try to do everything possible to stop this “revolution” that will become increasingly difficult thanks to mobile and internet technology.

class=”imp”> Schmidt cited North Korea among the countries in which it is changing, for better, access to information “The mobile revolution, of which all are a part, will be the defining story for most people in authoritarian systems in the next 5 to 10 years “said Schmidt in a series of conferences organized by Google and Bloomberg in Washington.


President indicated that these dictatorships “ are going to realize that it is impossible to stop ” the technological revolution that allows you to share opinions and have access to information at all times, something that little by little is changing in countries like Somalia, North Korea or Burma.

Schmidt, who recently visited North Korea, said the Internet and companies like yours are forced to fight this censorship and the “temptation (government) to put internet filters” .

Google services like YouTube video portal is locked in countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, China or Iran and others like Morocco allow access to the map service Google Earth, something that Schmidt was surprised.

internet giant’s chairman also highlighted the growing power struggle in the virtual world of internet. “In the real world the United States and China get along quite well, but in cyberspace that is not so ,” he said.

“Countries are willing to do things in cyberspace that never do in the physical world ” said executive recalled that boldness may have important consequences in the real world.


considered China remains “the usual suspect” in this cyber war, noting as an example that “the day is recorded the lowest level of the year hacking is the chinese new year start. “

However, recalled the dangers of directly accusing China of attacks, and that “in the online world the notion of attribution is much more complicated ” and a third party may be responsible.

Nintendo still does not learn the lesson - Alt1040 - ALT1040

 Nintendo Direct Conference
By Eduardo Marin

April 27, 2013, 00:44

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is a shame to see what is happening to our beloved Nintendo , the company certainly has the largest experience in the world of video games, with some of the sagas and franchises known in the world and a huge popularity throughout the globe, which in recent years has seen an amazing decline in what appears to be the downfall of Nintendo, if you do not act fast, be unstoppable and could spell the end of this titan, which I really hope not to see happen.

But actions that Nintendo has been taking in recent years are no doubt more than questionable . Starting with the fiasco that in my opinion , has made its new home console, to the decision to skip the biggest event worldwide in the field of video games announced last week. But who the hell advises the Board on this matter?

The main error

Nintendo is in your mindset and strategy. I’m beginning to believe that the company believes that everyone in the world we’re Japanese, or that Japan is the only market that matters to take into account before making a decision. This comes from a family company that was born, and still maintains its traditions.

nintendo wii u and drop 2

According to the company statement, not its traditional hold a press conference at E3 2013 , and will retire for a time from the E3 to focus on “ get straight the public through Nintendo Direct “. For those who do not know, Nintendo Direct is a kind of virtual conference offered by the company from time to time through streaming and leads everyone simultaneously, to keep abreast of all developments, hand of the very Satoru Iwata, President of Nintendo worldwide.

But skip the E3 is the latest in a series of big mistakes by the company, and they really have been many. How is it possible that they will not appear in public in the event more attention in the world of video games ? Rather, they prefer to continue offering 15-minute broadcasts are incredibly boring and really a very small portion of the public is aware of them.

gamers E3 hope forward as if it were the world cup for a football fan. E3 has always meant big launches, and conferences especially hope “The Holy Trinity”, or what is the same, Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo . This time, we can forget to see a new Zelda or something like that, because even if he’s Nintendo at E3 , press conference will not only show some of its smaller titles stands .

The problem with Wii U


some recent decisions Nintendo Wii we find U , his new home console, in the months leading into the market, just sold just over 3 million units, something incredible case of the company in question.

The main problem with Wii U is given because many really do not know what difference is with Wii , starting because they have chosen what I consider the worst name ever for a new console. Those who know of the subject itself, that’s obvious, but do not know these things think that it is a “Wii”, something the Iwata has acknowledged. And let me say that the vast majority of the market does not know these things . So very wrong here and thing.

Joystiq Nintendo Wii U

Another thing is that group of loyal fans to death Nintendo certainly buy a Wii U at some point, but now Wii U is not worth it, that simple. Why? Because it has a sorry catalog of games. Nintendo is abusing its franchises , a lot. I can not believe you still do not offer something new, something revolutionary as well as they did with Wii, something that makes me think that command huge and uncomfortable serves some really surprising. To date presented games like Super Mario Bros U, which appears to be a port direct any of the “Mario” from 25 years ago and a lot of sequels of some franchises, not really attention.

Glad to see other developers pose attractive ideas for using that command. Square Enix and Rocksteady have presented us attractive things to do with the GamePad in Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Batman: Arkham City, respectively. But considering that these are old games on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, there is nothing today that makes me consider buying a Wii U. Well, maybe a little ZombieU , which I think is the only game at all that catches my attention on this platform, and (thankfully ) is exclusive.

Nintendo and mobile world

There is something we can not doubt, Nintendo is leading the mobile gaming world , a comparison between the 3DS and PS Vita , or even the PSP, in addition to remembering the impeccable sales numbers that had the Nintendo DS and DSi, we know that this type of public fan of handheld consoles Nintendo love, and still are absolute leaders in the market, for Sony sorrow.

Satoru Iwata, President of Nintendo Co., Ltd., poses after Nintendo's E3 presentation of Their new Nintendo 3DS at the E3 Media & Business Summit in Los Angeles

However, mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) are stealing this market. Undeniably, the iPod Touch now also considered a portable console and taking into account that may even cost less than a 3DS (plus the games are cheaper too), the house of Mario Bros will start to feel the fever of smartphones , and even perhaps to today does not concern him enough, in the medium term will, and with great force, since mobile games are getting better and better graphics, even outperforming the 3DS, which that may already be happening because according to studies by firms like IDC mobile games are billing more than the handheld games .

I understand the reasons why Nintendo does not carry its popular franchises to the iPhone or Android, and it is that what could provide for your laptop? Keeping your exclusive franchises is more than necessary , but unfortunately, many people prefer to buy an iPod that serves to conveniently browse, listen to music, watch videos and play before a 3DS just for the new Mario Party, which also costs about 40 euros or dollars.


ask Nintendo?

I should clarify that this is a personal opinion article , and full of frustration at seeing one of my favorite companies of all life through a series of unfortunate decisions that could end in the fall Nintendo, for many years. I think the company needs to improve a lot of mistakes and do it very quickly, before the 2013 ends up being a black year for the Japanese giant.

Remember, this E3 2013 will bring not one but two new consoles , the successors to the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, so the Wii U is even more difficult than ever to their new rivals. If Nintendo does not accelerate the arrival of original titles, flashy, attractive and above all new ( no more remakes for heaven’s sake !) Will continue increasingly losses as just announced in the last quarter lso exceeding $ 300 million.

The solution is not a new Mario, the solution is not a new Pikmin, much less to shoot from one position to another to his business (Iwata now is CEO of Nintendo of America, as well as President at overall). The solution is in the public gamer love again, and until the early Wii did, that although it sounds like it was recently talking about happened Nearly a decade after this.


Nintendo, I think there’s still time to improve and return to your glory years, and not the next SEGA .

Samsung returns to the fray with the Galaxy S4 which is already on sale - Lainformacion.com

Galaxy S4 is a good phone, but not great, according to the reviews

(Reuters) | The smartphone Samsung Galaxy S4 will be available from this Saturday in stores worldwide, with sales forecasts even higher than those of the successful previous model, according to their responsible.

Its cost on the open market is 699 euros and so fund operators, some of which have been organized today at select special activities to celebrate the launch.

According to Samsung, this new model of mobile phone Galaxy range, the most powerful, is equipped with 5-inch touch screen, and its major innovations is its ability to detect the face, the voice and movements without touching the appliance.


Super AMOLED screen Full HD display with extraordinary quality, the device includes 13-megapixel rear camera and a dual function that allows simultaneous use with another front. In addition, to control the screen with the look and enjoy music, photos, documents and games with friends without wifi or coverage.

estirar”> class=”temas-relacionados-articulo
    • Samsung Heavy Industries
    • Technology (general)
  • Xbox Infinity will share items and improve system ... - MeriStation


    will offer players the opportunity to share their own social networks and video games with a system similar to the “share” of PS4. According to sources consulted by Polygon, the new Xbox will capture full games and select the best, and even schedule recording automatically to certain events, such as obtaining a particular achievement or an accurate shot.

    By Moreover, the same sources confirmed that Xbox Infinity may require permanent internet connection as anti-piracy measure, a decision that depends on the editor of each game, which will allow you to choose between requiring a single authentication in the first game or connection to the net.

    Microsoft introduced some changes to the popular Achievements system, including allowing companies to developers and publishers add new achievements to a game after launch, no need to launch downloadable content. Also offer the option of creating Achievements “crusaders”, covering two or more titles, for example, an achievement for finishing the first level of two sets of the same company with no relationship between them. It is considering also the possibility of cross between Xbox Infinity Awards, Xbox 360, mobile applications and web pages related to a title.

    Finally, remove the limit of friends a user can have and introduce the possibility to follow other users and in other social networks.

    At the moment, Microsoft is merely indicated on May 21 as the date which will reveal all the information on the new Xbox.

    Samsung launches 'Galaxy S4', his new and powerful 'smartphone' - 20minutos.es

    class=”text”> The new S4 Galaxy, Samsung, at Radio City Music Hall in New York (USA). (EPA / ANDREW GOMBERT)

    phone smartphone Galaxy S4 Samsung be available from this Saturday in stores worldwide , with sales forecasts even higher than those of the successful previous model, according to its makers.

    class=”imp”> The ‘S4′ has 13 megapixel camera and offers the possibility to control the screen with the look Its cost on the open market is 699 euros and so fund operators, some of them in certain establishments have organized special events to celebrate the launch.

    According to Samsung, this new model of mobile phone Galaxy range, the most powerful, is equipped with 5-inch touch screen , and its major innovations is its ability to detect the face , the voice and movements without touching the device.


    Super AMOLED screen Full HD display with extraordinary quality, the device includes 13 megapixel rear camera and a dual function that allows simultaneous use with another front.

    also allows control the screen with the look and enjoy music, photos, documents and games with friends without wifi or coverage.

    "There are places that are inappropriate Google Glass" - ABC.es



    The Google Chairman Eric Schmidt class=”c3″> , has been testing Google Glass, augmented reality glasses U.S. company , and found the experience with them is a little weird.

    id=”U151233971176xSB”> class=”p”

    “the weirdest thing” , said Schmidt, in a conference on Thursday at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.

    id=”U151233971176w2G”> class=”p”

    Glass “.

    id=”U151233971176sPB”> class=”p”


    The U.S. company has decided that it will pre-approve all applications that are offered to users of Google Glass, unlike Android for “smartphones” and tablets. “It’s so new that we decided to be more cautious ,” said Schmidt. “It is always easier to wait and open it in the future.”

    Friday, April 26, 2013

    The center of the Earth is 1,000 degrees warmer than thought - Reuters

    class=”lv24hfoto options=”step:0,windowSize:1,automaticPages:0″
    The Center of the Earth is 1000 degrees hotter than it was believed


    Earth Core File

    Madrid. (Europa Press). – Scientists have determined that the temperature near the center of the Earth is 6,000 degrees Celsius , ie 1,000 degrees hotter than in a previous experiment 20 years ago.

    geophysical models These measurements confirm that the temperature difference between the solid core and upper mantle must have at least 1,500 degrees to explain why Earth has a magnetic field.

    The research team, led by Agnès Dewaele of the French national research organization CEA technology, along with members of the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS, its acronym in French) and the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility ( ESRF, its acronym in English) in Grenoble (France), whose findings were published Friday in the journal Science , was even able to establish why in the previous experiment had produced a number of minor temperature.

    Earth core consists mainly of a sphere of molten iron at temperatures above 4,000 degrees and pressures over 1.3 million atmospheres. Under these conditions iron is so fluid as water in the oceans and only in the center of the Earth is where the pressure and temperature increase is even greater, so that the molten iron solidifies.

    analysis earthquake causing seismic waves passing through the Earth tells us the thickness of the solid and liquid core, and even how the earth pressure increases with depth. However, these waves do not provide information on temperature, which has an important influence on the movement of material within the liquid core and the solid mantle above. In fact, the temperature difference between the mantle and the core is the main driver of the large-scale thermal movements, which together with the rotation of the Earth, acting as a dynamo generates the magnetic field of the Earth.

    The temperature profile through the Earth’s interior also underpins geophysical models that explain the creation and intense volcanic activity hot as the Hawaiian Islands (USA) or La Réunion (France). To generate an accurate picture of the temperature profile in the center of the Earth, scientists can observe the melting point of iron to different pressures in the laboratory, using a diamond anvil cell samples to compress the size of a speck pressures several million atmospheres and laser beams to heat reaching 4,000 or even 5,000 degrees Celsius.

    “In practice, many experimental challenges have to be met – CEA explains Agnès Dewaele – like iron sample must be thermally insulated and not be allowed to chemically react with their environment. Even if a sample reaches extreme temperatures and pressures of the Earth’s center, only do it for a matter of seconds.

    In this short period of time, it is extremely difficult to determine if it has begun to melt or solid remains. “This is where the X-rays come into play.” We have developed a new technique in which an intense beam synchrotron X can probe a sample and deduce whether solid, liquid or partially melted in just one second, using a process known as diffraction, “says Mohamed Mezouar from the ESRF, for whom this is” short enough “to keep temperature and constant pressure, and while avoiding any chemical reaction.


    experimentally determined melting point of iron to 4800 degrees Celsius and 2.2 million atmospheres of pressure, and then used a method of extrapolation to determine that 3.3 million atmospheres pressure in the boundary between liquid and solid core, the temperature would be 6000 + / – 500 degrees. This extrapolated value might change slightly if the iron is subjected to an unknown phase transition between the measure and the extrapolated values.

    When scientists

    scanned across the area of ??pressures and temperatures observed why Reinhard Boehler, then at the MPI for Chemistry in Mainz (Germany) in 1993 gave values ??of about 1,000 degrees below. From 2,400 degrees recrystallization effects appear on the surface of iron samples, which leads to the dynamic changes of the crystal structure of solid iron.

    twenty years experiment uses an optical technique for determining whether the samples were solid or molten, and it is highly likely that the recrystallization observation surface was interpreted as fusion.

    “Of course, we are very pleased that our experiment validates best current theories about the transfer of heat from the Earth’s core and the generation of Earth’s magnetic field. Hopefully in the not too distant future we can play in our laboratories, and research with synchrotron X-rays, all states of matter in the Earth’s interior, “says Agnès Dewaele.

    It enlarges the Samsung remote on Apple - The País.com (Spain)

    Needless photo finish to see who leads the global market for smartphones . Samsung has widened the distance in a year in 15 out of Apple. According to the latest data from IDC, in the first quarter of the year when even the South Korean firm had put up for sale the Galaxy S4, their smartphones obtained 32.7% of the market, when a year earlier was 28.8 %.


    growth is insufficient to reduce the distance, on the contrary, increases. Sales rose 6.6%, selling 37.4 million iPhone, but that only represents 17.3% of the booming sector, where a year ago was 23%. He has lost six points. Apple sells more and more, but it looks less in the field of smartphones .


    can only compete with a high end phone, while Samsung encrypts your success in smartphones of medium and low price. As a result, 70.7 million sold in three months, 60% more than a year ago. At this time the Korean company has sold more smartphones that its next four competitors: Apple, LG, Huawei and ZTE. All except the Apple brand, have gained market share.

    In the coming years, smartphones Half price (under 400 euros) and small price (below 250) will maintain the growth of the industry, it is essential Apple mobile remove other prices if market wants to see reduced to less than 10%. Although in this sense, Tim Cook, in the presentation of results on Tuesday, did not disclose any projects.

    2018, according to research firm ABI, smartphones Half price will triple, while the high-end only doubled.

    Smartphone sales exceed those of basic mobile, according to IDC - elEconomista.es

    AFP | 26/04/2013 – 19:03
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    smartphone sales in the first three months of this year exceeded those of basic mobile phones, hitherto unprecedented, said Friday at IDC.

    “phone users want computers in their pockets,” said senior research analyst at IDC, Kevin Restivo.

    “The days when phones were used primarily for making phone calls and texting are rapidly disappearing,” he said.

    The rise of smartphones has put the power in the hands of the U.S. company Apple and South Korea’s Samsung, but Chinese fimas as ZTE and Huawei are among the top five vendors, according to IDC.

    “Besides smartphones displace feature phones, the other major trend in the industry is the emergence of Chinese companies among the major smartphone vendors,” said research manager mobile phones, Ramon Llamas.

    “Chinese suppliers, including Huawei and ZTE and Coolpad and Lenovo, have taken significant steps to attract new users with their Android smartphones,” he said.

    Google’s Android operating system for smartphones is offered for free to device makers, while Apple keeps tight control over the iOS operating system for your iPhones.

    global mobile phone market grew 41.6%, and the number of phones sold rose to 418.6 million, compared to 402.4 million in the same period last year, IDC said.

    market in general, including basic phones that do not work as minicomputers connected to the Internet, increased 4%, to 418.6 million, according to IDC.

    Samsung is still the king of the smartphones: its sales rose 60.7%, to 70.7 million mobile phones, surpassing the total sent by Apple, LG, Huawei and ZTE, which complete the top five first in that order.

    Apple iPhone sales reached a new record for the company in the first quarter, an increase of 6.6%, to 37.4 million attributed 17.3% of the global market, compared to the Samsung holds 32.7% who said the IDC.

    ga / rcw / ad / an

    3.0 - Samsung Galaxy S4, thoroughly - 26/04/13 - RTVE

    The new batch of high-end smart phones hit the market, and in 3.0 we dissect the characteristics of the most desirable handsets. So today we begin a special devote the best smartphones of the moment. We started with the Samsung Galaxy S4, a phone with a spectacular 5-inch screen Super AMOLED technology. But the new Galaxy, has many more new …

    In 2012 the police arrested 270 people for crimes against ... - RTVE

    EFE class=”by

    National Police arrested last year 270 people for crimes against intellectual property and has opened thirteen operations related to counterfeiting and copying of audiovisual works, films, games or software .

    On the occasion of the celebration of World Intellectual Property Organization, the General Directorate of Police has revealed the results of the operations in 2012 against conduct that violates the right of the intellectual property.

    So, the central units of the police arrested more than a hundred people for intellectual property crimes, to which must be added another 164 arrested for territorial groups of the body, which represents 50% less than in 2011, where the figure reached 317 arrests.

    In 2012 developed 57 operations against such crimes , among which the dismantling of one network located in Ukraine that was hacking domestic and foreign publications to sell a virtual newsstand, which brought them a profit of 120,000 euros.

    Meanwhile, last June the agents investigated the illegal trade in soap operas via internet , an operation that ended with five arrests and the dismantling of four production of pirated copies.

    Agents also seized in Murcia more 20,000 counterfeit CDs and DVDs, in an operation that led to the arrest of seven people.
    addition, so far this year, the Anti-Piracy Group Technological Research Brigade has conducted seven operations crimes intellectual property and arrested seven people, in addition to open another thirteen.

    reminds Police currently imitation or counterfeit software, games and computer software have surpassed or counterfeit copies of audiovisual works and film because the download of these copies can pose dangers for users to damage your computer with viruses or corrupted files.

    Samsung profit soars with the Galaxy S4 and bet ... - Expansión.com

    Atahualpa Amerise

    SEOUL, April 26 (Thomson Financial.) – Samsung Electronics net profit soared 41.5 percent year on year in the first quarter of 2013, while preparing to continue leading the market for “smartphones” and give a final blow with the new Galaxy S4.

    His predecessor, the Galaxy S3, which for months competes closely with the U.S. iPhone 5 of Apple, has been the flagship product with the Samsung has reaffirmed its relentless expansion, according to results released today by the firm in Seoul.

    South Korean electronics giant, the world leader in sales of “smartphones”, recorded January-March net profit of about 4,950 million euros, compared with 3,500 million euros in the first quarter of 2012.

    addition, operating profit rose by 54.3 percent on-year to 6,080 million euros and sales grew 16.8 percent to accumulate about 36,600 million euros, data confirming approximate estimates that the company made earlier this month.

    sales and technology division of Samsung mobile communications increased 46 percent year on year to 22,720 million euros, while operating profit in this sector soared 56 percent to a record 4.500 million.

    The figure, which accounts for over three quarters of the total operating profit of the company in the first quarter, is attributed to the high demand of the successful tablet Galaxy Note 2 and, especially, the “smartphone” has stood up to iPhone 5 from South Korea: the Galaxy S3.

    This model was crowned last month as the smartphone with Android operating system bestselling history after market worldwide a total of 50 million units.

    aesthetic very similar to S3, S4 Galaxy with which Samsung hopes to beat the astronomical mark his predecessor went on sale today from a great excitement in the South Korean market, where thousands of people crowded in front of the main outlets to purchase the new terminal.

    With a five-inch HD screen, quad-core processor and advanced detection technologies in the two chambers, the Galaxy S4 will come between tomorrow and next week to most markets eventually cover a total of 155 countries .

    Samsung said in his statement today that the ongoing worldwide expansion of the fourth-generation LTE networks, technology available on both the S3 and the S4 will be a key factor when it comes to boost sales of its new device.

    However, citing the difficult conditions presented by the current stage, marked by the global economic downturn or increased competition, but promised to “strive to remain competitive by expanding the range of smartphones and tablets” .

    With this, Samsung Electronics not only alluded to the imminent global launch of its flagship product, the Galaxy S4, but also the new tablet Galaxy Note 8.0.

    last device went on sale in April in several countries in order to repeat the success of its predecessor, the Galaxy Note 2 and continue to compete against Apple iPad 4, which is expected in summer or autumn successor experts say.

    In this regard, Samsung Electronics stated its intention to “increase spending on R & D” to strengthen its competitiveness, “with the planned launch of new products” in the words of Robert Yi, vice president and director of investor relations the company.

    On the other hand, the South Korean firm seems to have struck in emerging markets, in which “a growing demand for consumer electronics products,” he said, which also has been a key factor when adding benefits in economic crisis among advanced countries. MarketWatch

    aaf / jpf / ltm

    Thursday, April 25, 2013

    Samsung 41.5% increase in net profit in the first quarter - The Mundo.es

    Samsung Electronics, the world’s largest maker of memory chips and smartphones, 41.5% managed to increase its net profit in the first quarter compared to the same period last year, the company said in a statement.

    net profit in the Korean technology giant from January to March period reached 7.15 trillion won (about 4,950 million), compared with 5.05 trillion won (3,500 million euros) in the first quarter of 2012, according to the report.

    Samsung Electronics shot

    also operating profit by 54.3% on-year to 8.78 trillion won (about 6,080 million), while sales accumulated 52.87 billion won (about 36,600 million), an 16.8% increase.

    technology multinational presented these final results of the first quarter, broadly in line with the first estimates of net profit and sales forward earlier this month.

    Samsung partly attributed to favorable results of the division sales and mobile communications technology , which grew 46% year on year to 32.82 trillion won (about 22,720 million), mainly due to high demand and other Galaxy S3 their smartphones.

    Another important contribution to the increase in profits of the South Korean firm was the improved performance of the semiconductor industry, which in the first quarter operating profit rose 52% year on year to 1.07 trillion won (about 740 million euros).

    Samsung acknowledged in its statement that “the unfavorable seasonal factor and the economic downturn hurt sales of televisions and appliances”, which, however, was offset by the high “demand for consumer electronics products in emerging markets “.

    Facing the coming quarters despite the global crisis, the South Korean giant hopes to increase spending on R & D to strengthen the competitiveness “with the planned launch of new products”, as its new Galaxy S4 said Robert Yi , vice president and director of investor relations for Samsung.