Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Study: Dogs know what to tell them their owners – El Diario de Yucatan



BERLIN (AP) – Scientists have found evidence to support what many dog ​​owners have long believed: man’s best friend does understand some of what we say in Hungary
Researchers scanned the brains of. dogs while they listened to speak to their manager in order to try to determine what parts of his brain were using.

they found that dogs processed words with the left hemisphere and use the right to process the tone, such and as we do people.

More importantly, only registered dogs that were being praised if the words and tone were positive. When they were told nonsense words but encouraging, or words meaningful voice in a neutral tone, did not show the same effects.

“In the brains of the dogs they care what we say and how tenths “said Attila Andics, a neuroscientist at the Eotvos Lorand University in Budapest and lead author of the study in an email. “The praise can function as a reward only if the meaning of the word matches the intonation used.”

Andics said the findings hint at the mental capacity to process language evolved earlier than that previously believed, and that what distinguishes humans from other species is the invention of words.

Although it is likely that other species also possess the mental ability to understand language like dogs, their lack of interest in human discourse prove difficult, said Andics.
dogs, on the other hand, have socialized with humans for thousands of years, which means they are more attentive to what people tell them and how is the say.

the researchers captured images of the brains of 13 dogs making use of a technique known as functional magnetic resonance imaging or fMRI, for its acronym in English, which records brain activity.
-six dogs border collies five golden retrievers, a German shepherd and a chino_ crested, were trained to stand still in the scanner for seven minutes so that they perform the tests. The animals were conscious and untethered while listening to the voice of their coaches through earphones.

“The most difficult aspect of training is that dogs understand that standing still means you really can not move in all, “said Andics, who published their findings in the journal Science.

Although dog owners the results may not surprise them, from the scientific perspective is” surprising “apparently meaning word is processed in the left hemisphere of the brain of dogs, said Brian Hare, associate professor in evolutionary anthropology at Duke University who was not involved in the research.

Gregory Berns, a neuroscientist at the University Emory, he cautioned that the study involved a small number of dogs. Before concluding that this is definitive evidence in the prosecution of the words, “they should have sought other evidence in the brain,” he said by email

<-.! End of hotwords-- >


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